Saturday, December 3, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 12

     Episode 11 was a mid-season recap show, which is why it was skipped.

     The Redemption Island challenge ended how I knew that it would.  Ozzy, Whitney, and Dawn competed in a plate-balancing mission.  Ozzy was the victor, but he was not added back to the game yet.

     One thing that I have observed is how observant Sophie is.  On more than one occasion, she has just sat back and watched how different players interact with each other.  Observance is definitely a key aspect in playing this game, and that is why I like her. 

     I think it is funny that Cochran feels like the Upolu tribe owes him something.  Cochran made the stupid decision to jump ship and be a traitor to the other Savaii members.  There was no reason for the Upolu members to turn on each other and keep Cochran around after they were finished wiping out the other tribe one-by-one. 

     Albert has been ruffling feathers due to his lack of helping around camp.  He made a snide remark expressing "To me this game is about doing well in challenges, creating a great strategy and playing a strong social game. So those are what I’m focused on. I leave the housework to Martha Stewart.”  Clearly Albert is completely unaware that part of the social game is putting in the required work around camp.  It doesn't matter if you think it's not necessary or if you think conserving your energy for challenges is a wiser decision - - it is all about your tribemates perception of what you're doing.  In the end, laziness is not rewarded a million bucks, which is something Albert needs to keep in mind. 

     Edna and Cochran finally caught on to the fact that they are sixth and seventh in their tribe.  I'm not sure why people are completely oblivious to the fact that not everyone is going to make it to the finals.  At some point people have to start thinking for themselves and make some big moves, otherwise someone else is choosing when you are going to leave the game.  Cochran and Edna decided that they were going to try to rally the troops - - Albert and Sophie - - in order to get rid of Rick.

     Cochran knew that he was desperate, so he came up with a white lie about how his birthday was in a couple days (even though it was actually 6 months prior).  I thought this was an awesome idea, and it is totally something that I will probably use in the future if I feel as if I am in trouble.  He was hoping that this would give him some sympathy votes and people wouldn't try to get rid of him yet.

     Albert ended up winning the reward challenge and the immunity challenge.  He was given a full-body massage, as well as a hot shower.  He was able to choose one person to go with him, which he ultimately chose Coach.  I thought this was an awesome idea seeing as in how Coach is the man in charge.  Albert wanted to bring one more person with him, but Jeff wouldn't let him, so he decided to give up his own spot and gave it to Cochran.  I seriously thought this was one of the best moves of the season.  Not only did he get rid of any sort of guilt that the tribe might feel by getting rid of Cochran, but he also probably won Cochran's vote on the jury.  In addition, it got Coach away from the rest of the tribe.  This would have been an opportune time for everyone to figure out where everyone else stood.  If Sophie and Albert wanted to make a big move, it would have been a good time to talk about getting rid of Coach.  The one thing about this tribe that I hate is how predictable and boring it is.  It's just like Boston Rob's Ometepe tribe last season.  Make some big moves or else Coach is going to win the million dollars and the title of "Sole-Survivor."

     Another thing that I want to mention is that Sophie was in the final round of the challenge.  If people are thinking about getting rid of her before the final three, they should use the times that she doesn't win immunity to get rid of her - - - just a thought.

     Ultimately, Edna and Cochran were the only two people to vote for Rick and tribal council.  The rest of the tribe voted for Cochran.  I thought this was the right decision for the rest of the tribe.  There really is no need to keep Cochran around.  I also predict that Edna will go next week.  I'm interested to see how dirty things will get once there are only five people left.  Also, I want Ozzy to rejoin the game.  I know that he will take out Cochran without any sort of problem.  When he does join the game, I would love for him to win a couple immunity challenges so things will get mixed up a little bit.  If someone doesn't make a big move soon, everyone is basically writing Coach the million dollar check already.

     One final note - - I found out that the first round of phone calls go out in January and the second go out in February.  The @CBS website says that if you don't hear anything about the casting call auditions by February 29th then your "torch has been snuffed."  Keep your fingers crossed, guys!  Thanks for the support.

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

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