Monday, April 30, 2012

One World: Episode 10

     Well, it has been a couple weeks since I have updated this thing.  There are a couple reasons for this.  First of all, I have been working a lot lately.  I have been putting in about 65 hours a week between both jobs that I have.  The second reason?  Well, I think I have accurately predicted everything that has been taking place.  This season is getting boring, and there are only so many times that I can say "I told you so..." before you start getting irritated with me.  Anyhow. . . this is my run-down of episode 10 of 'One World.'

     I just wanted to point out that this is the first time in I don't even know when that Survivor has featured a food auction.  The only thing different about this one was that Jeff wouldn't let the castaways pool their funds or share food with other people.  The thing about previous seasons is that this would be a good way to figure out who was working with who.  However, with this season, I think everyone seems to be pretty aware, so it would be redundent for Jeff to allow them to pool or share food, anyway, so who cares?  Once again, I do have to say that Christina really proved how ignorant she was in this challenge.  She was the only person who had enough money to keep Troyzan from getting an advantage at the individual immunity challenge, but she did not capitalize on this opportunity.  Christina, you may have been hungry and wanted to spend your money on some food so you can eat (which, I don't think you even got to do anyway), but if your tribe wants you to make a power move such as this....DO IT!  It's not just the mere fact that she didn't spend the money to buy the advantage, but she also gave the other women in the alliance (the alliance that she thinks she's a part of, which she's really not!!) to vote her off.  She is undoubtedly one of the stupidest people I've ever seen play this game. Ready for her to go.  'Nuff said!

     Initially, I never thought in a million years that I would be rooting for Troyzan at the end of the season.  Other than the blunder with Jay, he has actually been relatively intelligent and has keen observation skills.  He has known for a while that Kim is in control of the majority, and he has been trying to do everything in his power to derail her.  Due to the advantage that Troyzan bought at the reward challenge, he was able to skip to the second round of the challenge.  This wasn't a huge advantage, but it was enough to secure individual immunity and three more days on the island.   Some people may argue that his display of arrogance is stupid - - he should just be humble when he wins a challenge.  I don't think this is necessarily the case.  He knew that he was enemy number one at this point no matter how he acted.  They would have tried to get rid of him no matter if he acted out or not.. . so why not get on their nerves and rub salt in their wounds?  I sure the hell would have.  Those bitches need to go down! 

     Troyzan once again tried his best to expose the Kim, Sabrina, Kat, Chelsea alliance that seems to be completely oblivious to everyone else.  Troy wanted Leif, Tarzan, Christina, and Alicia to take over the majority and finally get rid of Kim.  I have been saying pre-merge that Christina needed to do something.  Would this be the night that it would happen?  Probably not!  Once again - - IQ of a grain of sand.  The tribal ended up being a little heated as Troyzan tried everything in his power to plant seeds of doubt in the minds of the feeble.  When it was all said and done.  Leif received 4 votes, Tarzan received 3 votes, and Kim received 2 votes.  This would have been an ample opportunity to throw a vote Kim's way.  This would have resulted in a three way tie and something potentially great could have happened.  It's very possible that this would have scared Kim into pulling out her hidden immunity idol, thus flushing it out.  Not only would the idol would have been used early on, but due to the fact that she didn't tell the other people in her alliance that she had it, they would have potentially not been able to trust her for the remainder of the game.  Huge game changer!  Anyway, this was not the case, and Leif was sent packing.  He became the fourth member of the all-male jury.  Hmmm..I believe this is the part where I say I TOLD YOU SO!  Haha.  Predictable.  :/

Eliminated:  Leif Manson, the 27-year-old Phlebotomist from San Diego, California

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

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