Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Philippines: Episode 7 "Airing Out Dirty Laundry"

     Tonight's episode started out with the Kalabaw tribe coming back from tribal.  Penner had no idea that his name had been bounced around.  He states that the vote that he received at tribal was a wake up call.  He must take into consideration that other people on his tribe are lying, as well, so he will definitely have to keep his eyes open from here on out.  It'll be interesting to see how this plays out . . .

     Finally, the real game can now begin.  The two tribes are finally merged!  Once everyone gets to their new beach, they eat, drink, and be merry.  Lisa takes it upon herself to hang everyone's clothes out to dry.  Upon doing so, she discovers Malcolm's hidden immunity idol.  Honestly, I think Lisa did this on purpose.  She could have been putting up a front the entire time - - acting like she was doing something nice for the tribe, when in reality, she was actually looking to see if anyone had an idol.  Lisa comes off as an extremely sweet lady.  She could easily fool anyone into believing that it was just an accident.  If this was her plan from the very beginning, then she is brilliant.  If not, then she should say that it was her original plan anyway.  Haha.  Malcolm ends up making a final three deal with Lisa (and Denise).  Let's see how long this lasts.  :)

     The dynamic of the new tribe is something I have never seen before.  Everyone is plotting against their original tribemates.  Original tribe alliances almost seem to be no more - - with the exception of a few.  RC and Skupin think about flopping to the Kalabaw tribe because at least that way they could make it into a final six, as opposed to a final seven with Tandang.  Abi, Pete, Malcolm, Artis, and Jeff are thinking about splitting the votes between RC and Penner.  This will definitely be an interesting tribal - - and for the first time, I don't exactly have an opinion on what these people should do.  All of the ideas that are being thrown around are intelligent, logical and thought-provoking.

     I was really surprised by a lot of people in the individual immunity challenge.  Pete, Skupin, and Penner were the first three men out.  To me, it almost seemed like they eliminated themselves so they didn't appear to be huge physical threats.  If this was the case, then I think it's the stupidest thing that Skupin and Pete could have done.  You should never feel safe enough to throw a challenge.  Penner, on the other hand, already has a hidden immunity idol, so I could kind of see why he would give up so quickly.  Once again, this is just me making assumptions.  Maybe they actually sucked in this challenge. I was also impressed with Carter.  There's no way I would assume that someone would pay back what was owed to me.  Carter did the right thing by not giving the win to Jeff.  In addition, Denise continues to excel in everything she does.  I would love to see her win this game.

     Finally, tribal council is upon us.  This is the first time in Survivor history that one tribe had not been to tribal until they reached the merge.  You can tell that everyone is fighting to stay alive in this game.  Lisa really brought up some really good points about flipping.  As previous seasons have proven, just because you think making the switch to the opposing tribe is a good idea, it also shows that you lack loyalty to those you were previously aligned with.  That distrust is the perfect reason to get rid of you once you are no longer deemed valuable.  In addition, I'm surprised that RC did not fight harder.  Once again, we don't see everything that goes on at tribal, but if I were RC, I would have been like - - "Well, if I didn't dig up the clue, and you say that you didn't dig up the clue, then is there anyone else that you talked to about it?"  At least this would have made Abi reconsider everything that had been going on.  Maybe RC did pull this card - - but if she did, it was not shown on TV.

     I tried to figure out what was going to happen at tribal tonight.  If the four Kalabaw stuck with RC and Skupin, then I had a feeling that they would try to get rid of Pete.  Skupin already let it be known that Artis, Pete, and Abi were in a strong alliance with each other, so why not try to get rid of the threesome's strongest guy.  So, naturally, I had a feeling we would see Pete's name tossed around.  However, I don't think that tonight was the best time to throw Penner under the bus.  It was clear that there was a lack of communication.  It was clear that Penner was feeling uneasy about things.  If you make the decision to vote for him, yes you flush out the idol, but you also lose his loyalty.  It's called a blindside due to the fact that you make the person you are stabbing in the back feel as comfortably as completely possible, even to the point that you are "letting them decide" who is going home.  I am very disappointed in a lot of people tonight.  If they truly wanted to blindside Penner, they needed to do a better job about keeping him informed about what was going on.  A pissed off Penner is something that I would not want.  He's played this game two times already - - he knows a thing or two about "O, O, O" ing a few people.  It'll be interesting to see what kind of havoc Penner stirs up next week  In closing, I honestly felt bad for RC.  She doesn't seem like someone I would get along with in the real world, but she seemed very defeated for a very long time.  In the beginning, it almost seemed like she was playing the game a little too hard.  Maybe that is what made people distrust her so much.  However, in the end, she just seemed like her spirit was broken.  If this was the case, then it was her time to go.  You should be fighting every step of the way.

