Friday, September 30, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 3

The first Redemption Island duel took place on this episode between Christine and Semhar.  Christine is just a straight up bitch and Semhar is a whack I don't want either one of them to come back.  Christine had the potential to be a good player, but she doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut.  In a challenge that required balancing, Christine was able to pull out the win.  I hope that she'll be gone after next week's challenge.

It was heartbreaking for me to watch Brandon treat Mikayla like a piece of shit in front of the entire tribe.  Maybe that's my emotional side talking.  If I was a different member of the tribe who is on the outs....such as Stacey or Edna, I would have taken this opportunity to console Mikayla while she was sitting on the beach crying.  An alliance easily could have been formed.  Unfortunately, no one capitalized on this perfect opportunity.  Idiots!

Okay, seriously, Brandon is definitely not - - nor will he ever be - - half the player that Russell was.  Maybe it has a lot to do with his age.  Why in the world would you tell the entire tribe who you are?!  That act definitely shows his immaturity, especially due to the fact that he has admittedly lied about things already.  If he would have been able to stay low-key and keep the secret between himself and Coach, then he could have gone far in this game.  I don't think it is wise for the Upolu tribe to get rid of him just yet because he is good in challenges, but he will absolutely be the downfall of the tribe at some point.  If Upolu goes to tribal council a few more times before the merge, then they should definitely get rid of the physically weakest players - - however, it will be a very idiotic and dangerous situation if Brandon makes it to the merge.  I am hoping that the tribe does not allow that.  Brandon definitely does cause a lot of drama - - which makes for good television, but as a future player of the game, I would not allow him to have an opportunity to mingle with the members of Savaii.  Especially if they do not know his dirty little secret.

As I mentioned before, Cochran, Papa Bear (Mark), and Dawn are going to be the ones getting kicked out of the Savaii tribe first.  No surprise there.  Papa Bear made a smart move by attempting to find the hidden immunity idol and being so upfront about it.  However, it was very ignorant of him to be so obvious about allegedly finding it.  Be subtle about the fact that you have the idol so you can blindside some bitches.  No one believed him, which is the reason why he got kicked off this week. 

I think the player of the week has to be Keith.  Ozzy made the mistake of telling him that he found the hidden immunity idol.  Keith decided to tell Whitney about this, as well.  Keith knows that by providing this valuable information to another player, it will get her to trust him; thus he has someone else on his side when he will need it.  The island eye-candy may be in it for a while.  Now, I just hope that he continues to not tell anyone about his heart defect.  Surprisingly, no one has noticed the pacemaker sticking out of his chest.  Amateurs. :)

Kicked off this week: Papa Bear (Mark)

Next week:  It looks like Cochran and Jim have a plan to blindside Ozzy.  It's way too early in the game for this kind of move.  I understand Cochran's reasoning for doing this because it will buy him more time in the game.  There is absolutely no reason why Jim should go along with this.  At this point in the game, Ozzy is way too valuable in the challenges.  I don't think Jim will end up trying to get rid of Ozzy this soon.  Maybe he will just try to make Cochran feel comfortable so they can finally get rid of him without him trying to scramble.  Also, I truly hope that Papa Bear takes out Christine on Redemption Island.  I'm still expecting either Cochran or Dawn to be the next to go from Savaii and Stacey or Mikayla (although I actually like her now) from Upolu .

Until next time - - tweet me! :)

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