Friday, November 4, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 8

     The title of this week's episode was called "Double Agent," and this is exactly how the episode ended.  I just wanted my picture of the week to reflect this.  I'll give more deets about that as I go along.

     We all saw last week's episode, right?  We know that the Savaii tribe decided to send Ozzy to Redemption Island so the tribe would have the best chance of getting rid of Christine and evening up the numbers for the merge.  The plan, as risky as it was, had the potential to be a great plan as long as everyone kept up their ends of the bargain.  Cochran was going to look like the villain.  He "played" the immunity idol that sent Ozzy to Redemption.  Well, when both tribes were able to go to the duel on Redemption Island, everyone knew what was coming next -- the merge was finally upon us.  However, I thought Ozzy's charades were over the top.  He made a huge spectacle of the entire situation.  The Upolu did not believe him, which is completely understandable.  In my opinion, he should have just kept his cool, not said much about the situation, then when the time came he could have acted like he was almost too embarrassed to talk about the situation.  Sometimes saying too much is exactly that - - too much. Fortunately for the Savaii tribe, Ozzy destroyed Christine in the challenge.  The two tribes of six merged to form Te Tuna.

     The funny thing about the situation of voting Ozzy out is that no one on the tribe thought it was a good idea.  Everyone thought that Cochran should have stood up and finally admitted that he simply does not belong in the game.  This did not happen.  We were able to see some of the "hateful" things that some of the Savaii members were saying to him.  Although I definitely do not agree with bullying someone else, but I completely see their frustration with him.  I even got into an argument on Facebook about this.  Cochran is completely useless and has been from the very beginning.  The only reason why he had been spared for three tribal councils is because they felt sorry for him.  He played the pity card the entire time.  He was picked last in school, he had no friends, blah blah blah.  This is a game of Survivor.  This isn't the Biggest Loser or Beauty and the Geek or some other mushy reality show.  If you don't have the goods to stay in the game, then get the fuck out!  The members of Savaii knew that they should have kicked him out at the very first tribal council, but they gave him the benefit of the doubt.  They kept him around hoping that he would eventually prove himself worthy, but he never did!  He was completely worthless in challenges, he didn't offer much help around camp, and he was socially awkward.  There was absolutely no reason why he should have stuck around - - his tribemates knew that and were simply frustrated that he was still there when he didn't deserve to be.  As aforementioned, he didn't deserve to be bullied, but everyone was frustrated with him - - completely understandable.

     Finally, we have reached the point of individual immunity challenges.  The Savaii tribe is MY tribe.  I would love to see one of them win the whole thing (with the exception of Cochran).  So, I was ecstatic when Dawn won immunity out of the women, and Ozzy won out of the men (which I believe is the first time there was both a male and female winner  - - at least in recent years).  Not only were the two of them secure, but there was also an immunity idol in the group.  Even if there was a 6-6 tie twice, they would have went to drawing rocks where there was only a 3 in 9 chance that someone from the Savaii tribe would be going home - - pretty good odds!

      Dawn caught on to the fact that Cochran was thinking about jumping ship.  Not only was he thinking about it, but it was clear through out the entire episode that he was going to.  He told them that Ozzy had the hidden immunity idol.  Coach called him about the whole situation regarding Ozzy being sent to Redemption Island.  Cochran bitched and moaned about being picked on.  It simply made me sick to my stomach.  Cochran even told Upolu that Savaii was going to give the idol to Whitney because Upolu would expect them to give it to either Keith or Jim.  This is my opinion about the whole situation:  Dawn didn't want to tell the Savaii tribe about Cochran's doubts.  However, SHE SHOULD HAVE!  She should have tried to play the game a little bit.  Talk to people - - try to mix things up a little bit.  If she would have shared Cochran's doubts, then the tribe could have given the immunity idol to Keith or Jim (obviously, it's hard to tell which one they were going to actually vote for).  Cochran wouldn't have had to know about the switch, because they were still going to vote for Rick the first time.  The Savaii tribe may not have been able to see what kind of weasel Cochran is, but at least they would have gotten one of the former Upolu members out.

     Tribal council played out like this:  Ozzy and Dawn won the individual immunity idols.  Ozzy gave the hidden immunity idol to Whitney.  The first votes were tied 6-6 with Keith getting six and Rick getting six.  This should have been a good indication that Cochran told Upolu what was going on considering the tribe didn't vote for Whitney.  After the vote, the tribes had to revote, but only for Keith or Rick.  The votes resulted in 7 for Keith (with Cochran jumping ship).  Keith was sent to Redemption Island. This completely sucks for me, because he was the best looking guy on the entire show!  However, he definitely does have a chance to get back into the game - - and I have faith that he will!

        I'm going to tell you why I think Cochran's move to jump ship this early in the game was the stupidest decision he could have made for his game and how I think things may play out the next few episodes.  (1)  He may have been at the bottom of the Savaii tribe, but now he's at the bottom of the Upolu tribe.  I'd much rather be in the top 6 then the top 7.  (2)  What makes him think the Upolu tribe is going to keep him around?  Obviously Cochran is a coward.  The tribe should kick off one more member of Savaii just to keep the numbers in their advantage, then get rid of Cochran.   (3)  However, Cochran is the villain now.  People may think that if they keep him around for the final three, it will be an easy vote from all of the Savaii members.  It may be expected that he will not get any votes since he back-stabbed so many people.  However, if someone allows for this to happen, I can honestly say that if I was on the jury, I would probably vote for Cochran to win a million dollars.  I wouldn't want to be one of the bitter bitches on the jury - - so if this was Cochran's intent all along, then kudos to him...good job!

  It looks like on next week's episode that Albert and Sophie are thinking about mixing things up a bit.  At this point in the game, it just does not make sense to do this.  They just need to stick to their guns, vote out one more Savaii member so this person can duel with Keith, then follow that with Cochran.  It'll be interesting to see what happens next.  I can't wait!

Voted out this week:  Keith :(

P.S.  - - On Twitter this week, I asked @survivorshannon "considering how brutally honest u are, I figured id ask u if the votes are rigged or are people actually that stupid??"  His response was, "tht stupid!"

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

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