Thursday, October 4, 2012

Philippines: Episode 3 "Face First Into Heartbreak"

     I knew that the location of the hidden immunity idol was too conspicuous.  How could someone not notice that the emblem from the rice box was missing?  In the Kalabaw tribe, Dana was the first one who made this observation and was very verbal about her concerns.  Penner kept his cool and acted completely oblivious to what really happened to the emblem.  Honestly, I think Penner played the best card that he could possibly play at this point.  The other members of the tribe are not morons, and Penner knew this.  Why not try to pull someone over to his side?  Penner knew that Jeff Kent was the one leading the charge against him.  Jeff was the one most wary about Penner, so Penner's reaction was to try to get Jeff to trust him as much as possible so he's not the first (or second if the idol is used) person to go from the tribe.  Once again, very wise decision on Penner's part.  Honestly, it would be great to see Jeff blindside Penner just as a level of trust is gained - - that way you get rid of your biggest threat and the idol gets flushed out.  I seriously doubt this will happen, though.  Penner is in this for the long haul.  Oh, by the way, what the hell is a four-fingered handshake?  Must be a sleazy baseball thing.  Whatevs.

     Speaking of hidden immunity idols, I am so pleased that Abi was the one from the Tandang tribe who found the idol.  Why her?  It's not because I like her (because I honestly don't like anyone from the Tandang tribe), but it's because I want the drama! It is only a matter of time before this tribe implodes upon itself - - especially with all of the bullshit that keeps going on.  In addition, considering how little Abi can trust RC, I thought it was in her best interest to tell Pete what was going on with the idol.  Abi knew that Pete would no longer trust RC, and if things get rough, Abi can count on Pete to choose her over RC.  Abi will have two safety nets in her repertoire, even though I can almost count on Pete being the least effective of the two.  Pete claims that he hears and sees everything going on, but I thought he made a grave mistake by telling Lisa who he wanted gone.  I understand that Skupin is a huge threat because he's been out there before - - and no one wants the vet to win.  However, Pete should have had a different conversation with Lisa.  Pete should have asked Lisa who she would consider getting rid of as opposed to TELLING her who to vote for.  Something tells me that Lisa is not going to vote for Skupin.  However, Pete could have easily gotten Lisa on his side in regards to blindsiding the other untrustworthly tribemate - RC.  The self-proclaimed "surveillance" expert is going to regret not listening to suggestions - - I can almost promise you that!  Lisa will see this as the perfect opportunity to catapult herself further into the game.

     I guess the main topic this week is the hidden immuniy idol.  Are none of the Matsing members concerned about their fate?  If I was going to tribal council every damn time, you better believe that I would be searching for that thing every chance that I had!  Maybe someone did try to find it - - but those scenes were edited out due to lack of success. . . who knows, but if not then look for that damn idol!  Swan's performance in the challenge was piss poor.  First of all, he couldn't even climb up the damn ladder.  Then he had to quit because he couldn't dive deep enough to retrieve the puzzle piece.  Who the hell are you?!  Why are you even there, Swan?  Completely worthless!  As much as I love Angie, I was disappointed in her performance, as well.  Furthermore, she said on multiple occasions that she would never quit.  However, she did say that she would not be able to go back in.  Denise and Malcolm destroyed that challenge.  I can honestly say that they would not have gone back to tribal council if Swan would not have quit.  I cannot wait to see his ass go home!  It's only a matter of time. 

     I love Denise so much.  She made the best possible  decision for giving Angie the boot.  She broke up the alliance that Malcolm and Angie had.  This solidified her own alliance with Malcolm.  Why not just get rid of Angie now to eliminate the chance that Malcolm would choose Angie over her later?!  Besides, Swan has been fucking up so much this season - - it's only a matter of time before they slit his throat.  I believe that this is the first time EVER that I have agreed with the boot order.  Let's see if things change later on. 

Side notes:  What the hell is up with Skupin?  He just keeps injuring himself.  Man, you are making yourself look like an idiot.  And why the hell would you do a belly-flop with goggles on?  Artis actually spoke a couple full sentences this week, but it's not like anything that was said was relevant.  The tribal council was pretty heart-breaking.  I felt so bad for Angie, Malcolm, and Denise.  They are all troopers and got the raw end of the deal.  I wish they would have been on different tribes. 

Anyway, until next time. . .

Twitter:  @the_timgilmore

Eliminated this week:  Angie Layton, the 20-year-old Student/Model, from Provo, Utah.

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