Monday, April 30, 2012

One World: Episode 11

     The episode started out with the tribe going back to camp after just eliminating Leif.  Wow, if it wasn't obvious before, then it should be crystal clear now, right?  There are 8 people left in the game - - 6 women and 2 men.  Which one of the guys is next to go?  The only ounce of hope that Troyzan has at this point is winning individual immunity or else his ass is grass.  Let's see how the episode unfolds.

     Treemail is read for the upcoming reward challenge, and the key words are "get away."  So Kat immediately believes that the winner will get to leave the island and go somewhere luxurious.  If past seasons set a precedence, Kat suspects that the winner of the reward challenge will get to choose one or two people to take with them on the reward.  Kim tells Kat that she will take her as long as Alicia, Christina, and Troyzan are not left alone at camp.  Kat agrees with this idea.  I think Kim was thinking about half-wittedly when making that decision.  I think the only person that she really had to worry about was Troyzan.  If you know that a challenge like this is coming up....get with your alliance members and decide who you should take with you on the reward challenge.  Why not take Troyzan on the reward with you.  That way you can personally do damage control.  You would be cutting him off at the knees.  You would prevent him from having access from the five or six people left at camp.  Perfect opportunity completely wasted!

     In the reward challenge, Kim seemed to be the person that no one seemed to be worried about.  Everyone was so busy taking each other out, that it allowed Kim a clean sweep at the reward challenge.  At the end, she was able to choose two people to go on the helicopter ride with her.  This episode showed us that Kim is not a perfect player.  She made a few flaws in who she decided to go with.  Kim chose Alicia - - possibly due to the fact that she came in second place.  Okay, this decision is fair.  However, the second person she chose was her cohort-in-crime, Chelsea. I do not believe this is a wise decision simply because it exposes the duo as the main alliance in the game.  I believe that the four-women alliance of Kim, Chelsea, Kat, and Sabrina should have decided before hand who was going to take who.  Troyzan should have been taken, so they could quarantine him.  The other person, well, that is just up in the air.  I believe that the women of the tribe really began to understand their place in the game since this decision was made.  Sabrina was labeled the "lazy tribemate," while Christina is someone who "doesn't deserve to be there."  These two kinds of people can easily be beat in a final three, so maybe people will WANT to keep them around.  Only time will tell! 

(At this point in my update, I am having a hard time keeping my eyes open.  I really hope my ideas are coming across the way I intend them to. hahaha).

     Troyzan took the chance to plant seeds in Christina and Kat's heads.  Even though no one has liked Christina from the very beginning of the game which has led her to receive several votes throughout the season, for some reason she always thinks she's safe.  Hmmmm... Anyway, when the trio returned from reward, Kim knew that she had to do some damage control with Kat.  She tried to explain the reasoning behind not taking her on the reward challenge, and for the most part Kat seemed to understand. 

     Despite Kim's lack of strategic game-play in the episode, she was able to show everyone that she is a force to be reckoned with in challenges - - which could also hinder her.  Do you want to look that dominant in challenges?  Absolutely not.  A huge target is slowly being painted.  Let's see if anyone notices and decides to take a shot before it's too late.  Kim won the individual immunity challenge, thus the possibility of finally getting rid of Troyzan is slowly becoming a reality.

     The plan at tribal was to split the vote between Christina and Troyzan.  Five votes were to be cast to Troyzan, but in case he had the hidden immunity idol, Christina would receive the other two votes and would be sent packing.  I found it completely ridiculous that Christina was ok with this idea.  She bought into the idea that "since she has received votes before, she shouldn't be surprised about this" bullshit that she was fed.  People didn't know whether or not Troyzan had an idol or not.  That was the whole purpose of splitting the votes.  I'm sorry, but if someone told me that two votes were headed my way, I would reconsider what the hell was going on.  Not only did Christina go along with this plan, but she also told Troyzan that two votes were going her way.  This could almost give Troyzan a fighting chance.  He told Christina that he would be voting for Chelsea that night.  He was hoping that the seeds that were planted in Tarzan and Kat's heads were beginning to sprout.  Troy had no intention of voting Chelsea out of the game.  He actually wanted the votes to go to Christina, thus allowing him to stay another three days on the island.  Well, his plan did not go exactly as planned.  Christina did vote for Chelsea - - which I'm pretty sure was the only time this entire season that she did something that kind of made sense.   When it was all said and done. . . 1 vote went to Chelsea, 3 votes went to Christina, and 4 votes went to Troyzan.  Troyzan was finally sent packing and became the fifth member of the all-male jury.

     At this point in the game, I think things are going to start getting mixed up a bit.  Everyone knows that Tarzan has absolutely no chance in hell at winning this game.  He will do whatever anyone tells him to do.  He is simply used as an extra vote - - plain and simple.  Christina has proven time and time again that she cannot be trusted and sways with the wind.  They even showed on this episode that they are willing to get rid of her before Tarzan (they didn't split the votes between the Zans...they split them between Troyzan adn Christina).  I honestly believe that Christina will be the next to go...and THANK GOD!!  Christina then Tarzan are my next two predictions.  Let's see how accurate I am.  :)

Eliminated:  Troy Robertson, the 50-year-old Swimsuit Photographer from Miami, Florida

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore


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