Thursday, September 27, 2012

Philippines: Episode 2 "Cookies and Booty Blinded"

I just wanted to start out by saying that my blog has reached over 4000 hits.  I want to thank each and every one of you for showing your continued support.  I know that we can reach 5000 in no time.  Thanks so much!  Enjoy! - - Tim

     I realized the easiest way for me to break down each episode is by talking about each tribe individually.  So, allow me to start with the Tandang tribe.   If any of you read my blog last week, you may have noticed my comments about Abi and RC not seeming like a twosome who will make it to the end of the game together.  Abi has a fiery personality and RC is too analytical.  I would never expect the two of them to be friends outside of this game - - so the likelihood of the two of them being able to work together IN this game is non-existent.  When it comes to finding a clue to a hidden immunity idol  - - I think it is fairly obvious whether or not you should tell another person.  Some people may think that if they share the clue, it is a means to gain someone's trust.  I, however, do not agree with this philosophy.  The hidden immunity idol is truly meant for one person.  It's not meant to protect an entire tribe.  If one other person knows that you have it, this can present the perfect excuse for this person to blindside you - - this gets rid of a potential threat, as well as flushes out the idol.  However, RC finding the clue is not a black or white situation - - Abi walked up on her as it was discovered.  I think that RC played the best cards with the hand that she was dealt.  She was already in an alliance with Abi.  RC even admitted that Abi was her number two despite the fact that she couldn't fully trust her (you shouldn't trust anyone!).  Now, I know that these contestants are "edited" in order to be portrayed a particular way.  I'm not sure if RC was actually making sub-alliances - - but based on how she took control of creating the original four-person alliance, it would not surprise me if she was creating final two alliances with Michael and Pete.  Who knows.  However, the way Abi handled the situation was ridiculous.  She seems like the type of person who would do things just out of spite, and she may try to screw over RC before RC even gets the chance.  Abi is a ticking time-bomb and I cannot wait to watch her explode on the Tandang tribe.

     I've heard that the first few days are possibly the worst out there because your body is not adjusted to the conditions.  Well, this episode was not kind to Lisa.  However, if you remember back in Nicaragua, Holly had a breakdown early on in the game and ended up making it to the final four.  (Shout-out to Holly!  She's my Twitter buddy!)  There are so many variables that go into play, and since I mentioned that Abi is ready to do some damage within her own alliance, this would be the perfect opportunity for Lisa to get in with the other members of her tribe.  Skupin already mentioned in the first episode that he wants to work with Lisa. Maybe Lisa will make some keen observations and realize what exactly is going on within her own tribe.  Only time will tell if she will use Abi's meltdown against her.

     Every now and then I notice a sixth member of the Tandang tribe and am like "who the hell is that?"  Oh yeah, it's Artis!  I keep forgetting about him!  Much like some of the members of the Kalabaw tribe - - Katie and Carter. 

      Ok, so it was only a matter of time before Penner found the hidden immunity idol.  He was so hell-bent on finding it.  Really the only thing that I have to say about the situation was that I truly believe that he should have been more subtle when he stumbled upon it.  It probably wasn't the best idea to go running through camp screaming "I'm on fire!"  If I was Dana, I probably would have been like - - "yep, he found it!"  especially considering they knew that he had been frantically searching for it anyway.  It'll be interesting to see if they figure out that he has it.  I do have to say that I loved how believable he was when he said that his contact fell out and the reason why he was on the ground was because he was looking for his glasses.  Hey, they bought it - - so kudos to him.  Pretty funny scene. 

     Okay,  by now everyone should know my disdain for Russell Swan.  However, what you guys don't know (until now) is that I am actually rooting for the Matsing tribe.  They are the underdogs of this season and I would love to see Malcolm, Angie, and Denise go far in this game.  Swan, not so much, but I'll be rooting for his tribe until there is a switch-up (which I see happening soon, more about that in a few minutes).  Probably one of the biggest things I've learned from Boston Rob is that he once said that you can tell a lot about who is aligned with whom based on who sleeps next to each other at night time.  Apparently Roxy learned this from Boston Rob, as well, because she was so ready to break up the cuddle-buddy duo of Angie and Malcolm.  Was it wise for her to do so, absolutely!  However, her tactics for trying to do so were very very flawed.  Much like Abi, Roxy just went in there full-force making accusations.  Is it possible that Malcolm and Angie were actually JUST cold at night time?  Yes.  Is it likely that either one of them would snuggle with Swan or Denise?  Hell nah!  Honestly, I think it would have been a wiser decision to ask Swan and Denise their thoughts on the situation without trying to throw Angie and Malcolm under the bus.  The mere idea of Roxy calling them out put a target on her back.  Hell, it's pretty sad when a therapist (Denise) says that she can't trust you - - and Roxy is a Seminary Student.  How sad is that?!  I think the right call was made by giving Roxy the boot.  She is clearly a loose cannon and not as physically nor mentally strong as Angie.  It will be a good idea to break them up when the time comes (just as it will be a good idea to get rid of Russell, as well.  Speaking of, why the hell didn't he give that pep talk BEFORE the challenge, as opposed to after?  Hmm makes sense.)  I thought it was a clean-cut choice until Roxy ripped Angie a new one at tribal council.  Angie did not stand up for herself (at least not that we saw).  I truly felt bad for Angie and just wanted her to fight back but it never happened.  Roxy was the one who had her torch snuffed this week, and I believe that the Matsing tribe made the right decision.  Oh yeah, did anyone notice how Jeff Probst said that in this game anything can change instantly and told them to keep their heads up?  Something tells me that there will be a tribe switch, much sooner rather than later.  I guess we will have to stay tuned in to find out!  

     Eliminated this week:  Roxy, the 28-year-old Seminary Student from Brooklyn, New York.

Until next time. . . 

Twitter:  @the_timgilmore

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