Thursday, December 15, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 14

And then there were five!
     Considering how Ozzy almost got beat by Cochran last week, it is entirely possible for him to actually not win a Redemption Island duel.  However, Edna is not the one person who I would think would beat him.  Through-out the entire duel, the Upolu members were trying to give Edna tips on how to solve the puzzle that she was working on, but in the end, the Savaii member prevailed and sent Edna home for good!  At this point in the game, Ozzy only has one more person to defeat in order to get a final chance at becoming the sole survivor!

     I really wish that Albert would have been on the Savaii tribe.  He is the only person from the Upolu tribe who is willing to take risks, make strategic moves and actually play the damn game!  The only part of his game that I did not like was that he was wanting to go to the end with Coach and Rick, as opposed to Rick and Brandon or Coach and Brandon.  I simply do not understand why people don't see the genius idea of taking Brandon to the end....but that's the Upolu tribe for you.  Anyway, Sophie came up with a decent idea of getting rid of Brandon because he would put up a good fight against Ozzy at Redemption.  However, I think Albert would put up an equally tough fight as Brandon - - plus Brandon would not have a single chance at winning a million dollars if he was brought to the end.  But whatevs - - the self-proclaimed "smartest person on paper" really is not that smart at playing this game, in my opinion.

     Everyone has noticed Albert's scrambling as of late.  He is wanting to get rid of Sophie because she has been a physical competitor and hasn't ruffled too many feathers.  Honestly, I do think taking Sophie to the end is a stupid idea.  On the other end of the spectrum, Rick, Coach, and Sophie want to get rid of Brandon or Albert. 

     The tribe got thrown a curveball when Brandon won the immunity challenge.  Although it wasn't how they wanted things to go, their vote was an easy one.  Albert would be the next person to go.  However, tribal council was actually very interesting.  Brandon said that he had a conversation with God about how he needed to give his immunity idol to Albert.  He felt secure enough in his game that Sophie would be going home that night.  Coach even told him that HE would pray about it and see what God would want him to do.  Right before the vote, Brandon seemed worried that he was actually in danger - - and he was.  In a huge talk about loyality, honor, respect, integrity, blah blah blah, the bogus bullshit lies that the fab five have been preaching the entire season finally surfaced.  Jeff gave Albert the opportunity to give the idol back to Brandon, but Albert refused - - of course he did.  To Albert, the only smart member of the entire Upolu tribe, this game is about doing whatever necessary in order to win the game.  Brandon was the next person sent to Redemption after one of the dumbest moves ever made in the game of Survivor. 

     I think getting rid of Brandon was yet again one of the stupidest moves that could have been made.  What's the point?!  The Upolu members are NOT fooling anyway.  The tribe has this cult-like, better-than-thou mentality that everyone sees right through.  Brandon has played the game very messy.  He has gotten into arguments with several people and has had numerous meltdowns.  In order to win this game, you have to constantly be thinking about your own end game...who do you want to go to the end with you so you can have the best chance at winning.  I definitely think that Rick is a completely worthless, mute piece of shit.  He does NOT deserve to win whatsoever.  Take him!  Brandon should have been taken to the end as well.   In my opinion, Brandon is like Russell in the sense that he is very vocal.  He means what he says and says what he means.  He has taken so much heat throughout the season because of this, and it would have been a perfect reason to keep him around for the final three.  He has rubbed everyone the wrong way, and I don't think he would have a chance in hell at winning a million dollars.  I seriously hope that next season is much different.  What makes the show interesting is when people make big moves.  I hate watching a season where everyone is playing it safe.  It is sooo unbearably boring.  The past two seasons have been like this.  No more returning players for a while, please!!

     The Sprint Player of the Season is chosen by the fans and is awarded $100,000 at the reunion show.  I texted my ten votes for Cochran.  As much as I CANNOT stand him whatsoever, he was the only person in the season willing to make a big move.  Yes, I called it from the very beginning.  His big move was stupid and pointless.  However, it was so big that it single-handedly determined the rest of the game.  I do not expect him to win - - I think Ozzy will, but Cochran definitely deserves it.

     The season finale is Sunday!  I expect the final three to be Rick, Sophie, and Coach, but at this point in the game anything can happen.  I would love to see Ozzy return from Redemption and sneak his way into the final three.  I don't expect it to happen, but we shall see! 

    I also wanted to give a shout-out to Cirie Fields and Ozzy Lusth for becoming the first two members of the 2011 class of the Survivor Hall of Fame.  Although I do not think that Ozzy is deserving, Cirie definitely is.  Congrats guys.  I look forward to joining you someday!  Haha.

    In addition, Gordon Holmes gave me a shout-out in his Survivor blog, which I'm very excited about considering he is a big deal in the online Survivor community.  I'm slowly creeping my way into the Survivor universe.  People will start remembering my name.  2012 is going to be MY Survivor year in one form or another. . . mark my words!  Click here for Gordon's article

See you Sunday at the finale!!

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

South Pacific: Episode 13

*I apologize that this is so late, but I am going to post both recaps today, to prepare everyone for the season finale!!*

     The episode started out with the Redemption Island duel between Ozzy and Cochran.  Once again I find it ridiculous that both Edna and Cochran are surprised that they are being targeted now, but enough about that.  Cochran surprisingly gave Ozzy a run for his money.  I was literally cringing when I thought Cochran was going to finally send Ozzy home - - how ironic would that have been.  Unfortunately for John, this was not the case.  Ozzy was once again the victor and remained the King of Redemption.  Cochran gave his last interview about how he was a changed man, then was sent on his way. 

     This episode was the loved one's visit.  After winning the Island duel, Ozzy was able to choose three people who would be able to spend the day with their loved ones.  I am fairly confident in the fact that people have been feeding Ozzy with a lot of information as they go through Redemption due to the simple fact that he chose three of the assumed ring-leaders of the tribe:  Coach, Brandon, and Albert.  It was fairly obvious that Ozzy's intent was to get in with the three men, Coach inparticular.  You could definitely tell that Brandon's dad and Russell are brothers.  Brandon's dad tried to bully Coach into making sure that he takes Brandon to the final three.  This alone would have made me not want to do it. 

