Monday, April 30, 2012

One World: Episode 11

     The episode started out with the tribe going back to camp after just eliminating Leif.  Wow, if it wasn't obvious before, then it should be crystal clear now, right?  There are 8 people left in the game - - 6 women and 2 men.  Which one of the guys is next to go?  The only ounce of hope that Troyzan has at this point is winning individual immunity or else his ass is grass.  Let's see how the episode unfolds.

     Treemail is read for the upcoming reward challenge, and the key words are "get away."  So Kat immediately believes that the winner will get to leave the island and go somewhere luxurious.  If past seasons set a precedence, Kat suspects that the winner of the reward challenge will get to choose one or two people to take with them on the reward.  Kim tells Kat that she will take her as long as Alicia, Christina, and Troyzan are not left alone at camp.  Kat agrees with this idea.  I think Kim was thinking about half-wittedly when making that decision.  I think the only person that she really had to worry about was Troyzan.  If you know that a challenge like this is coming up....get with your alliance members and decide who you should take with you on the reward challenge.  Why not take Troyzan on the reward with you.  That way you can personally do damage control.  You would be cutting him off at the knees.  You would prevent him from having access from the five or six people left at camp.  Perfect opportunity completely wasted!

     In the reward challenge, Kim seemed to be the person that no one seemed to be worried about.  Everyone was so busy taking each other out, that it allowed Kim a clean sweep at the reward challenge.  At the end, she was able to choose two people to go on the helicopter ride with her.  This episode showed us that Kim is not a perfect player.  She made a few flaws in who she decided to go with.  Kim chose Alicia - - possibly due to the fact that she came in second place.  Okay, this decision is fair.  However, the second person she chose was her cohort-in-crime, Chelsea. I do not believe this is a wise decision simply because it exposes the duo as the main alliance in the game.  I believe that the four-women alliance of Kim, Chelsea, Kat, and Sabrina should have decided before hand who was going to take who.  Troyzan should have been taken, so they could quarantine him.  The other person, well, that is just up in the air.  I believe that the women of the tribe really began to understand their place in the game since this decision was made.  Sabrina was labeled the "lazy tribemate," while Christina is someone who "doesn't deserve to be there."  These two kinds of people can easily be beat in a final three, so maybe people will WANT to keep them around.  Only time will tell! 

(At this point in my update, I am having a hard time keeping my eyes open.  I really hope my ideas are coming across the way I intend them to. hahaha).

     Troyzan took the chance to plant seeds in Christina and Kat's heads.  Even though no one has liked Christina from the very beginning of the game which has led her to receive several votes throughout the season, for some reason she always thinks she's safe.  Hmmmm... Anyway, when the trio returned from reward, Kim knew that she had to do some damage control with Kat.  She tried to explain the reasoning behind not taking her on the reward challenge, and for the most part Kat seemed to understand. 

     Despite Kim's lack of strategic game-play in the episode, she was able to show everyone that she is a force to be reckoned with in challenges - - which could also hinder her.  Do you want to look that dominant in challenges?  Absolutely not.  A huge target is slowly being painted.  Let's see if anyone notices and decides to take a shot before it's too late.  Kim won the individual immunity challenge, thus the possibility of finally getting rid of Troyzan is slowly becoming a reality.

     The plan at tribal was to split the vote between Christina and Troyzan.  Five votes were to be cast to Troyzan, but in case he had the hidden immunity idol, Christina would receive the other two votes and would be sent packing.  I found it completely ridiculous that Christina was ok with this idea.  She bought into the idea that "since she has received votes before, she shouldn't be surprised about this" bullshit that she was fed.  People didn't know whether or not Troyzan had an idol or not.  That was the whole purpose of splitting the votes.  I'm sorry, but if someone told me that two votes were headed my way, I would reconsider what the hell was going on.  Not only did Christina go along with this plan, but she also told Troyzan that two votes were going her way.  This could almost give Troyzan a fighting chance.  He told Christina that he would be voting for Chelsea that night.  He was hoping that the seeds that were planted in Tarzan and Kat's heads were beginning to sprout.  Troy had no intention of voting Chelsea out of the game.  He actually wanted the votes to go to Christina, thus allowing him to stay another three days on the island.  Well, his plan did not go exactly as planned.  Christina did vote for Chelsea - - which I'm pretty sure was the only time this entire season that she did something that kind of made sense.   When it was all said and done. . . 1 vote went to Chelsea, 3 votes went to Christina, and 4 votes went to Troyzan.  Troyzan was finally sent packing and became the fifth member of the all-male jury.

