Thursday, December 15, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 13

*I apologize that this is so late, but I am going to post both recaps today, to prepare everyone for the season finale!!*

     The episode started out with the Redemption Island duel between Ozzy and Cochran.  Once again I find it ridiculous that both Edna and Cochran are surprised that they are being targeted now, but enough about that.  Cochran surprisingly gave Ozzy a run for his money.  I was literally cringing when I thought Cochran was going to finally send Ozzy home - - how ironic would that have been.  Unfortunately for John, this was not the case.  Ozzy was once again the victor and remained the King of Redemption.  Cochran gave his last interview about how he was a changed man, then was sent on his way. 

     This episode was the loved one's visit.  After winning the Island duel, Ozzy was able to choose three people who would be able to spend the day with their loved ones.  I am fairly confident in the fact that people have been feeding Ozzy with a lot of information as they go through Redemption due to the simple fact that he chose three of the assumed ring-leaders of the tribe:  Coach, Brandon, and Albert.  It was fairly obvious that Ozzy's intent was to get in with the three men, Coach inparticular.  You could definitely tell that Brandon's dad and Russell are brothers.  Brandon's dad tried to bully Coach into making sure that he takes Brandon to the final three.  This alone would have made me not want to do it. 

     It became painstakingly clear that Edna was the next to go.  In the reward/immunity challenge, Edna was quickly targeted so she had absolutely no chance of winning immunity.  Brandon was very vocal about the fact that it was Edna's time to go.  Edna was just flabbergasted that she was the next to go.  She mentioned on several occasions about how everyone was playing with "honor and integrity" yet Brandon has had so many meltdowns throughout the season that clearly honor and integrity got tossed out the window a long time ago.  She made a final plea at tribal council, but it did not pan out in her favor.  Edna was the first member of the post-merge Upolu tribe to be sent to Redemption Island.

     Now that it's down to the final five, I would hope that the game would start getting interesting, but I honestly do not expect it to.  The Upolu tribe have played it save throughout the entire season - - safe = boring.  It may be the smartest thing for their individual games, but it does not make for good television.  I'm seriously hoping something starts changing very soon!

One final note - - I thought it was hilarious when Edna refused to pray with the rest of the crew.  This was the first time someone from the Upolu tribe was upfront and honest about the whole cult situation the entire season!  She wasn't part of the main alliance, so why bullshit everyone and try to fit in? 
Until next time...

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

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