     It became painstakingly clear that Edna was the next to go.  In the reward/immunity challenge, Edna was quickly targeted so she had absolutely no chance of winning immunity.  Brandon was very vocal about the fact that it was Edna's time to go.  Edna was just flabbergasted that she was the next to go.  She mentioned on several occasions about how everyone was playing with "honor and integrity" yet Brandon has had so many meltdowns throughout the season that clearly honor and integrity got tossed out the window a long time ago.  She made a final plea at tribal council, but it did not pan out in her favor.  Edna was the first member of the post-merge Upolu tribe to be sent to Redemption Island.

     Now that it's down to the final five, I would hope that the game would start getting interesting, but I honestly do not expect it to.  The Upolu tribe have played it save throughout the entire season - - safe = boring.  It may be the smartest thing for their individual games, but it does not make for good television.  I'm seriously hoping something starts changing very soon!

One final note - - I thought it was hilarious when Edna refused to pray with the rest of the crew.  This was the first time someone from the Upolu tribe was upfront and honest about the whole cult situation the entire season!  She wasn't part of the main alliance, so why bullshit everyone and try to fit in? 
Until next time...

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Saturday, December 3, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 12

     Episode 11 was a mid-season recap show, which is why it was skipped.

     The Redemption Island challenge ended how I knew that it would.  Ozzy, Whitney, and Dawn competed in a plate-balancing mission.  Ozzy was the victor, but he was not added back to the game yet.

     One thing that I have observed is how observant Sophie is.  On more than one occasion, she has just sat back and watched how different players interact with each other.  Observance is definitely a key aspect in playing this game, and that is why I like her. 

     I think it is funny that Cochran feels like the Upolu tribe owes him something.  Cochran made the stupid decision to jump ship and be a traitor to the other Savaii members.  There was no reason for the Upolu members to turn on each other and keep Cochran around after they were finished wiping out the other tribe one-by-one. 

     Albert has been ruffling feathers due to his lack of helping around camp.  He made a snide remark expressing "To me this game is about doing well in challenges, creating a great strategy and playing a strong social game. So those are what I’m focused on. I leave the housework to Martha Stewart.”  Clearly Albert is completely unaware that part of the social game is putting in the required work around camp.  It doesn't matter if you think it's not necessary or if you think conserving your energy for challenges is a wiser decision - - it is all about your tribemates perception of what you're doing.  In the end, laziness is not rewarded a million bucks, which is something Albert needs to keep in mind. 

     Edna and Cochran finally caught on to the fact that they are sixth and seventh in their tribe.  I'm not sure why people are completely oblivious to the fact that not everyone is going to make it to the finals.  At some point people have to start thinking for themselves and make some big moves, otherwise someone else is choosing when you are going to leave the game.  Cochran and Edna decided that they were going to try to rally the troops - - Albert and Sophie - - in order to get rid of Rick.

     Cochran knew that he was desperate, so he came up with a white lie about how his birthday was in a couple days (even though it was actually 6 months prior).  I thought this was an awesome idea, and it is totally something that I will probably use in the future if I feel as if I am in trouble.  He was hoping that this would give him some sympathy votes and people wouldn't try to get rid of him yet.

     Albert ended up winning the reward challenge and the immunity challenge.  He was given a full-body massage, as well as a hot shower.  He was able to choose one person to go with him, which he ultimately chose Coach.  I thought this was an awesome idea seeing as in how Coach is the man in charge.  Albert wanted to bring one more person with him, but Jeff wouldn't let him, so he decided to give up his own spot and gave it to Cochran.  I seriously thought this was one of the best moves of the season.  Not only did he get rid of any sort of guilt that the tribe might feel by getting rid of Cochran, but he also probably won Cochran's vote on the jury.  In addition, it got Coach away from the rest of the tribe.  This would have been an opportune time for everyone to figure out where everyone else stood.  If Sophie and Albert wanted to make a big move, it would have been a good time to talk about getting rid of Coach.  The one thing about this tribe that I hate is how predictable and boring it is.  It's just like Boston Rob's Ometepe tribe last season.  Make some big moves or else Coach is going to win the million dollars and the title of "Sole-Survivor."

     Another thing that I want to mention is that Sophie was in the final round of the challenge.  If people are thinking about getting rid of her before the final three, they should use the times that she doesn't win immunity to get rid of her - - - just a thought.

     Ultimately, Edna and Cochran were the only two people to vote for Rick and tribal council.  The rest of the tribe voted for Cochran.  I thought this was the right decision for the rest of the tribe.  There really is no need to keep Cochran around.  I also predict that Edna will go next week.  I'm interested to see how dirty things will get once there are only five people left.  Also, I want Ozzy to rejoin the game.  I know that he will take out Cochran without any sort of problem.  When he does join the game, I would love for him to win a couple immunity challenges so things will get mixed up a little bit.  If someone doesn't make a big move soon, everyone is basically writing Coach the million dollar check already.

     One final note - - I found out that the first round of phone calls go out in January and the second go out in February.  The @CBS website says that if you don't hear anything about the casting call auditions by February 29th then your "torch has been snuffed."  Keep your fingers crossed, guys!  Thanks for the support.

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Australian Outback (Season 2)

     The Australian Outback is the second season of Survivor.  It premiered in January of 2001.  There is a reason why I became addicted to this show, and this season is why.  There were so many great things about this season.  There are so many memorable moments and characters, and several firsts. 

    This is the first (and possibly only) season to have 42 days, as opposed to the normal 39. 
    There are four people from the cast who went on to compete in Survivor All-Stars a few seasons later (Colby, Jerri, Tina, and Alicia). 
    This is the first time that we saw a voting tie, which ultimately resulted in the person with the most PREVIOUS votes cast against him or her would be the person leaving.  I'm not sure that this tie-breaker was used in any other season.
     Most importantly, it seemed like there were so many great people on this season.  The casting team definitely did a great job with the selection process.  Everyone had his/her own strengths and weaknesses that it could have been easily justified if anyone won the game.

The Kucha tribe in my opinion was the better tribe.  It consisted of:  Alicia Calaway,  Jeff Varner, Michael Skupin, Kimmi Kappenberg, Debb Eaton, Nick Brown, Rodger Bingham, and Elisabeth Filarski (Hasselbeck).

