Monday, September 12, 2011

South Pacific: Season Preview

In order to show CBS, Jeff Probst, and Mark Burnett how perfect I am for the game of Survivor, I’ve decided that I am going to post a weekly blog about the show. I’m going to give my opinion on what moves should have been made, as well as state whether or not the moves that were made were the right ones.

I figured the perfect way to start this thing out right is by giving my utmost, honest opinions about the preview of the new cast. Obviously, it is too early to be exactly right, but at least I can try, right?

First of all, let’s talk about the veterans: Coach Wade and Ozzy. The whole redemption angle was played out perfectly last time by Boston Rob. I believe it was his fourth time playing the game, and he was finally able to win. It should be very interesting to see how things work out this time. If any of the new cast members watched last season, they should know that you don’t want to make a big move too early in the game which could cost your tribe precious numbers at the merge (I.E. Zapatera getting rid of Russell), but at some point you will HAVE to make that big move and get rid of the veterans. I do not see Coach winning this, but Ozzy has come very close on his previous two seasons, so he could definitely pull this one out. I do not want another veteran to win this season, so I’m hoping that he will be one of the first people to go AFTER the merge. Keep him around when you need him, then blindside him. With that said, let’s get to the newbies.

Dawn: English teacher, married, six children. She says that she is very tough. As long as she does relatively well in the early challenges, I can see her floating for a while - - or flying under the radar. She plans on relating to the younger people, which means she could possibly end up being a “Holly” (Survivor Nicaraqua).   I don’t see her winning, but I think she could definitely go far if she does alright in the challenges and knows how to relate well with the other castaways.

Edna: I actually liked Edna a lot until she mentioned how she can come off pretty bossy and put herself in a leadership role. If she acts on these two things, she will definitely bump heads with people early on and could be one of the first people kicked off. If she learns how to not demonstrate these two self-proclaimed attributes, then I can definitely see her going far in the game.

Christine: She is also a teacher, but helps students with special needs, which tells me she may have a lot of patience. She probably will be able to bite her tongue, despite the fact that she is a self-proclaimed tough New Yorker. She really didn’t give any examples on why she thinks she can win, other than the fact that she’s from New York. I can see her NOT getting along with some of the younger “lazy” women on the tribe.

Elyse: The people who annoy me the most in the game of Survivor are the females who just lie around on the beach, don’t really offer anything, and float through the game. Elyse may be one of these kinds of girls. She claims to be outspoken, which could be her downfall - - but she is looking forward to digging deep and getting to know people on a personal basis, which could be one the things that could help her get far in the game.

Brandon: Brandon will have a huge target on his back from the very beginning if he allows it to slip that he is the nephew of one of the greatest Survivor villains ever - - Russell Hantz! He claims that he will do what he needs to do in order to win the GAME of Survivor, but he wants to do it as honorable as possible. I can see him going far in this game if he does what he says he’s going to do: stays low-key, builds relationships and not losing his temper, which he claims he often does.

Rick: This is Rick’s 14th audition for Survivor. I honestly think that 14 times may end up being my lucky number, as well. Haha, just kidding, hopefully I’ll get it on the second audition. :) He plans to work hard around camp. He doesn’t want to take on the leadership role because he knows that the leader is normally the first person to go. I honestly don’t see him going very far in the game. I don’t see him being very competitive in the challenges.

Albert: He will do very well in challenges. He used to be a dating coach which means that he could do very well socially because he will be able to read the other castaways. His strategy is to be likeable. I can see him going far as long as he doesn’t appear to be too huge of a threat early on. He claims he will do what is necessary to win - - which is exactly what it takes!

Mikayla: She’s a Jersey girl. She claims that she may be underestimated because of her appearance. She knows that you can’t be too outspoken early on, but still plans on being herself to an extent. She claims to be pretty competitive, wants to make the right alliances, and is socially adaptable. The thing that may get her far in the game is the fact that she claims that she is always planning ahead, always knows what decision to make under any circumstance.

John: He is definitely a super-fan. Physically, I don’t think he will have much to offer. He does not seem to have a lot of confidence. He just wants to get past the first day. You can’t be insecure when you’re playing this game…because insecurities can be the reason why you make a stupid decision. Should be interesting to see how lucky he gets and if he can stick around for a while. I don’t see it happening, though.

Keith: I honestly believe that Keith’s downfall will be when the tribe finds out about his heart condition. He does not plan on keeping it a secret. Physically, he looks like he might do some damage, except for the fact that the pacemaker does not allow him to be involved in much rough-and-tumble combat. In addition, he may just be too nice for this game.

Jim: He is a poker player, so his ability to bluff people may get him far in this game. Assuming that he is a GOOD poker player, of course. He plans on flying under the radar, being nice, and not being too much of a physical threat. He is definitely my favorite out of the men. I can see him winning this game.

Whitney: She looks like one of the girls who will just lie around on the beach all day. She will probably float through the game because of this - - which I absolutely hate. I think she’s just doing this to further her country music career. She is willing to mislead others in order to get further in the game. She immediately rubbed me the wrong way, so hopefully she doesn’t go far.

Mark: He is a retired police detective, so I think that he will be able to see through people’s bullshit. Physically, he knows that he’s not going to be able to do it as well as some of the younger people. I think he may be a bit too outspoken. He claims that he normally speaks his mind from the very beginning.

Sophie:  She has a background in theatre which could be an advantage for her.  A drastic amount of game-play relies on the ability to blindside, outwit, and completely deceive others.  This may be right up her alley.  She thinks that she will be the smartest person on the island.  She seems to be too confident and self-assure.  She is aware of the fact that men tend to be threatened by strong women.  I believe that she has the potential to go far, as long as she doesn't get too cocky.

Semhar:  She is a beauty pageant winner.  She claims that she knows how to get what she wants.  I believe that she will be someone who rides coattails.  I can see her going far merely based on the idea that she is beautiful, a self-proclaimed people reader, and knows how to interact well with others.  She is not someone who I will want to see go far in this game...but will probably do so, unfortunately.

Stacey:  I think her downfall will be her impatience and possibly her mouth.  If she proves to be a good competitor, a hard worker around camp, and doesn't cause any drama, I can definitely see her winning this game.  I believe that her strategy is the best of the season, and I can relate to her the most.  She will definitely be the one to watch.  In an ideal Survivor situation, America will view her as the villain, but her tribe will love her.

There are a few people on the cast that I really like already, and there are a few that I don't even want to watch.  The two castaways I liked the best are Jim and Stacey.  Hopefully they don't prove me wrong!

I will be updating this thing after each weekly episode.  Feel free to leave a comment and follow me on twitter.

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