Thursday, October 20, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 6

The episode started out with the Savaii tribe coming back from tribal council.  Ozzy was completely shocked that Elyse was voted out.  He felt like an idiot and betrayed by Whitney and Keith because he was in the dark about their intentions.  He made a huge speech about how he's going to be a free agent from here on out, that it's the tribe against him, and he even went on to tell everyone that he has the hidden immunity idol.  Such an idiot!  I know that it was just in the heat of things, but come on!  Seriously?  Huge mistake!  This tantrum could eventually get Ozzy out of the game much sooner than he originally thought.  He did end up apologizing for his actions in order to strengthen the tribe; and he admitted that if he doesn't win the game, he wants one of the Savaii Six to do so!

The next Redemption Island duel took place with Elyse and Christine going at it.  It looks as if Christine is slowly beginning to break, but some how she managed to squeak out another win and sent Elyse home.  Christine is actually very impressive and is the Queen of Redemption Island this season!  It should be interesting to see if she will be able to keep the winning streak alive.

Brandon decides to pull a "Russell" and frantically searches for the hidden immunity idol.  He easily finds the clue, but has no luck in finding the idol (because Coach already has it).  Coach began having flashbacks about being on Heroes vs. Villains with Russell and decides that it is in his best interest to not tell Brandon about the idol.  Honestly, I think this is the best thing that Coach could do.  Brandon is a loose cannon.  You don't know if he is just playing the game, or if he actually is that crazy!  In my opinion, Brandon should be informed about anything on a "need to know" basis.  You have no idea what he would do with the information given to him.  Use him as a swing-vote and keep it at that.

In the week's immunity/reward challenge, it looked as if Savaii was going to get demolished.  However, something happened on the last leg of the challenge and Upolu ended up losing the challenge.  Coach blamed it on Mikayla because she wasn't doing very well, but wasn't willing to sit out and let someone else take over.  This was his reasoning for wanting to get rid of her at tribal.  Albert and Sophie wanted to get rid of Edna because Edna sits out of challenges and literally contributes nothing.  There was a lot of talk at tribal council about loyalty vs. physical strength.  Even though Brandon didn't want to get rid of Mikayla like he originally wanted to, he ended up voting for her anyway because that was the original plan.

I think it is important to have a balance of strength and team camaraderie.  If you can't get along with your tribemates, then the morale is going to drop and your chances of losing will increase.  However, you definitely want to have a physically strong tribe in order to go to the merge with numbers.  I think you just have to learn how to balance physical strength with loyalty.  You don't want to give up too much physical strength, but you want to take the right people into the merge.  I seriously thought that Savaii was going to end up losing back to back challenges after they picked Elyse over Cochran, but this wasn't the case at all.  As a matter of fact, they seem to be bonding a lot more than they were before.  Physically, they proved that they can beat Upolu.  Even though the move was very risky to keep Cochran, it paid off very well for the tribe.  The big move worked for the tribe physically - - it helped make the team stronger as far as bonding is concerned - - and it even broke up a potentially very lethal duo of Ozzy and Elyse.  It couldn't have worked out better! 

It will be interesting to see how well the Upolu tribe works together at this point.  I'm going to assume that there are going to be a lot of trust issues that they are going to have to work out if they want to go into the merge at least tied with the other team.  The most interesting scenario would be for both tribes to go into the merge with five members each.  Then things will really start to heat up.  I think Mikayla has the best chance of taking out Christine - - but Christine is definitely a fighter, so it will be interesting to see what happens.

Until next time.......

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

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