          This tribe worked really well together.  Other than Kimmi, there really was no inner turmoil going on.  I remember the first time that I watched this season, I didn't really like this tribe.  That is normally because I tend to root for the underdogs - - and Kucha was definitely not the underdogs.  They were a really strong tribe that should have gone all of the way.  The thing that sealed the fate of this tribe was one of the most shocking situations ever to occur on reality TV.  Michael was the leader of the tribe.  He was a really good provider - - even going to extremes to stalk and kill a boar in order to secure that his tribe had food to eat.  It was right before the merge that Michael had a horrendous accident.  While he was tending to the campfire, he inhaled too much smoke and passed out into the fire.  His skin was literally hanging off of his hands.  He was air-evaced out of the camp, and the two tribes merged with equal numbers.  If this would not have happened, I can almost guarantee that one of the Kucha members would have won a million bucks.  Probably the most successful person from this season is Elisabeth Filarski (Hasselbeck) - - the ultra-conservative talk-show hostess of "The View."

The Ogakor tribe has two players who went on to play the game two more times.  The "hero," Colby Donaldson and the original villainess of reality TV, Jerri Manthey.  Other members of the tribe were:  Kel Gleason, Maralyn Hershey, Amber Brkich, Keith Famie, and Tina Wesson. 

     You knew what kind of player Jerri was going to be at the very beginning of the season.  She lied to her tribe, accusing Kel of sneaking beef jerky into camp in order to get him evicted from the game.  She ruffled so many feathers throughout the season - - constantly butting heads with Tina and Keith.  I thought that she had some of the better gameplay of the season, but obviously pissed way too many people off in order to win.  Most of the people on this season wanted to play with honor and respect and bring the good people to the end, which is why Jerri did not make it as far as she probably should have.  Also, even though Colby is one of the most popular people to ever play the game - - he was never that good at actually playing the game.  In all three seasons that Colby played, he never made any big moves.  He just did what he thought was right - - didn't want to piss too many people off - - and just went with the flow. 

The merged tribe was known as  BarramundiThis tribe was made up of five members from both previous tribes:  Colby Donaldson, Jerri Manthey, Amber Brkich, Tina Wesson, and Keith Famie from the defunct Ogakor tribe and Elisabeth Filarski (Hasselbeck), Rodger Bingham, Alicia Callaway, Nick Brown, and Jeff Varner from Kucha.

     I think the most notable things that happened after the merge were when the tribe had to give up part of their shelter in exchange for some extra rice because they had a dangerously low supply left due to a lack of rationing skills.  Also, there was a flood that came through and swept away pretty much everything that the tribe had.  I've always dreamed about going to Australia, but this seasond did the landscape absolutely no justice.  They were next to a dirty river the entire time - - not the ocean, and it seemed like it rained the entire time.  This cast definitely had it worse off than probably any cast ever did.

ContestantOriginal TribeMerged TribeFinishTotal votes
Deborah "Debb" Eaton
45, Milan, NH
Kucha1st Voted Out
Day 3
Kel Gleason
32, Fort Hood, TX
Ogakor2nd Voted Out
Day 6
Maralyn Hershey
51, Wakefield, VA
Ogakor3rd Voted Out
Day 9
Mitchell Olson
23, Vermillion, SD
Ogakor4th Voted Out
Day 12
Kimmi Kappenberg
27, Ronkonkoma, NY
Kucha5th Voted Out
Day 15
Michael Skupin
38, White Lake, MI
Due to Injury
Day 17
Jeff Varner
34, Greensboro, NC
KuchaBarramundi6th Voted Out
Day 21
Alicia Calaway
32, New York, NY
Kucha7th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 24
Jerri Manthey
30, Los Angeles, CA
Ogakor8th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 27
Nick Brown
23, Steilacoom, WA
Kucha9th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 30
Amber Brkich
22, Beaver, PA
Ogakor10th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 33
Rodger Bingham
53, Crittenden, KY
Kucha11th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 36
Elisabeth Filarski
23, Boston, MA
Kucha12th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 39
Keith Famie
40, West Bloomfield, MI
Ogakor13th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 41
Colby Donaldson
26, Christoval, TX
Tina Wesson
39, Knoxville, TN
OgakorSole Survivor0

Order of elminationDebb, Kel, Maralyn, Mitchell, Kimmi, Michael, Jeff, Alicia, Jerri, Nick, Amber, Rodger, Elisabeth, and Keith.  The final two were Colby and Tina with Tina being the Sole Survivor in a 4 to 3 vote.

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 10

This review is a week late, so I do apologize
     One of the biggest things I learned from this episode was when Coach said "Anybody that's on the bottom of an alliance better not feel like they're on the bottom of an alliance or they're going to revolt and try to scramble to find themselves a better place in the game."  The social aspect of the game is absolutely the most important.  You have to screw people over, but do it in a way that they are still going to give you a million dollars when it's all said and done.

     The Redemption Island challenge consisted of three former Savaii members facing off against each other - - Ozzy, Jim, and Keith.  Jim went out first, followed by Keith, thus potentially allowing Ozzy a third opportunity to play the game.

     There really wasn't a whole lot going on in this episode.  Albert is ready to make a big move in order to ensure that he stays in the game.  He knows that Edna does not deserve to stay in the game, more so than Dawn and Whitney.  I truly believe that he would have jumped ship if he would have been able to secure a couple more votes.  Unfortunately, in a double elimination, Dawn and Whitney were kicked off one-by-one. 

     I think the Upolu tribe needs to seriously think about who they want to take to the end.  If Sophie is not one of these people, they need to get rid of her when she loses immunity.  She has proven to be a strong competitor in the challenges with back-to-back wins, and second place finishes in previous challenges. 

     I am anxous to see what happens in the next episode.  It looks like Ozzy gets put back into the game...but the previews also show Whitney and Dawn still in the game, as well.  I'm not sure what to expect.

I also wanted to share a couple tweets I received from Jerri Manthey.  You remember her, right?  She is the original villainess of Survivor.  She was in the second season (Australian Outback), she was in Survivor:  All-Stars, and she was also in the Villains tribe in Survivor:  Heroes vs. Villains.  You can read our tweets below!   I recently started re-watching season review will be posted in a day or two.  I tagged her, Colby Donaldson and Elisabeth Hasselbeck (Filarski).  Also, every year, a few people get inducted into the Survivor Hall of Fame.  This year I voted for Colby, Jerri, and Rupert.  That is what the second tweet is about.  :)

Tim Gilmore

Re-watching the Australian Outback!! .
Jerri Manthey
nice!!!! Pretty different bak then....
Jerri Manthey
why shux.... Thx!!! : )

Until next time....