     At this point in the game, I think things are going to start getting mixed up a bit.  Everyone knows that Tarzan has absolutely no chance in hell at winning this game.  He will do whatever anyone tells him to do.  He is simply used as an extra vote - - plain and simple.  Christina has proven time and time again that she cannot be trusted and sways with the wind.  They even showed on this episode that they are willing to get rid of her before Tarzan (they didn't split the votes between the Zans...they split them between Troyzan adn Christina).  I honestly believe that Christina will be the next to go...and THANK GOD!!  Christina then Tarzan are my next two predictions.  Let's see how accurate I am.  :)

Eliminated:  Troy Robertson, the 50-year-old Swimsuit Photographer from Miami, Florida

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore


One World: Episode 10

     Well, it has been a couple weeks since I have updated this thing.  There are a couple reasons for this.  First of all, I have been working a lot lately.  I have been putting in about 65 hours a week between both jobs that I have.  The second reason?  Well, I think I have accurately predicted everything that has been taking place.  This season is getting boring, and there are only so many times that I can say "I told you so..." before you start getting irritated with me.  Anyhow. . . this is my run-down of episode 10 of 'One World.'

     I just wanted to point out that this is the first time in I don't even know when that Survivor has featured a food auction.  The only thing different about this one was that Jeff wouldn't let the castaways pool their funds or share food with other people.  The thing about previous seasons is that this would be a good way to figure out who was working with who.  However, with this season, I think everyone seems to be pretty aware, so it would be redundent for Jeff to allow them to pool or share food, anyway, so who cares?  Once again, I do have to say that Christina really proved how ignorant she was in this challenge.  She was the only person who had enough money to keep Troyzan from getting an advantage at the individual immunity challenge, but she did not capitalize on this opportunity.  Christina, you may have been hungry and wanted to spend your money on some food so you can eat (which, I don't think you even got to do anyway), but if your tribe wants you to make a power move such as this....DO IT!  It's not just the mere fact that she didn't spend the money to buy the advantage, but she also gave the other women in the alliance (the alliance that she thinks she's a part of, which she's really not!!) to vote her off.  She is undoubtedly one of the stupidest people I've ever seen play this game. Ready for her to go.  'Nuff said!

     Initially, I never thought in a million years that I would be rooting for Troyzan at the end of the season.  Other than the blunder with Jay, he has actually been relatively intelligent and has keen observation skills.  He has known for a while that Kim is in control of the majority, and he has been trying to do everything in his power to derail her.  Due to the advantage that Troyzan bought at the reward challenge, he was able to skip to the second round of the challenge.  This wasn't a huge advantage, but it was enough to secure individual immunity and three more days on the island.   Some people may argue that his display of arrogance is stupid - - he should just be humble when he wins a challenge.  I don't think this is necessarily the case.  He knew that he was enemy number one at this point no matter how he acted.  They would have tried to get rid of him no matter if he acted out or not.. . so why not get on their nerves and rub salt in their wounds?  I sure the hell would have.  Those bitches need to go down! 

