Friday, October 7, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 4

The episode started out with the second Redemption Island duel between Christine and Papa Bear.  Unfortunately, Papa Bear gave gay guys a bad name and ended up losing the duel.

Back at camp, Jim noticed how cozy Ozzy and Elyse had been getting.  He already knows that Ozzy has a strong alliance, is one of the best physical competitors, and has the experience to go far in the game.  Cochran and Jim came up with a plan to try to get rid of Elyse in order to break up their twosome.  The tribe didn't end up losing the immunity challenge, so we weren't able to watch everyone scramble.  I am hoping that Savaii loses next week so we can see Jim, Cochran, and Dawn try to pull this off.  Honestly, I don't think it is a smart move on Jim's part.  He simply does not have the numbers to make it happen.  He is already in the other alliance that actually has the numbers to kick people off.  Why risk it?  You can't try something like this so soon.  Dawn and Cochran have absolutely nothing to lose from trying to get rid of Elyse, because they are the next two to go anyway.  I thought it was great that Ozzy said that Jim is trying to play the game too much. . . which is exactly what I said a couple weeks ago.  I love when my comments on here are reaffirmed on the show!   Jim just needs to start flying under the radar like he originally said he was going to do.

One thing that I've noticed from these castaways is that there are so many of them who don't really ever say anything:  Sophie, Stacey, Rick, Albert.  I'm definitely going to be memorable WHEN I get on the show.  Talk at tribal council, build something!  It's really frustrating to me to see people like this on the show when I know that I could have easily been in one of their spots.  I guess in due time!

One of my brothers mentioned something to me a few days ago - - how he believes that Brandon is fooling EVERYONE.  He's trying to play the "good guy" card, or the "troubled soul" or whatever, but he's actually just doing exactly what Uncle Russell told him to do.  Honestly, at first glance I just thought he was an idiot, but I knew that he was dangerous enough that he needs to go!  After my brother told me this, I've been watching him much more closely.  I actually think he is just playing a game.  At least I hope that's the case...if not then he is the biggest cry-baby I've ever seen in this game.  Hell, he's probably not even married.  Just goes to show that you can't trust anyone!

This week's castoff was Stacey.  I originally thought that she would end up going far if she did everything she said she was going to do. . . but she didn't.  She is easily a forgettable player.  Such a waste.  Next week she will take on Christine in the duel.  Once again, I really don't care who wins.

Next week:  if Upolu loses, I honestly see Edna going home.  If Savaii loses, I see Cochran going home.  Dawn has been doing really well in the challenges.  I don't think the tribe is ready to get rid of her yet.  - - Just a few more episodes until the merge.  The merge is always when things get interesting.  Can't wait!

PS - - the picture at the top caught my eye because Keith is in it.  :)

Follow me on Twitter:  the_timgilmore

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