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Saturday, November 12, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 9


     There really wasn't a whole lot going on in this episode, strategy wise, and I feel as if it is going to be like this for the next couple episodes - - at least until the former Savaii tribe is wiped out.  The biggest thing about this episode is that there were two tribal councils.  Considering Keith was at Redemption Island by himself, there obviously was no duel. 

     One of the key things that stood out at me in this episode was that in the individual immunity challenge, there were three former Savaii members in the final round.  Clearly, the Savaii tribe was the stronger tribe (with the exception of Cochran who continually kept them from winning each week).  Jim ended up winning individual immunity, and he came up with a really good plan.  He told Ozzy that at tribal council, he would give his immunity to Ozzy because he knew that everyone was going to vote Ozzy off that night.  He said that he would give a speech about how everyone continues to talk about loyalty, but Cochran is the only person in the game who has displayed none.  Jim wanted everyone to not have an opportunity to talk to each other before the vote in hopes that Cochran would go home.  Jim knew that it was only a matter of time before he was sent home.  I truly believe that this would have been an amazing plan and could have potentially worked out, but Jim decided to hold on to immunity and Ozzy was sent to Redemption.

     The second immunity challenge of the episode involved food.  Members of Te Tuna had a choice on whether to compete or to sit out and eat junk food.  In a situation such as Survivor, I honestly do not see myself sitting out of a challenge in order to eat food.   I always thinks it's ignorant to be so comfortable in your position, so cocky, that you feel the need to not compete for immunity  Then again, I have never gone 21 days without eating on a regular basis.   In this instance, I would have definitely competed considering that I am lactose intolerant hahaha.  All of the former Upolu members and even Cochran sat out of the challenge.  Whitney, Dawn, and Jim competed.  Whitney won immunity and bought herself three more days on the island.  Jim was voted off.

     On next week's episode, it seems as if Ozzy is more determined than ever to get back into the game.  Honestly, even though I like Keith more, I would much rather see Ozzy come back into the game.  He has the best chance of mixing things up a little bit by being fully capable of winning so many individual immunity challenges like he has done in the past. 

     The only other thing I have to comment on is that I believe Coach has a really good chance at finally winning this game.  I would love to see Albert and Sophie get rid of him.  I hate when people don't strategize whatsoever and just allow themselves to get kicked off one by one.  Unless someone backdoors Coach, you might as well just give him the check now.

Voted off:  Ozzy (9th), Jim (10th)

Until next time.....

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Friday, November 4, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 8

     The title of this week's episode was called "Double Agent," and this is exactly how the episode ended.  I just wanted my picture of the week to reflect this.  I'll give more deets about that as I go along.

     We all saw last week's episode, right?  We know that the Savaii tribe decided to send Ozzy to Redemption Island so the tribe would have the best chance of getting rid of Christine and evening up the numbers for the merge.  The plan, as risky as it was, had the potential to be a great plan as long as everyone kept up their ends of the bargain.  Cochran was going to look like the villain.  He "played" the immunity idol that sent Ozzy to Redemption.  Well, when both tribes were able to go to the duel on Redemption Island, everyone knew what was coming next -- the merge was finally upon us.  However, I thought Ozzy's charades were over the top.  He made a huge spectacle of the entire situation.  The Upolu did not believe him, which is completely understandable.  In my opinion, he should have just kept his cool, not said much about the situation, then when the time came he could have acted like he was almost too embarrassed to talk about the situation.  Sometimes saying too much is exactly that - - too much. Fortunately for the Savaii tribe, Ozzy destroyed Christine in the challenge.  The two tribes of six merged to form Te Tuna.

     The funny thing about the situation of voting Ozzy out is that no one on the tribe thought it was a good idea.  Everyone thought that Cochran should have stood up and finally admitted that he simply does not belong in the game.  This did not happen.  We were able to see some of the "hateful" things that some of the Savaii members were saying to him.  Although I definitely do not agree with bullying someone else, but I completely see their frustration with him.  I even got into an argument on Facebook about this.  Cochran is completely useless and has been from the very beginning.  The only reason why he had been spared for three tribal councils is because they felt sorry for him.  He played the pity card the entire time.  He was picked last in school, he had no friends, blah blah blah.  This is a game of Survivor.  This isn't the Biggest Loser or Beauty and the Geek or some other mushy reality show.  If you don't have the goods to stay in the game, then get the fuck out!  The members of Savaii knew that they should have kicked him out at the very first tribal council, but they gave him the benefit of the doubt.  They kept him around hoping that he would eventually prove himself worthy, but he never did!  He was completely worthless in challenges, he didn't offer much help around camp, and he was socially awkward.  There was absolutely no reason why he should have stuck around - - his tribemates knew that and were simply frustrated that he was still there when he didn't deserve to be.  As aforementioned, he didn't deserve to be bullied, but everyone was frustrated with him - - completely understandable.

     Finally, we have reached the point of individual immunity challenges.  The Savaii tribe is MY tribe.  I would love to see one of them win the whole thing (with the exception of Cochran).  So, I was ecstatic when Dawn won immunity out of the women, and Ozzy won out of the men (which I believe is the first time there was both a male and female winner  - - at least in recent years).  Not only were the two of them secure, but there was also an immunity idol in the group.  Even if there was a 6-6 tie twice, they would have went to drawing rocks where there was only a 3 in 9 chance that someone from the Savaii tribe would be going home - - pretty good odds!

      Dawn caught on to the fact that Cochran was thinking about jumping ship.  Not only was he thinking about it, but it was clear through out the entire episode that he was going to.  He told them that Ozzy had the hidden immunity idol.  Coach called him about the whole situation regarding Ozzy being sent to Redemption Island.  Cochran bitched and moaned about being picked on.  It simply made me sick to my stomach.  Cochran even told Upolu that Savaii was going to give the idol to Whitney because Upolu would expect them to give it to either Keith or Jim.  This is my opinion about the whole situation:  Dawn didn't want to tell the Savaii tribe about Cochran's doubts.  However, SHE SHOULD HAVE!  She should have tried to play the game a little bit.  Talk to people - - try to mix things up a little bit.  If she would have shared Cochran's doubts, then the tribe could have given the immunity idol to Keith or Jim (obviously, it's hard to tell which one they were going to actually vote for).  Cochran wouldn't have had to know about the switch, because they were still going to vote for Rick the first time.  The Savaii tribe may not have been able to see what kind of weasel Cochran is, but at least they would have gotten one of the former Upolu members out.

