Sunday, April 1, 2012

One World: Episode 7

     This episode started out with Troyzan picking the new name of the tribe.  He suggested that the new tribe be called Tikiano - - meaning year of the god.  Tikiano's tribe color is black. 

     The first reward challenge had the newly formed tribe divided up equally among two teams.  The challenge was extremely close which tells me that everyone seems to be on a level playing field at this point in the game.  It is no longer men versus women.  Everyone has an equal chance (except for the two people who have hidden immunity idols in the game).  The winning team won pizza and beer, which would honestly be the reward that I would most want to win.  20 days without alcohol.  What?!

     Troyzan had a very impressive episode.  He won the first individual immunity challenge, and he also found a hidden immunity idol.  I thought it was very wise of him not to share this with anyone else.  You never know when someone would want to blindside him and flush out the idol.  It'll be interesting to see how long he decides to hold on to the idol before using it, or if he continues to keep it a secret.

     I am also impressed with Kim.  She has a hidden immunity idol, and she is also in two secret and very powerful alliances.  I could definitely see Kim, Chelsea, and Sabrina making it to the final three.  Or it could be Kim, Chelsea, and Troyzan if  Troyzan keeps his hidden immunity idol a secret and continues to dominate challenges.  The downside about having two strong alliances is that at some point in the game you are going to have to make a decision on which one to go with.  People may give her their final vote for the mere fact that she played them.  However, people could end up being bitter that she did not stick to her word.  This could also cost her the game.  It's a very tricky situation and you don't really know what way people are going to swing.  Will they give her the money because she deserves it or will they prevent her from winning the money because they are bitter?  Only time will tell.

     You definitely knew that the game is at a different stage when the most liked person after the merge gets kicked off, despite the fact that he was a provider.  Jonas constantly cooked for his tribe, and got along with everyone with the exception of Tarzan.  Being a provider and being likeable are two characteristics that people admire and would consider when awarding the million dollar prize to someone.  Jonas would be hard to beat in the finals and everyone knew that.  He was voted off in this episode for those very reasons. 

     The game seems to have switched from men versus women to Manono versus Salani.  There are still so many different ways this game could play out especially considering two people have hidden immunity idols.  I can honestly see Tarzan staying a while longer because he is probably the least likesable person and is worthless in challenges.  If the Manono members are going to get kicked off one by one, then I think Leif or Christina are the next to go.

Eliminated:  Jonas Otsuji the 37-year-old Sushi Chef from Lehi, Utah

Until next time . . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

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