Thursday, April 5, 2012

One World: Episode 8

     I was really hoping I could find a solo picture of Jay in this week's photo album on because I feel as if he had an epiphany - - he realized that the original concept of men versus women is still in full swing.  Jay suggested at the very beginning of the episode that in order to keep a level playing field, the newly formed Tikiano tribe should vote off a woman this time around.  He realized that the women are going to start picking the men off one-on-one.  Duh!  I said this in multiple previous posts, remember?  The original Salani tribe had much more of an opportunity to build initial relationships with each other.  Plus, have you guys ever watched Survivor before?  Women are much more likely than men to stick together.  It's a power trip or feminism or whatever you want to call it.  Thank you Jay for being the smartest player of the week.

     In this week's reward challenge the tribe was divided up into two teams.  The yellow team and green team with the winning team getting a "7-Up Oasis."  This consisted of 7-Up, steaks, hamburgers, hotdogs, and desserts.  The winning yellow tribe consisted of:  Sabrina, Kim, Michael, Christina, and Leif.  While the tribe was enjoying their new food, Sabrina and Kim had an opportunity to talk strategy solidifying a final three alliance with Chelsea.  Did I not predict this last week?  I really wish the Survivor execs would start reading my blogs and see how accurate I am when it comes to these things.  :)  In addition, they agreed to get a strong female front so they could start sending the men home one-by-one until only the six women remain. 

     Everyone is sick and tired of Tarzan, even going as far as nicknaming any crazy thing someone says or does as "That's so Tarzan," or "Tarzaning."  Chelsea once again had a run in with him when he questioned the plastic surgery on her boobs.  However, Chelsea finally realized that there is no way in hell that anyone would vote to give Tarzan a million dollars, so he isn't a threat in this game.  It would make much more sense to vote off the other men first.  Once again, something I already said.

     Kim decided that it would be wise to get rid of Michael.  He is a physical threat and has played a clean game so far.  He decided to tell Troyzan that Michael is talking about voting him off - - - but told Troyzan not to mention anything to Michael, so Michael wouldn't see the blindside headed his way.  I do believe that Troyzan is the dumbest player of the week.  Why would you not question this?  You cannot believe what other people tell you!  Huge mistake! 

     Jay was very verbal about his concerns going to the extent of talking to Chelsea about the issue in front of Alicia and Christina - - the two women who were not included in the new Salani alliance.  Chelsea did not sugar coat anything and said that she couldn't promise that Jay would not be the next to go.  Fortunately for him, Jay was able to win individual immunity this week.  Kim did some damage control, smoothed things over with the other men of Tikiano, and convinced them to vote Michael out of the game. 

   I'm anxious to see if Jay tries to get all of the men together to take on the women.  Why not try to convince Christina to jump ship.  At this point in the game, she could make final five or higher, but if she sticks with the women she will only make the final six.  In next week's preview Jay seems to do whatever necessary to get the troops together to take on the other power players of the game.  Do I think it will work?  No, of course not. 

Eliminated:  Michael Jefferson, the 30-year-old Banker from Seattle, WA

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore


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