     Tribal council played out like this:  Ozzy and Dawn won the individual immunity idols.  Ozzy gave the hidden immunity idol to Whitney.  The first votes were tied 6-6 with Keith getting six and Rick getting six.  This should have been a good indication that Cochran told Upolu what was going on considering the tribe didn't vote for Whitney.  After the vote, the tribes had to revote, but only for Keith or Rick.  The votes resulted in 7 for Keith (with Cochran jumping ship).  Keith was sent to Redemption Island. This completely sucks for me, because he was the best looking guy on the entire show!  However, he definitely does have a chance to get back into the game - - and I have faith that he will!

        I'm going to tell you why I think Cochran's move to jump ship this early in the game was the stupidest decision he could have made for his game and how I think things may play out the next few episodes.  (1)  He may have been at the bottom of the Savaii tribe, but now he's at the bottom of the Upolu tribe.  I'd much rather be in the top 6 then the top 7.  (2)  What makes him think the Upolu tribe is going to keep him around?  Obviously Cochran is a coward.  The tribe should kick off one more member of Savaii just to keep the numbers in their advantage, then get rid of Cochran.   (3)  However, Cochran is the villain now.  People may think that if they keep him around for the final three, it will be an easy vote from all of the Savaii members.  It may be expected that he will not get any votes since he back-stabbed so many people.  However, if someone allows for this to happen, I can honestly say that if I was on the jury, I would probably vote for Cochran to win a million dollars.  I wouldn't want to be one of the bitter bitches on the jury - - so if this was Cochran's intent all along, then kudos to him...good job!

  It looks like on next week's episode that Albert and Sophie are thinking about mixing things up a bit.  At this point in the game, it just does not make sense to do this.  They just need to stick to their guns, vote out one more Savaii member so this person can duel with Keith, then follow that with Cochran.  It'll be interesting to see what happens next.  I can't wait!

Voted out this week:  Keith :(

P.S.  - - On Twitter this week, I asked @survivorshannon "considering how brutally honest u are, I figured id ask u if the votes are rigged or are people actually that stupid??"  His response was, "tht stupid!"

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Thursday, October 27, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 7

     This was the first time of the season that I was left wanting more.  I absolutely cannot wait seven more days to find out what happens on Survivor.  The episode left us with a complete cliff-hanger, and I will tell you my thoughts on this.

     Survivor:  South Pacific has undoubtedly been the most unpredictable season I have seen in recent years.  Normally, it is easy for me to gauge what moves certain individuals are going to make, or at what point each castaway is going to turn on one another and cause the downfall of the tribe.  I have gotten so much wrong this season, it is ridiculous!  I have gotten a few things right, though! :)

     For instance, I thought that the Savaii tribe would continue it's winning streak due to the fact that loyalty had been tested on the Upolu tribe.  After Mikayla's departure, the Upolu tribe was able to gather its remaining members and band together.  In order to do so, Coach decided that it would be best to "find" the hidden immunity idol.  He didn't want to let people know that he already had it, so he thought it would be best to magically "find" it - - all they needed was to pray, of course.  I honestly think that Coach's idea is the best possible scenario for the tribe.  He didn't want to ruffle feathers by letting people know he already found it - - instead, it was a bonding experience by everyone on the tribe looking for the hidden idol together.  This definitely made the tribe much stronger, and Savaii better be praying that they do not go to another pre-merge challenge.  I definitely understand the importance of having a loyal tribe going into the merge.  The six of these people have such a strong bond that they are going to be extremely hard to break.

     I definitely thought that if anyone was going to be able to take out Christine, it would be Mikayla.  I was wrong!  It was definitely the closest Redemption Island duels this season, but Christine is hungry!  She wants to get back in the game.  I have so much faith in her now, that it wouldn't surprise me if she wins again next week, even though I don't want her to!

     Prior to the immunity/reward challenge, Ozzy came up with a "worst-case" scenario.  He recalled from last season that Matt returned to his tribe at the merge.  He also knows that after next week's duel, there will be a total of twelve players left, which is how many people typically make it to the Ozzy thinks that if Savaii just so happened to lose, that he should give up his hidden immunity idol to the tribe and be voted in to Redemption Island.  This would give the Savaii tribe the best possible chance at beating Christine and keeping the Savaii 6 in tact.

     During the challenge, Savaii was killing it!  They had a strong lead until Cochran failed to clip the ropes at the right locations.  This caused the tribe to fall behind and ultimately lose.  Ozzy was physically distraught and blamed Cochran for the loss.  Honestly, I believe that Cochran is interesting to watch, but he is absolutely useless in the challenges.  He truly should have been the first one to go at the beginning of the season!  There were talks around the tribe about whether or not Ozzy was going to stick with his original plan..or go ahead and vote off Cochran.  There were a couple people who did not want to vote off Ozzy (Keith and Jim), but ultimately this is what happened.  Ozzy gave up his hidden immunity idol in order to be sent to Redemption Island.

    I absolutely disagree with this decisions and let me give you a few reasons why!  Jeff called this one of the biggest moves to ever be made in the game of Survivor, and I definitely agree.  First of all, what if by some odd chance that Ozzy doesn't beat Christine?  I don't see it happening, but it is possible.  Ozzy isn't a God.  He may be the "winningest Survivor of all time," but that doesn't mean that he can't be beat.  Secondly, Christine absolutely hates the Upolu tribe.  I truly believe that she would have flipped on her former tribe if given the opportunity to play again.  Another note, I truly believe that any member of the Savaii tribe - - other than Cochran - - would have had the ability to beat Christine.  Why choose the strongest person from the tribe?  In addition, what if the merge doesn't happen?!  We all know that the merge typically comes when only 12 tribemates remain.  However, it doesn't necessarily have to be the case - - the 12 member merged tribe has only taken place in recent years, not during every season.  If the merge doesn't happen, there is no chance in hell that the Savaii tribe will beat Upolu.  One final thought, even if the tribes do merge at this point, who's to say that Ozzy will be able to come back into the game?  We all know that Matt did last season, but it may not happen again.

