Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Philippines: Episode 6 "A Million Dollar Mistake"

     So, I decided to do things a little differently this week.  I am updating my blog as the show airs.  That way, it doesn't take me almost an entire week to get the damn thing updated.  Let's see how well it works out.  :) - - Tim

     First of all, I just have to say that the physical challenges like the one tonight are the kind that I would love to play the most.  I would love to have the opportunity to wrestle with people and knock their asses in the dirt.  Hopefully, CBS will give me a call, so I will have a chance to be the most brutal, physical, bad-ass gay guy Survivor has ever seen!  #TeamTim.

     Tonight's reward challenge was a first.  Never in the history of Survivor, have we witnessed two tribes negotiating a win.  I honestly believe that Tandang made the best decision that they could make.  Skupin was definitely looking long-term, and his decision reflected that.  He knew that he was already on the chopping block for eating a majority of the rice they already had - - so why not steal Kalabaw's rice in exchange for whatever the reward shall be - - in this case, sandwiches.  (Ssandwiches are not going to sustain the members of Kalabaw for very long, and as Probst exclaimed, the weather will not make for optimal fishing conditions.)  Anyway, Pete and Lisa really surprised me.  I had no idea that Lisa is as strong as she is.  She had the warhorse, Denise, at a stand still.  So, my hat goes off to her.  Pete, on the other hand, did not fair too well against Carter.  Carter weighs like a buck fifty. . . what happened in there, Pete?!  Also, when Penner started crawling through Skupin's legs, I was screaming at the TV for Skupin to sit on Penner's head - - and that is exactly what happened!  Hell yeah.  That's exactly what I would have done, except, I probably would have squashed his head with my knee, but I'm a dick like that.  I really wanted to see this challenge continue, but the Tandang tribe made the right decision.  Oh, furthermore, I have a feeling that Artis is digging his own grave.  He is being very negative toward Skupin at this point, and I know that it will come back to bite him in the ass.  Let's see how long it takes.

     When the Kalabaw crew got back to camp, they realized that the reward also included letters from home.  No offense to my family and friends who read this, but that is absolutely the last reward I'd ever want to receive.  I honestly think that it takes your mind away from the game.  You have to keep your head focused on that million dollar prize.  You can see all of those people when you get home.  You have to be gone for two months - - that is all.  I don't see most of my family members but one time a year.  I think I can go two months without seeing or talking to them - - just sayin'.

     Abi, Pete, and Artis made a huge deal about Tandang forfeiting the challenge in exchange for additional rice.  Are you fucking retarded?  Your rations were almost completely depleted.  It's not like Probst gave Kalabaw a spear and a boat.  They already had those items.  They could have been catching fish any way. . . .at least take away some of their food source.  Besides, we all know that you can not assume anything in this game - - clearly.  Hahaha, good job Skupin.  Also, I am beginning to finally respect RC.  She took all of the negativity around camp and used it to save her own ass.  All she needs to do, like she said, is fly under the radar.  This is exactly what Lisa is doing, as well, and is what will save the two of them.  Abi, Pete, and Artis will hang themselves with their own ropes.  Idiots.

     I wonder if Probst just despises Katie.  He continually throws her under the bus and calls her out in challenges.  Yes, her performance is lackluster, but at least she actually performs, unlike Abi.  Abi is the type of person who bitches about everything but constantly does nothing to better the situation.  But anyway, that's a rant for another day - - I'll save that for the episode when she gets kicked off.  After Kalabaw's loss - - basically due to the hands of Malcolm (whom I am beginning to develop a little crush on by the way.  hahaha :) )- - I believe that Katie will be the one sent packing this week.

     At this point in the game, you have to start thinking about the end-game.  There are only twelve of you left which means that the merge will happen within the next few days - - guaranteed.  That is not an assumption - - it will happen.  Due to Kalabaw's loss, you have to look at your options.  Penner is a third-time player.  People suspect that he has an idol.  The Kalabaw tribe are already down two members and are getting ready to be down a third.  It doesn't matter which person leaves this week as far as strength goes because the Tandang tribe will have the numbers going into the merge regardless of who leaves.  It's simple math.  Tonight would have been the perfect time to get rid of Penner.  He would have never seen it coming - - hell, he didn't even play his idol.  At this point in the game, strength is out the window.  Penner will only become a larger physical threat for the individual immunity - - something that Katie would not have been.  This is what infuriates me about the show.  This is what makes me want to play it so badly - - watching these idiots play it.  You guys basically just signed Penner a million dollar check.  He has the hidden immunity idol, he's a returning player, and he will be a force to be reckoned with in individual challenges.  Katie has done nothing and would have continued to do nothing.  This is the first time this season that I disagree with who got voted out - - and this was a million dollar decision.  Speaking of the merge . .. I saw a preview for next week and it does hint that it will be happening next week.  Hmmm...what did I say?  I know how this game works.  Why have I not received a phone call yet?  Geez louise.  Lol.  Have a good week guys.

Eliminated:  Katie Hanson, the 22-year-old Former Miss Delaware from ....Delaware :)

Until next time . . .

Twitter:  @the_timgilmore

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