Friday, April 13, 2012

One World: Episode 9

     Man, things are getting down to the wire aren't they?  I think everyone has finally become aware of what I've been saying the entire time regarding the women kicking the men off the island one idiot at a time.  At the beginning of the episode there were six women and four men. . . . what happened this week?  Well, just keep reading......

     I just wanted to point out that at the very beginning of the episode Tarzan was making Troyzan aware of the fact that the women "seem" to be in control of the game, and the men's numbers are almost up.  I just wanted to mention this now because I will reference it later.

     There are so many things that pissed me off in this episode, and then there was something that made me extremely happy, I'll get to my happiness later.  First of all, I wanted to say that Jay has really surprised me over the past two episodes.  He has actually been trying to play the game.  He noticed that the women have been getting rid of the men.  He wanted to vote out either Christina or Alicia  before another man went.  He wanted the new Manono members to be the first group voted off.  Ok, first of all, he should definitely be suspicious about this considering Michael was NOT a member of the new Manono.  He was a Salani.  Shouldn't that have sent off a major red flag in everyone's brain?  I don't understand how the other guys couldn't truly see what was going on.  It is still men versus women.  Anyway...I digress.  Jay seemed to do everything in his power to make sure that he didn't get blindsided at tribal council - - except he gave up during the immunity challenge!  He quit in order to be able to eat chicken wings and drink beer (even though he DOESN'T drink, what was the point??).  Jay, I really hope that meal was worth a million bucks, buddy, because you're an idiot!  Chelsea ended up winning the immunity challenge and was safe at tribal council. 

     Troyzan made the huge mistake of telling Jay that he had the hidden immunity idol.  Why was that a mistake?  Because Jay volunteered this information up to the female alliance.  Why would he do this?  To save his own ass?  Did he think that if he told the girls what was going on, the women would divide up their votes, and the guys could all vote for the same person and finally get rid of a girl?  I'm not sure what his strategy was, but whatever he was thinking did NOT work.  The girls divided up their votes between Troyzan and Jay.  Troyzan had more votes, but he used his hidden immunity idol, so the votes did not count.  Jay ended up receiving the most votes, so he was the third member of the jury this week.  Goodbye Jay and one of the idols has been flushed out.

     Okay, let me get back to my original statement about Tarzan.  He suspected that the women were voting the men off one by one.  Clearly, he knew what was going on because he voted with the girls in this week's episode!  What the hell are you thinking, Tarzan?  Are you trying to pull the Phillip Sheppard card and just be the crazy person who somone will hopefully bring to the end?  Alicia had two votes, and I believe Kim had one.  The rest were for Troyzan or Jay.  Honestly, this episode would have been a perfect opportunity for someone not in the major alliance to make a huge move.  The guys did not all vote together.  If the four remaining guys would have voted for the same person, they could have at least had a tie at tribal council!  In addition, I also wanted to point out how big of an idiot Christina is being.  I sincerly felt bad for her at the beginning of the season because of how Alicia and Colton treated her, but I can honestly see why.  She has no idea what the hell she is doing there.  She is just following anyone who will allow her to follow them.  She knew that she wasn't in the original 5-woman alliance with Kim, Chelsea, Kat, Alicia, and Sabrina.  She still is not in that alliance.  They are using her as a sixth vote.  The furthest she can go at this point in the game is 6th.  If she would have jumped over to the men's side, she could have at LEAST gotten 5th place.  Does that extra spot, with the potential to move further into the game not interest you whatsoever?  Please leave the island if you're not going to play! 

     I definitely have to say that the one thing that made me happy this week is to see how amazing of a player Kim is.  I really hope she goes all the way.  She is one of the best I have seen in a very VERY long time.  I see her as the new Parvati, in all honesty.  I will guarantee that she will be invited back for an All-Stars edition. . . and here are my thoughts on why.  First of all, she is the one calling the shots around camp.  However, she even stated that she is not being too obvious about.  She doesn't want everyone to realize that she is the mastermind because she doesn't want a target on her back.  Secondly, Chelsea is still the only person who knows about her hidden immunity idol. . . which could potentially be her downfall in this game.  Chelsea has been having doubts about whether or not she should do the "right" thing or the "smart" thing, so it will be interesting to see how she continues to play the game.  Anyway, Kim was one of the first people out of the individual immunity challenge because she didn't want people to consider her a physical threat.  She already knew that she's running the game, PLUS she has a hidden immunity idol.  She didn't need the win - - it was better for her not to win.  Finally, she was only one of three people who raised their hands when Jeff asked who felt a little uneasy about tribal council.  I call bullshit!  She knew that she was safe, she just didn't want other people to see how secure she truly is.  Once again - - preventing a target from being on her back.  Kim is one intelligent woman, and I want to see her go all the way!  And in all honesty, Kim is playing the game that I mentioned on my Survivor audition video last fall.  I would love to play this game with her because we have a very similar mindset about the game that we both truly love!  Congrats, Kim, because you are my player of the week!

     I really hope I covered everything that I wanted to cover this week.  I just wanted to mention, yet again, that it really frustrates me to watch people like Christina and Tarzan on this show.  Play the damn game or don't sign up.  Please and thank you!  I believe that Troyzan will be the next to go as soon as he loses an individual immunity challenge.  If he doesn't win this week, then I expect him to go.  If not, then it will probably be Leif. 

Eliminated this week:  Jay Byars, the 25-year-old model, from Gaffney, South Carolina

Until next time . . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore



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