     I do think it is important to make big moves in the game of Survivor.  However, as I pointed out, this situation could go in so many different directions.  It's a huge risk.  Fortunately for the Savaii tribe, I do think that it will work out in their favor - - at least I hope it does.  The reason why I think it will is because Ozzy  is a beast in the challenges.  I don't think losing to a 40+ woman is even an option for him.  Furthermore, we don't see any previews for next week's episode.  The tribe colors would give it away whether or not there is a merge.  Maybe this is their way of keeping us on our toes, but I definitely predict the merge to take place next week, Ozzy will come back, and the tribes will be tied 6-6.

The Savaii tribe has been the most entertaining tribe to watch this season.  Everyone is playing his/her own game.  There is so much strategy involved, it is so entertaining to watch.  The other group of people should just be called The Coach Tribe - - it's boring, and we saw it last season with Boston Rob.  Strategically, I can see the six members of the Savaii tribe outsmarting the Upolu tribe.  I can't wait to next week's episode!

One final note. . . I was "Tweeting" throughout the episode and one of the former Survivor castaways actually replied to one of my tweets! :)  Shannon from Nicaragua

My tweet to him, then his response to me. :)

Tim Gilmore
sucks! Should have left the 1st day! Sucks to see ppl stay when they don't deserve it and vice-versa.
20 hours ago via Twitter for Android

Survivor Shannon E ™

Thts y he staysCause he sucks!He's weak!Most weak people stay!They r good at being pawns!Unless ur with a bunch of followers
Until next time.....

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Thursday, October 20, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 6

The episode started out with the Savaii tribe coming back from tribal council.  Ozzy was completely shocked that Elyse was voted out.  He felt like an idiot and betrayed by Whitney and Keith because he was in the dark about their intentions.  He made a huge speech about how he's going to be a free agent from here on out, that it's the tribe against him, and he even went on to tell everyone that he has the hidden immunity idol.  Such an idiot!  I know that it was just in the heat of things, but come on!  Seriously?  Huge mistake!  This tantrum could eventually get Ozzy out of the game much sooner than he originally thought.  He did end up apologizing for his actions in order to strengthen the tribe; and he admitted that if he doesn't win the game, he wants one of the Savaii Six to do so!

The next Redemption Island duel took place with Elyse and Christine going at it.  It looks as if Christine is slowly beginning to break, but some how she managed to squeak out another win and sent Elyse home.  Christine is actually very impressive and is the Queen of Redemption Island this season!  It should be interesting to see if she will be able to keep the winning streak alive.

Brandon decides to pull a "Russell" and frantically searches for the hidden immunity idol.  He easily finds the clue, but has no luck in finding the idol (because Coach already has it).  Coach began having flashbacks about being on Heroes vs. Villains with Russell and decides that it is in his best interest to not tell Brandon about the idol.  Honestly, I think this is the best thing that Coach could do.  Brandon is a loose cannon.  You don't know if he is just playing the game, or if he actually is that crazy!  In my opinion, Brandon should be informed about anything on a "need to know" basis.  You have no idea what he would do with the information given to him.  Use him as a swing-vote and keep it at that.

In the week's immunity/reward challenge, it looked as if Savaii was going to get demolished.  However, something happened on the last leg of the challenge and Upolu ended up losing the challenge.  Coach blamed it on Mikayla because she wasn't doing very well, but wasn't willing to sit out and let someone else take over.  This was his reasoning for wanting to get rid of her at tribal.  Albert and Sophie wanted to get rid of Edna because Edna sits out of challenges and literally contributes nothing.  There was a lot of talk at tribal council about loyalty vs. physical strength.  Even though Brandon didn't want to get rid of Mikayla like he originally wanted to, he ended up voting for her anyway because that was the original plan.

I think it is important to have a balance of strength and team camaraderie.  If you can't get along with your tribemates, then the morale is going to drop and your chances of losing will increase.  However, you definitely want to have a physically strong tribe in order to go to the merge with numbers.  I think you just have to learn how to balance physical strength with loyalty.  You don't want to give up too much physical strength, but you want to take the right people into the merge.  I seriously thought that Savaii was going to end up losing back to back challenges after they picked Elyse over Cochran, but this wasn't the case at all.  As a matter of fact, they seem to be bonding a lot more than they were before.  Physically, they proved that they can beat Upolu.  Even though the move was very risky to keep Cochran, it paid off very well for the tribe.  The big move worked for the tribe physically - - it helped make the team stronger as far as bonding is concerned - - and it even broke up a potentially very lethal duo of Ozzy and Elyse.  It couldn't have worked out better! 

It will be interesting to see how well the Upolu tribe works together at this point.  I'm going to assume that there are going to be a lot of trust issues that they are going to have to work out if they want to go into the merge at least tied with the other team.  The most interesting scenario would be for both tribes to go into the merge with five members each.  Then things will really start to heat up.  I think Mikayla has the best chance of taking out Christine - - but Christine is definitely a fighter, so it will be interesting to see what happens.

Until next time.......

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Friday, October 14, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 5

I just want to go ahead and say that this episode of South Pacific was by far the most entertaining one so far!  I love how things are beginning to play out.  We saw one of the veterans win last season, and the way things are unfolding, I firmly believe that neither Coach or Ozzy will win this season; unless they use their immunity idols at a pivotal point in the game. 

The episode started out with two former members of Upolu facing off in the Redemption Island duel:  Stacey and Christine.  As aforementioned, I really didn't care who went home.  However, I loved how Stacey told the Savaii members who was running the show on the other side, "Benjamin" aka Coach Wade.  She also mentioned that Albert is Coach's right-hand man.  I'm really surprised that no one already knew this anyway - - I mean, come on, get real!  I suppose it's easier to see what is going on when you're sitting on your couch.  Christine ended up winning the duel and sent the mortician home.

Dawn and Whitney take this information about Coach and Albert back tot he Savaii tribe.  Ozzy makes the huge mistake of saying how Coach should get rid of Albert before the merge.  Although this is exactly what I would be thinking, there is no way in hell I would tell everyone.  I have stated so many times before, you do not want to give people a reason to get rid of you.  This simple statement made Jim realize that he and Keith are dispensable to Ozzy.  There is nothing more powerful in the game of Survivor than fear.  Jim uses this new information as a means to get rid of Elyse.  Jim, Dawn, and Cochran try to work on Keith and Whitney in order to break up the Ozzy/Elyse alliance and vote off Elyse at the next tribal council.