     Troyzan once again tried his best to expose the Kim, Sabrina, Kat, Chelsea alliance that seems to be completely oblivious to everyone else.  Troy wanted Leif, Tarzan, Christina, and Alicia to take over the majority and finally get rid of Kim.  I have been saying pre-merge that Christina needed to do something.  Would this be the night that it would happen?  Probably not!  Once again - - IQ of a grain of sand.  The tribal ended up being a little heated as Troyzan tried everything in his power to plant seeds of doubt in the minds of the feeble.  When it was all said and done.  Leif received 4 votes, Tarzan received 3 votes, and Kim received 2 votes.  This would have been an ample opportunity to throw a vote Kim's way.  This would have resulted in a three way tie and something potentially great could have happened.  It's very possible that this would have scared Kim into pulling out her hidden immunity idol, thus flushing it out.  Not only would the idol would have been used early on, but due to the fact that she didn't tell the other people in her alliance that she had it, they would have potentially not been able to trust her for the remainder of the game.  Huge game changer!  Anyway, this was not the case, and Leif was sent packing.  He became the fourth member of the all-male jury.  Hmmm..I believe this is the part where I say I TOLD YOU SO!  Haha.  Predictable.  :/

Eliminated:  Leif Manson, the 27-year-old Phlebotomist from San Diego, California

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Friday, April 13, 2012

One World: Episode 9

     Man, things are getting down to the wire aren't they?  I think everyone has finally become aware of what I've been saying the entire time regarding the women kicking the men off the island one idiot at a time.  At the beginning of the episode there were six women and four men. . . . what happened this week?  Well, just keep reading......

     I just wanted to point out that at the very beginning of the episode Tarzan was making Troyzan aware of the fact that the women "seem" to be in control of the game, and the men's numbers are almost up.  I just wanted to mention this now because I will reference it later.

     There are so many things that pissed me off in this episode, and then there was something that made me extremely happy, I'll get to my happiness later.  First of all, I wanted to say that Jay has really surprised me over the past two episodes.  He has actually been trying to play the game.  He noticed that the women have been getting rid of the men.  He wanted to vote out either Christina or Alicia  before another man went.  He wanted the new Manono members to be the first group voted off.  Ok, first of all, he should definitely be suspicious about this considering Michael was NOT a member of the new Manono.  He was a Salani.  Shouldn't that have sent off a major red flag in everyone's brain?  I don't understand how the other guys couldn't truly see what was going on.  It is still men versus women.  Anyway...I digress.  Jay seemed to do everything in his power to make sure that he didn't get blindsided at tribal council - - except he gave up during the immunity challenge!  He quit in order to be able to eat chicken wings and drink beer (even though he DOESN'T drink, what was the point??).  Jay, I really hope that meal was worth a million bucks, buddy, because you're an idiot!  Chelsea ended up winning the immunity challenge and was safe at tribal council. 

     Troyzan made the huge mistake of telling Jay that he had the hidden immunity idol.  Why was that a mistake?  Because Jay volunteered this information up to the female alliance.  Why would he do this?  To save his own ass?  Did he think that if he told the girls what was going on, the women would divide up their votes, and the guys could all vote for the same person and finally get rid of a girl?  I'm not sure what his strategy was, but whatever he was thinking did NOT work.  The girls divided up their votes between Troyzan and Jay.  Troyzan had more votes, but he used his hidden immunity idol, so the votes did not count.  Jay ended up receiving the most votes, so he was the third member of the jury this week.  Goodbye Jay and one of the idols has been flushed out.

     Okay, let me get back to my original statement about Tarzan.  He suspected that the women were voting the men off one by one.  Clearly, he knew what was going on because he voted with the girls in this week's episode!  What the hell are you thinking, Tarzan?  Are you trying to pull the Phillip Sheppard card and just be the crazy person who somone will hopefully bring to the end?  Alicia had two votes, and I believe Kim had one.  The rest were for Troyzan or Jay.  Honestly, this episode would have been a perfect opportunity for someone not in the major alliance to make a huge move.  The guys did not all vote together.  If the four remaining guys would have voted for the same person, they could have at least had a tie at tribal council!  In addition, I also wanted to point out how big of an idiot Christina is being.  I sincerly felt bad for her at the beginning of the season because of how Alicia and Colton treated her, but I can honestly see why.  She has no idea what the hell she is doing there.  She is just following anyone who will allow her to follow them.  She knew that she wasn't in the original 5-woman alliance with Kim, Chelsea, Kat, Alicia, and Sabrina.  She still is not in that alliance.  They are using her as a sixth vote.  The furthest she can go at this point in the game is 6th.  If she would have jumped over to the men's side, she could have at LEAST gotten 5th place.  Does that extra spot, with the potential to move further into the game not interest you whatsoever?  Please leave the island if you're not going to play! 

