Sunday, October 21, 2012

Philippines: Episode 5 "School-Girl Swag"

     I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for continuing to show your support.  I have reached over 5200 pageviews since I started this blog during South Pacific!  Thanks a bunch!  - - Tim

     I do have to admit that I am ecstatic that the Matsing tribe has finally dissolved.  Now, we have an opportunity to actually meet the other contestants, and honestly, it almost feels like a different show now.  Bring it on!

     Kalabaw was originally the tribe to beat.  Up until this point, they were doing better in challenges than the other tribes.  However, due to the fact that they picked up Denise and Tandang received Malcolm, it is only a matter of time before these guys get picked off one by one.  However, I believe that we should be getting close to the merge, so as long as they just keep fighting, they may have at least an even number going in.  I suppose only time will tell.

     I cannot believe that Pete told Malcolm that he had an immunity idol.  This dude put way too much faith in someone he just met.  This is the same damn thing he did with Lisa.  He gave up way too much confidential information without first receiving some.  Malcolm is definitely sitting pretty at this point.  He was on the brink of disaster by being attached to one of the biggest failures by being on the Matsing tribe . . . and now he has an idol, as well as a second idol on his side.  I don't see Malcolm sticking with Pete and Abi very long, though.  Could there be a blindside that occurs when Pete and Abi believe they are safe?  I can definitely see this happening - - and I hope it does.  I would love to see Malcolm make it to the end of this game.

     I was originally disappointed with the fact that Dana quit. . . however, after some research, I found out that she had been sick the entire time she was out there.  Due to this, she was not able to display the type of bubbly person she considers herself to be.  This is a disappointment.  I know that it must be difficult to not be able to play the game that you love to the full extent when it is raining the entire time and you are stricken with illness.  Despite the fact, she did go out on her own.  I really wish she would have tried to sucked and tried to go deeper into the game.  At least she is better now. :)
     I really thought Katie was going this week.  Jeff repeatedly threw her under the bus during the challenge.  He called her out on numerous occasions when she was costing the Kalabaw tribe to fall behind.  I was surprised that Dawson was the one who got the boot.  This should not have happened.  Dawson should have fought for it.  She knew that either she or Katie were on the chopping block that night.  She should have threatened Jeff that if it was her, that his secret would get exposed.  The fact that she wasn't willing to spice up the game a little bit with some blackmail makes me glad that she got the boot.  If you're not going to play the game, then get the hell off of the island!

     P.S. - - is it just me or does Carter look cross-eyed every time the camera shows him?!  Hmmmm, pay attention next time he is shown (which is only like two seconds of every episode).

Eliminated:  Sarah Dawson, the 28-year-old, Insurance Salesperson from Silver Spring, Maryland.

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  @the_timgilmore

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