Albert, feeling desperate, decides to go looking for the hidden immunity idol.  He actually found the clue, but had no luck finding the idol.  He recruits Coach and Sophie in order to tribe to find it - - which Coach eventually does.  Coach let the cat out of the bag that he has it, so he feels as if he has all the power in the world.  The thing about the hidden immunity idol is that you have to use it the right way.  If you're going to tell people that you have it, it has to be the right people at the right time.  If I was Coach, I would have held on to the idol without telling anyone that I actually found it.  If I needed to tell someone later on that I had it, then I would have.  He already has a strong alliance with those two, so I don't think it was vital to add more to it.  He would have had more power if he would have kept it to himself. 

The reward/immunity challenge was pretty intense.  I heard that in the rehearsal, they actually used an entire pig (tail, nose, feet, etc) but it was too gross.  Upolu ended up winning by two ounces, which was probably when Mikayla picked up a piece off the ground that Rick dropped.  It was interesting to see the tribes working together and picking the food out of each other's mouths.  Perhaps what they should have tried to do was help each other rip huge pieces off and carry it to the bucket together?  Who knows...pretty gross challenge, though.

Keith and Whitney knew that whatever decision they made, it would piss people off.  They wanted to make the best possible decision in order to not ruffle too many feathers.  At the beginning, there was an alliance of five:  Ozzy, Elyse, Keith, Whitney, and Jim.  You think it would be an easy decision to get rid of Cochran.  However, after Ozzy's remarks, people weren't exactly sure what to do.  At tribal council, Cochran, Dawn, and Jim voted for Elyse.  Ozzy and Elyse voted for Cochran.  Keith and Whitney decided to throw away their votes and both of them voted for Dawn.  I can see where they were coming from with this decision.  However, not only did they betray Ozzy and Elyse, but they didn't exactly take a stand and join the other alliance.  I honestly believe that they should have went one way or the other.  It absolutely was the most exciting tribal council this season, but I think Keith and Whitney should have kept Elyse over Cochran.  The merge still has NOT happened yet.  At this point in the game, it is all about having a physically strong tribe in order to keep the numbers at the merge.  Not only is the tribe physically weaker, but now there are a lot of trust issues, as well.

Elyse has the physical capability to beat Christine next week at the Redemption Island duel.  If she plays her cards right, she could potentially get back into the game.  If Ozzy and Elyse get to play together again, how will this effect Whitney and Keith's game?  Once again, I think Whitney and Keith should have kept Elyse - - or at least made a move one way or another.  It'll be interesting to see how the next few pre-merge episodes lay out.  I definitely see Upolu making it to the merge with the numbers, though....which is how I predicted it at the very beginning.

At this point in the game, anything can happen with the Savaii tribe.  I honestly see them losing again next week.  I'm hoping they decide to get rid of Cochran at this point.  If Upolu ends up losing, then it'll probably be Edna's time to go to Redemption Island.  I predict that Elyse beats Christine in the duel.

Until next time....

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Friday, October 7, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 4

The episode started out with the second Redemption Island duel between Christine and Papa Bear.  Unfortunately, Papa Bear gave gay guys a bad name and ended up losing the duel.

Back at camp, Jim noticed how cozy Ozzy and Elyse had been getting.  He already knows that Ozzy has a strong alliance, is one of the best physical competitors, and has the experience to go far in the game.  Cochran and Jim came up with a plan to try to get rid of Elyse in order to break up their twosome.  The tribe didn't end up losing the immunity challenge, so we weren't able to watch everyone scramble.  I am hoping that Savaii loses next week so we can see Jim, Cochran, and Dawn try to pull this off.  Honestly, I don't think it is a smart move on Jim's part.  He simply does not have the numbers to make it happen.  He is already in the other alliance that actually has the numbers to kick people off.  Why risk it?  You can't try something like this so soon.  Dawn and Cochran have absolutely nothing to lose from trying to get rid of Elyse, because they are the next two to go anyway.  I thought it was great that Ozzy said that Jim is trying to play the game too much. . . which is exactly what I said a couple weeks ago.  I love when my comments on here are reaffirmed on the show!   Jim just needs to start flying under the radar like he originally said he was going to do.

One thing that I've noticed from these castaways is that there are so many of them who don't really ever say anything:  Sophie, Stacey, Rick, Albert.  I'm definitely going to be memorable WHEN I get on the show.  Talk at tribal council, build something!  It's really frustrating to me to see people like this on the show when I know that I could have easily been in one of their spots.  I guess in due time!

One of my brothers mentioned something to me a few days ago - - how he believes that Brandon is fooling EVERYONE.  He's trying to play the "good guy" card, or the "troubled soul" or whatever, but he's actually just doing exactly what Uncle Russell told him to do.  Honestly, at first glance I just thought he was an idiot, but I knew that he was dangerous enough that he needs to go!  After my brother told me this, I've been watching him much more closely.  I actually think he is just playing a game.  At least I hope that's the case...if not then he is the biggest cry-baby I've ever seen in this game.  Hell, he's probably not even married.  Just goes to show that you can't trust anyone!

This week's castoff was Stacey.  I originally thought that she would end up going far if she did everything she said she was going to do. . . but she didn't.  She is easily a forgettable player.  Such a waste.  Next week she will take on Christine in the duel.  Once again, I really don't care who wins.

Next week:  if Upolu loses, I honestly see Edna going home.  If Savaii loses, I see Cochran going home.  Dawn has been doing really well in the challenges.  I don't think the tribe is ready to get rid of her yet.  - - Just a few more episodes until the merge.  The merge is always when things get interesting.  Can't wait!

PS - - the picture at the top caught my eye because Keith is in it.  :)

Follow me on Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Friday, September 30, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 3

The first Redemption Island duel took place on this episode between Christine and Semhar.  Christine is just a straight up bitch and Semhar is a whack I don't want either one of them to come back.  Christine had the potential to be a good player, but she doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut.  In a challenge that required balancing, Christine was able to pull out the win.  I hope that she'll be gone after next week's challenge.

It was heartbreaking for me to watch Brandon treat Mikayla like a piece of shit in front of the entire tribe.  Maybe that's my emotional side talking.  If I was a different member of the tribe who is on the outs....such as Stacey or Edna, I would have taken this opportunity to console Mikayla while she was sitting on the beach crying.  An alliance easily could have been formed.  Unfortunately, no one capitalized on this perfect opportunity.  Idiots!

