Sunday, October 14, 2012

Philippines: Episode 4 "A Flash of Chaos"

     I am really impressed with Pete's actions this week.  Initially, I did not believe that he would know how to play this game, but he does, surprisingly.  Pete knew that Abi and RC were at odds.  He also knew that RC did not know that Abi told him about the clue to the hidden immunity idol.  I thought his plot to cause some chaos in the tribe by putting the clue in plain sight was pretty genius.  If you can get two people to fight within the tribe, then clearly you will be safe for a little while - - right?!  Hopefully it works out in his favor.  Not only is he nice to look at, but he is turning out to be a villain worth watching.  He does not to seem to be as big of a dumbass as I thought he was going to be.  Good job, sir!

     I mentioned last week how I thought that Lisa was finally in good standing within the Tandang tribe because of Abi and RC's drama.  As things progress, this seems to be more and more likely.  Lisa just sits back and listens to each of her tribemates throw each other under the bus.  I know that Lisa will use this in her favor.  It is only a matter of time before they head to tribal council, and I'm anxious to see how this entire situation unfolds.  I see Artis being the first one to go, but after that, it's anyone's game.  :)

     I am ecstatic that there was foreshadowing taking place within the Kalabaw tribe.  The Matsing tribe is near extinction, so it is time to start focusing on a different group of people.  We saw a division between the men and women.  Personally, I would love to be in an all-guy alliance.  I have watched enough of this amazing game to know that the women would vote your ass out as soon as the opportunity arose.  Carter's decision to side with Jonathan and Kent was the best decision that he could make for himself.  Until something changes, it'll be three on three, and at least the men have the idol on their side.  I know that they showed us these newly developed relationships for a reason, so let's just stay tuned so we can find out why.

     Okay, so my heart broke for the Matsing tribe last week.  We all know that Denise, Malcolm, and Angie were my three favorite players (so far).  This week, it just got to the point of embarrassment - - especially for Russell.  First of all, he mentioned how he knows that he has probably passed the idol at least a hundred times, and as soon as it happens, it'll probably 'flash' on the screen (which actually happens).  Nice job, CBS.  I thought it was wise that Malcolm and Denise looked through Russell's things in search of the idol.  It's better safe than sorry.  In addition, Malcolm and Denise's loyalty to each other really showed true when they decided that they needed to do whatever necessary to make Russell feel secure, so even if he did have the idol that he wouldn't feel the need to use it.  Honestly, I understand Russell's frustration.  I love competition, but hate losing.  I think I would have freaked the fuck out a long time ago.  I don't really understand why Probst was busting his balls so much over being pissed that they lost again.  How would you expect someone to act?  Just take it on the chin and keep going?  Deep down Russell probably knew that his time was up.  His second time back was heartbreaking, embarrassing, frustrating, and mentally exhausting - - which I'm sure he never expected.  I do feel bad for him but Denise and Malcolm made the right decision.  At this point, Malcolm and Denise are supposed to be divided up.  I would love to see them make the merge, so they could have an opportunity to work with each other again.  Considering all of the bullshit they've been through, they deserve an actual chance at this game.  #TeamMatsing for the win. . . haha, yeah right.  :)

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  @the_timgilmore

Eliminated:  Russell Swan, the 45-year-old Environmental Attorney from Glenside, PA

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