Thursday, December 15, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 14

And then there were five!
     Considering how Ozzy almost got beat by Cochran last week, it is entirely possible for him to actually not win a Redemption Island duel.  However, Edna is not the one person who I would think would beat him.  Through-out the entire duel, the Upolu members were trying to give Edna tips on how to solve the puzzle that she was working on, but in the end, the Savaii member prevailed and sent Edna home for good!  At this point in the game, Ozzy only has one more person to defeat in order to get a final chance at becoming the sole survivor!

     I really wish that Albert would have been on the Savaii tribe.  He is the only person from the Upolu tribe who is willing to take risks, make strategic moves and actually play the damn game!  The only part of his game that I did not like was that he was wanting to go to the end with Coach and Rick, as opposed to Rick and Brandon or Coach and Brandon.  I simply do not understand why people don't see the genius idea of taking Brandon to the end....but that's the Upolu tribe for you.  Anyway, Sophie came up with a decent idea of getting rid of Brandon because he would put up a good fight against Ozzy at Redemption.  However, I think Albert would put up an equally tough fight as Brandon - - plus Brandon would not have a single chance at winning a million dollars if he was brought to the end.  But whatevs - - the self-proclaimed "smartest person on paper" really is not that smart at playing this game, in my opinion.

     Everyone has noticed Albert's scrambling as of late.  He is wanting to get rid of Sophie because she has been a physical competitor and hasn't ruffled too many feathers.  Honestly, I do think taking Sophie to the end is a stupid idea.  On the other end of the spectrum, Rick, Coach, and Sophie want to get rid of Brandon or Albert. 

     The tribe got thrown a curveball when Brandon won the immunity challenge.  Although it wasn't how they wanted things to go, their vote was an easy one.  Albert would be the next person to go.  However, tribal council was actually very interesting.  Brandon said that he had a conversation with God about how he needed to give his immunity idol to Albert.  He felt secure enough in his game that Sophie would be going home that night.  Coach even told him that HE would pray about it and see what God would want him to do.  Right before the vote, Brandon seemed worried that he was actually in danger - - and he was.  In a huge talk about loyality, honor, respect, integrity, blah blah blah, the bogus bullshit lies that the fab five have been preaching the entire season finally surfaced.  Jeff gave Albert the opportunity to give the idol back to Brandon, but Albert refused - - of course he did.  To Albert, the only smart member of the entire Upolu tribe, this game is about doing whatever necessary in order to win the game.  Brandon was the next person sent to Redemption after one of the dumbest moves ever made in the game of Survivor. 

     I think getting rid of Brandon was yet again one of the stupidest moves that could have been made.  What's the point?!  The Upolu members are NOT fooling anyway.  The tribe has this cult-like, better-than-thou mentality that everyone sees right through.  Brandon has played the game very messy.  He has gotten into arguments with several people and has had numerous meltdowns.  In order to win this game, you have to constantly be thinking about your own end game...who do you want to go to the end with you so you can have the best chance at winning.  I definitely think that Rick is a completely worthless, mute piece of shit.  He does NOT deserve to win whatsoever.  Take him!  Brandon should have been taken to the end as well.   In my opinion, Brandon is like Russell in the sense that he is very vocal.  He means what he says and says what he means.  He has taken so much heat throughout the season because of this, and it would have been a perfect reason to keep him around for the final three.  He has rubbed everyone the wrong way, and I don't think he would have a chance in hell at winning a million dollars.  I seriously hope that next season is much different.  What makes the show interesting is when people make big moves.  I hate watching a season where everyone is playing it safe.  It is sooo unbearably boring.  The past two seasons have been like this.  No more returning players for a while, please!!

     The Sprint Player of the Season is chosen by the fans and is awarded $100,000 at the reunion show.  I texted my ten votes for Cochran.  As much as I CANNOT stand him whatsoever, he was the only person in the season willing to make a big move.  Yes, I called it from the very beginning.  His big move was stupid and pointless.  However, it was so big that it single-handedly determined the rest of the game.  I do not expect him to win - - I think Ozzy will, but Cochran definitely deserves it.

     The season finale is Sunday!  I expect the final three to be Rick, Sophie, and Coach, but at this point in the game anything can happen.  I would love to see Ozzy return from Redemption and sneak his way into the final three.  I don't expect it to happen, but we shall see! 

    I also wanted to give a shout-out to Cirie Fields and Ozzy Lusth for becoming the first two members of the 2011 class of the Survivor Hall of Fame.  Although I do not think that Ozzy is deserving, Cirie definitely is.  Congrats guys.  I look forward to joining you someday!  Haha.

    In addition, Gordon Holmes gave me a shout-out in his Survivor blog, which I'm very excited about considering he is a big deal in the online Survivor community.  I'm slowly creeping my way into the Survivor universe.  People will start remembering my name.  2012 is going to be MY Survivor year in one form or another. . . mark my words!  Click here for Gordon's article

See you Sunday at the finale!!

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

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