     I definitely have to say that the one thing that made me happy this week is to see how amazing of a player Kim is.  I really hope she goes all the way.  She is one of the best I have seen in a very VERY long time.  I see her as the new Parvati, in all honesty.  I will guarantee that she will be invited back for an All-Stars edition. . . and here are my thoughts on why.  First of all, she is the one calling the shots around camp.  However, she even stated that she is not being too obvious about.  She doesn't want everyone to realize that she is the mastermind because she doesn't want a target on her back.  Secondly, Chelsea is still the only person who knows about her hidden immunity idol. . . which could potentially be her downfall in this game.  Chelsea has been having doubts about whether or not she should do the "right" thing or the "smart" thing, so it will be interesting to see how she continues to play the game.  Anyway, Kim was one of the first people out of the individual immunity challenge because she didn't want people to consider her a physical threat.  She already knew that she's running the game, PLUS she has a hidden immunity idol.  She didn't need the win - - it was better for her not to win.  Finally, she was only one of three people who raised their hands when Jeff asked who felt a little uneasy about tribal council.  I call bullshit!  She knew that she was safe, she just didn't want other people to see how secure she truly is.  Once again - - preventing a target from being on her back.  Kim is one intelligent woman, and I want to see her go all the way!  And in all honesty, Kim is playing the game that I mentioned on my Survivor audition video last fall.  I would love to play this game with her because we have a very similar mindset about the game that we both truly love!  Congrats, Kim, because you are my player of the week!

     I really hope I covered everything that I wanted to cover this week.  I just wanted to mention, yet again, that it really frustrates me to watch people like Christina and Tarzan on this show.  Play the damn game or don't sign up.  Please and thank you!  I believe that Troyzan will be the next to go as soon as he loses an individual immunity challenge.  If he doesn't win this week, then I expect him to go.  If not, then it will probably be Leif. 

Eliminated this week:  Jay Byars, the 25-year-old model, from Gaffney, South Carolina

Until next time . . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore



Thursday, April 5, 2012

One World: Episode 8

     I was really hoping I could find a solo picture of Jay in this week's photo album on because I feel as if he had an epiphany - - he realized that the original concept of men versus women is still in full swing.  Jay suggested at the very beginning of the episode that in order to keep a level playing field, the newly formed Tikiano tribe should vote off a woman this time around.  He realized that the women are going to start picking the men off one-on-one.  Duh!  I said this in multiple previous posts, remember?  The original Salani tribe had much more of an opportunity to build initial relationships with each other.  Plus, have you guys ever watched Survivor before?  Women are much more likely than men to stick together.  It's a power trip or feminism or whatever you want to call it.  Thank you Jay for being the smartest player of the week.

     In this week's reward challenge the tribe was divided up into two teams.  The yellow team and green team with the winning team getting a "7-Up Oasis."  This consisted of 7-Up, steaks, hamburgers, hotdogs, and desserts.  The winning yellow tribe consisted of:  Sabrina, Kim, Michael, Christina, and Leif.  While the tribe was enjoying their new food, Sabrina and Kim had an opportunity to talk strategy solidifying a final three alliance with Chelsea.  Did I not predict this last week?  I really wish the Survivor execs would start reading my blogs and see how accurate I am when it comes to these things.  :)  In addition, they agreed to get a strong female front so they could start sending the men home one-by-one until only the six women remain. 

