Monday, September 26, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 2

Unfortunately, I am really late getting this review posted, so I may be a little sketchy on some of the details of the episode - - but I will try my best to accurately recall what happened.

The one thing that I thought was interesting from the first episode was how Coach made a five-person alliance, but Edna was not included.  They touched on this some-what during the episode because Coach decided that he would have a sub-alliance with Edna, as well.  I saw this coming, and it is always a wise decision to have an additional vote on the side.  However, Coach did not make any promises to her, so it will be interesting to see how far in the game he decides to take her.

I think Brandon is a very dangerous player.  I definitely saw some of Russell in him.  He was going around telling people that Christine and Stacey were going to vote for Mikayla, simply because he did not want her in the game.  This kind of game play nearly got her ejected from the game.  I don't think he is as smart as Russell, nor has enough confidence to make these kinds of big moves work.  It will be interesting to see how he continues to play the game.  On another note, I think it would be AMAZING if Brandon told Coach about his little secret just so Coach will end up trusting him, thus allowing Brandon to blindside Coach.  Coach knows that Brandon isn't going to tell anyone else about his secret, so for whatever reason, believes that Brandon is a genuine person.  Huge mistake!

Keith definitely has the right idea with aligning with Ozzy.  Also, he was sitting back letting Jim think that he was the person in charge.  This would be a great opportunity for Keith to take a backseat for a while, and let some of the more outspoken players in the game take the heat for any sacrifices that may have to be made.  He won't look like the bad guy, thus allowing him to get further in the game.  Which I would love considering - - once again  - - he's the only eyecandy on the island.

I absolutely hate the fact that Christine did absolutely nothing with the clue that she found for the immunity idol.  If you are going to take the risk early on by looking for the might as well take the risk and do something with the clue once you found it.  I called it last week that her time would be coming to an end.

I can't believe how much of a lack of communication is going on in this tribe.  Even people in the main alliance voted differently from eachother.  If you want to get rid of people - - TELL EACHOTHER WHO YOU'RE VOTING FOR.  I seriously had a flashback to Borneo when people were just doing their own thing.  This tribe seriously needs to get on the same page!

Voted off this week:  Christine

Next week we should see the first Redemption Island duel between Christine and Semhar.  I'm not sure who will win this one.  It could absolutely be either one of them.

Also, I look forward to seeing either Dawn or Cochran kicked off next week if Savaii goes to tribal council.  If Upolu goes, then it will probably be Stacey, Edna, or Mikayla.

Until next time!

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