Okay, seriously, Brandon is definitely not - - nor will he ever be - - half the player that Russell was.  Maybe it has a lot to do with his age.  Why in the world would you tell the entire tribe who you are?!  That act definitely shows his immaturity, especially due to the fact that he has admittedly lied about things already.  If he would have been able to stay low-key and keep the secret between himself and Coach, then he could have gone far in this game.  I don't think it is wise for the Upolu tribe to get rid of him just yet because he is good in challenges, but he will absolutely be the downfall of the tribe at some point.  If Upolu goes to tribal council a few more times before the merge, then they should definitely get rid of the physically weakest players - - however, it will be a very idiotic and dangerous situation if Brandon makes it to the merge.  I am hoping that the tribe does not allow that.  Brandon definitely does cause a lot of drama - - which makes for good television, but as a future player of the game, I would not allow him to have an opportunity to mingle with the members of Savaii.  Especially if they do not know his dirty little secret.

As I mentioned before, Cochran, Papa Bear (Mark), and Dawn are going to be the ones getting kicked out of the Savaii tribe first.  No surprise there.  Papa Bear made a smart move by attempting to find the hidden immunity idol and being so upfront about it.  However, it was very ignorant of him to be so obvious about allegedly finding it.  Be subtle about the fact that you have the idol so you can blindside some bitches.  No one believed him, which is the reason why he got kicked off this week. 

I think the player of the week has to be Keith.  Ozzy made the mistake of telling him that he found the hidden immunity idol.  Keith decided to tell Whitney about this, as well.  Keith knows that by providing this valuable information to another player, it will get her to trust him; thus he has someone else on his side when he will need it.  The island eye-candy may be in it for a while.  Now, I just hope that he continues to not tell anyone about his heart defect.  Surprisingly, no one has noticed the pacemaker sticking out of his chest.  Amateurs. :)

Kicked off this week: Papa Bear (Mark)

Next week:  It looks like Cochran and Jim have a plan to blindside Ozzy.  It's way too early in the game for this kind of move.  I understand Cochran's reasoning for doing this because it will buy him more time in the game.  There is absolutely no reason why Jim should go along with this.  At this point in the game, Ozzy is way too valuable in the challenges.  I don't think Jim will end up trying to get rid of Ozzy this soon.  Maybe he will just try to make Cochran feel comfortable so they can finally get rid of him without him trying to scramble.  Also, I truly hope that Papa Bear takes out Christine on Redemption Island.  I'm still expecting either Cochran or Dawn to be the next to go from Savaii and Stacey or Mikayla (although I actually like her now) from Upolu .

Until next time - - tweet me! :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Borneo (Season 1)

I recently decided that I would go through and watch all of the seasons of Survivor - - you know, for "research."  So, why not start with the very first season?  Survivor aired in 2000 and took place in Borneo.  One of the best players of all time was the winner of this season - Richard Hatch.  There were quite a few things that I learned when I re-watched this season, and I want to share them with you.

I have heard that in the interview process you have to state which Survivor you are most like and why.  I absolutely believe that I am like Richard Hatch - - it's just a coincidence that he's gay.
         1.  He wanted to prove to be a valuable member of the tribe, so he went fishing everyday for the tribe.
         2.  He was very respectful of people's ideas and their emotions, but he talked shit about them in his interviews.  He knew how to play the social aspect of the game.
         3.  He knew how to work as a team, but always knew that it was an individual game.
         4.  Other than Russell, he is probably the second most hated person to ever play the game.  He didn't care about how the media was going to depict him, he just did whatever was necessary in order to win.
         5.  He laughed at some of the other competitors stances on the "ethical/moral" dilemmas that they thought they would put themselves in joining an alliance.  He considers himself a moral person, but that's not what the game is about. 
         6.  When the tribes merged, Richard was the only person from the original Tagi tribe to greet the members of the Pagong members, thus establishing an early relationship with the other players.

Other tidbit of information that I learned.
         1.  Ramona mentioned that the first two days are crucial for building relationships (which she failed to do, which was why she was the second person booted from her tribe).
         2.  If you know the trbies are getting ready to merge, why hnot sacrifice a strong comptetitor?  That way you won't have to worry about him/her winning individual immunity challenges.
         3.  Also, the more people from your original tribe on the jury, the better.  Sometimes it would be good to blindside some "friends." 

The tribes of Survivor Borneo included:

        Tagi:  Richard, Sue, Sean, Kelly, Rudy, Sonja, Stacey, and Dirk

        Pagong:  Jenna, Gervase, Colleen, B.B., Ramona, Joel, Greg, and Gretchen

      The merged tribe was named Rattana and it consisted of:  Richard, Sue, Kelly, Rudy, Sean, Jenna, Gervase, Greg, Colleen, and Gretchen.

Kelly was the runnerup.  I do believe that she played an amazing game.  She won the last five individual immunity challenges.  She also established very personal relationships with members of both tribes.  The only thing that she failed out as the fact that she let her morals get in the way from making the big moves that needed to be made.

Obviously the winner of the show was Richard Hatch!

Contestant Original Tribe Merged Tribe Finish Total Votes
Sonja Christopher
63, Walnut Creek, CA
1st Voted Out
Day 3
B.B. Anderson
64, Mission Hills, KS
2nd Voted Out
Day 6
Stacey Stillman
27, San Francisco, CA
3rd Voted Out
Day 9
Ramona Gray
29, Edison, NJ
4th Voted Out
Day 12
Dirk Been
23, Spring Green, WI
5th Voted Out
Day 15
Joel Klug
27, Sherwood, AR
6th Voted Out
Day 18
Gretchen Cordy
38, Clarksville, TN
Pagong Rattana 7th Voted Out
Day 21
Greg Buis
24, Gold Hill, CO
Pagong 8th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 24
Jenna Lewis
22, Franklin, NH
Pagong 9th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 27
Gervase Peterson
30, Willingboro, NJ
Pagong 10th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 30
Colleen Haskell
23, Miami, FL
Pagong 11th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 33
Sean Kenniff
30, Brooklyn, NY
Tagi 12th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 36
Susan Hawk
38, Palmyra, WI
Tagi 13th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 37
Rudy Boesch
72, Richmond, VA
Tagi 14th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 38
Kelly Wiglesworth
22, Las Vegas, NV
Tagi Runner-Up 0
Richard Hatch
39, Middletown, RI
Tagi Sole Survivor 6