     Everyone is sick and tired of Tarzan, even going as far as nicknaming any crazy thing someone says or does as "That's so Tarzan," or "Tarzaning."  Chelsea once again had a run in with him when he questioned the plastic surgery on her boobs.  However, Chelsea finally realized that there is no way in hell that anyone would vote to give Tarzan a million dollars, so he isn't a threat in this game.  It would make much more sense to vote off the other men first.  Once again, something I already said.

     Kim decided that it would be wise to get rid of Michael.  He is a physical threat and has played a clean game so far.  He decided to tell Troyzan that Michael is talking about voting him off - - - but told Troyzan not to mention anything to Michael, so Michael wouldn't see the blindside headed his way.  I do believe that Troyzan is the dumbest player of the week.  Why would you not question this?  You cannot believe what other people tell you!  Huge mistake! 

     Jay was very verbal about his concerns going to the extent of talking to Chelsea about the issue in front of Alicia and Christina - - the two women who were not included in the new Salani alliance.  Chelsea did not sugar coat anything and said that she couldn't promise that Jay would not be the next to go.  Fortunately for him, Jay was able to win individual immunity this week.  Kim did some damage control, smoothed things over with the other men of Tikiano, and convinced them to vote Michael out of the game. 

   I'm anxious to see if Jay tries to get all of the men together to take on the women.  Why not try to convince Christina to jump ship.  At this point in the game, she could make final five or higher, but if she sticks with the women she will only make the final six.  In next week's preview Jay seems to do whatever necessary to get the troops together to take on the other power players of the game.  Do I think it will work?  No, of course not. 

Eliminated:  Michael Jefferson, the 30-year-old Banker from Seattle, WA

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore


Sunday, April 1, 2012

One World: Episode 7

     This episode started out with Troyzan picking the new name of the tribe.  He suggested that the new tribe be called Tikiano - - meaning year of the god.  Tikiano's tribe color is black. 

     The first reward challenge had the newly formed tribe divided up equally among two teams.  The challenge was extremely close which tells me that everyone seems to be on a level playing field at this point in the game.  It is no longer men versus women.  Everyone has an equal chance (except for the two people who have hidden immunity idols in the game).  The winning team won pizza and beer, which would honestly be the reward that I would most want to win.  20 days without alcohol.  What?!

     Troyzan had a very impressive episode.  He won the first individual immunity challenge, and he also found a hidden immunity idol.  I thought it was very wise of him not to share this with anyone else.  You never know when someone would want to blindside him and flush out the idol.  It'll be interesting to see how long he decides to hold on to the idol before using it, or if he continues to keep it a secret.

     I am also impressed with Kim.  She has a hidden immunity idol, and she is also in two secret and very powerful alliances.  I could definitely see Kim, Chelsea, and Sabrina making it to the final three.  Or it could be Kim, Chelsea, and Troyzan if  Troyzan keeps his hidden immunity idol a secret and continues to dominate challenges.  The downside about having two strong alliances is that at some point in the game you are going to have to make a decision on which one to go with.  People may give her their final vote for the mere fact that she played them.  However, people could end up being bitter that she did not stick to her word.  This could also cost her the game.  It's a very tricky situation and you don't really know what way people are going to swing.  Will they give her the money because she deserves it or will they prevent her from winning the money because they are bitter?  Only time will tell.

     You definitely knew that the game is at a different stage when the most liked person after the merge gets kicked off, despite the fact that he was a provider.  Jonas constantly cooked for his tribe, and got along with everyone with the exception of Tarzan.  Being a provider and being likeable are two characteristics that people admire and would consider when awarding the million dollar prize to someone.  Jonas would be hard to beat in the finals and everyone knew that.  He was voted off in this episode for those very reasons. 

     The game seems to have switched from men versus women to Manono versus Salani.  There are still so many different ways this game could play out especially considering two people have hidden immunity idols.  I can honestly see Tarzan staying a while longer because he is probably the least likesable person and is worthless in challenges.  If the Manono members are going to get kicked off one by one, then I think Leif or Christina are the next to go.

Eliminated:  Jonas Otsuji the 37-year-old Sushi Chef from Lehi, Utah

Until next time . . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore