Friday, October 14, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 5

I just want to go ahead and say that this episode of South Pacific was by far the most entertaining one so far!  I love how things are beginning to play out.  We saw one of the veterans win last season, and the way things are unfolding, I firmly believe that neither Coach or Ozzy will win this season; unless they use their immunity idols at a pivotal point in the game. 

The episode started out with two former members of Upolu facing off in the Redemption Island duel:  Stacey and Christine.  As aforementioned, I really didn't care who went home.  However, I loved how Stacey told the Savaii members who was running the show on the other side, "Benjamin" aka Coach Wade.  She also mentioned that Albert is Coach's right-hand man.  I'm really surprised that no one already knew this anyway - - I mean, come on, get real!  I suppose it's easier to see what is going on when you're sitting on your couch.  Christine ended up winning the duel and sent the mortician home.

Dawn and Whitney take this information about Coach and Albert back tot he Savaii tribe.  Ozzy makes the huge mistake of saying how Coach should get rid of Albert before the merge.  Although this is exactly what I would be thinking, there is no way in hell I would tell everyone.  I have stated so many times before, you do not want to give people a reason to get rid of you.  This simple statement made Jim realize that he and Keith are dispensable to Ozzy.  There is nothing more powerful in the game of Survivor than fear.  Jim uses this new information as a means to get rid of Elyse.  Jim, Dawn, and Cochran try to work on Keith and Whitney in order to break up the Ozzy/Elyse alliance and vote off Elyse at the next tribal council.

Albert, feeling desperate, decides to go looking for the hidden immunity idol.  He actually found the clue, but had no luck finding the idol.  He recruits Coach and Sophie in order to tribe to find it - - which Coach eventually does.  Coach let the cat out of the bag that he has it, so he feels as if he has all the power in the world.  The thing about the hidden immunity idol is that you have to use it the right way.  If you're going to tell people that you have it, it has to be the right people at the right time.  If I was Coach, I would have held on to the idol without telling anyone that I actually found it.  If I needed to tell someone later on that I had it, then I would have.  He already has a strong alliance with those two, so I don't think it was vital to add more to it.  He would have had more power if he would have kept it to himself. 

The reward/immunity challenge was pretty intense.  I heard that in the rehearsal, they actually used an entire pig (tail, nose, feet, etc) but it was too gross.  Upolu ended up winning by two ounces, which was probably when Mikayla picked up a piece off the ground that Rick dropped.  It was interesting to see the tribes working together and picking the food out of each other's mouths.  Perhaps what they should have tried to do was help each other rip huge pieces off and carry it to the bucket together?  Who knows...pretty gross challenge, though.

Keith and Whitney knew that whatever decision they made, it would piss people off.  They wanted to make the best possible decision in order to not ruffle too many feathers.  At the beginning, there was an alliance of five:  Ozzy, Elyse, Keith, Whitney, and Jim.  You think it would be an easy decision to get rid of Cochran.  However, after Ozzy's remarks, people weren't exactly sure what to do.  At tribal council, Cochran, Dawn, and Jim voted for Elyse.  Ozzy and Elyse voted for Cochran.  Keith and Whitney decided to throw away their votes and both of them voted for Dawn.  I can see where they were coming from with this decision.  However, not only did they betray Ozzy and Elyse, but they didn't exactly take a stand and join the other alliance.  I honestly believe that they should have went one way or the other.  It absolutely was the most exciting tribal council this season, but I think Keith and Whitney should have kept Elyse over Cochran.  The merge still has NOT happened yet.  At this point in the game, it is all about having a physically strong tribe in order to keep the numbers at the merge.  Not only is the tribe physically weaker, but now there are a lot of trust issues, as well.

Elyse has the physical capability to beat Christine next week at the Redemption Island duel.  If she plays her cards right, she could potentially get back into the game.  If Ozzy and Elyse get to play together again, how will this effect Whitney and Keith's game?  Once again, I think Whitney and Keith should have kept Elyse - - or at least made a move one way or another.  It'll be interesting to see how the next few pre-merge episodes lay out.  I definitely see Upolu making it to the merge with the numbers, though....which is how I predicted it at the very beginning.

At this point in the game, anything can happen with the Savaii tribe.  I honestly see them losing again next week.  I'm hoping they decide to get rid of Cochran at this point.  If Upolu ends up losing, then it'll probably be Edna's time to go to Redemption Island.  I predict that Elyse beats Christine in the duel.

Until next time....

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

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