Here are the questions that I am left with after this episode:

     Why did Pete automatically assume that Denise and Malcolm no longer have an alliance?  They went through so much together prior to them being broken up.  Never assume anything.  Pete, you're an idiot.

     Why didn't Skupin vote with RC?  They could have gotten Pete out of the game if they really wanted to.  What was stopping Skupin?

     Will Penner blow up Lisa's secret?  I think it's a very big possibility.

     Was Lisa just being nice or was she actually looking for something?  My intuition tells me that Lisa knew exactly what she was doing.  She knew that if someone had a hidden idol, they probably didn't have enough time to hide it.  So why not take a chance and try to pull a fast one on the other tribemates.  She is sweet enough anyway, who wouldn't believe that she was just trying to do a good deed by hanging everyone's clothes up to dry.  (Except where did Penner  hide his?  Or did I miss that part?  Hmmm).

     What is going to happen next?  The alliances seem to go like this:  Abi, Pete, and Artis are a strong three.  Denise and Malcolm are a strong two with Lisa being a third since she found Malcolm's hidden stash.  The other players in the game are basically floaters at this point and can be used as pawns.  Will there be a six against four coming?  Will people flop from one alliance to another until only the final three remain?  This episode really did a mind-fuck on me, and goes to show that you should expect the unexpected.  The unlikely and improbable can and will happen in this game.  I can't wait to see what happens next.
Eliminated:  Roberta "RC" Saint-Amour, the 27-year-old Investment Banker from New York City.

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  @the_timgilmore

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Philippines: Episode 6 "A Million Dollar Mistake"

     So, I decided to do things a little differently this week.  I am updating my blog as the show airs.  That way, it doesn't take me almost an entire week to get the damn thing updated.  Let's see how well it works out.  :) - - Tim

     First of all, I just have to say that the physical challenges like the one tonight are the kind that I would love to play the most.  I would love to have the opportunity to wrestle with people and knock their asses in the dirt.  Hopefully, CBS will give me a call, so I will have a chance to be the most brutal, physical, bad-ass gay guy Survivor has ever seen!  #TeamTim.

     Tonight's reward challenge was a first.  Never in the history of Survivor, have we witnessed two tribes negotiating a win.  I honestly believe that Tandang made the best decision that they could make.  Skupin was definitely looking long-term, and his decision reflected that.  He knew that he was already on the chopping block for eating a majority of the rice they already had - - so why not steal Kalabaw's rice in exchange for whatever the reward shall be - - in this case, sandwiches.  (Ssandwiches are not going to sustain the members of Kalabaw for very long, and as Probst exclaimed, the weather will not make for optimal fishing conditions.)  Anyway, Pete and Lisa really surprised me.  I had no idea that Lisa is as strong as she is.  She had the warhorse, Denise, at a stand still.  So, my hat goes off to her.  Pete, on the other hand, did not fair too well against Carter.  Carter weighs like a buck fifty. . . what happened in there, Pete?!  Also, when Penner started crawling through Skupin's legs, I was screaming at the TV for Skupin to sit on Penner's head - - and that is exactly what happened!  Hell yeah.  That's exactly what I would have done, except, I probably would have squashed his head with my knee, but I'm a dick like that.  I really wanted to see this challenge continue, but the Tandang tribe made the right decision.  Oh, furthermore, I have a feeling that Artis is digging his own grave.  He is being very negative toward Skupin at this point, and I know that it will come back to bite him in the ass.  Let's see how long it takes.

     When the Kalabaw crew got back to camp, they realized that the reward also included letters from home.  No offense to my family and friends who read this, but that is absolutely the last reward I'd ever want to receive.  I honestly think that it takes your mind away from the game.  You have to keep your head focused on that million dollar prize.  You can see all of those people when you get home.  You have to be gone for two months - - that is all.  I don't see most of my family members but one time a year.  I think I can go two months without seeing or talking to them - - just sayin'.

     Abi, Pete, and Artis made a huge deal about Tandang forfeiting the challenge in exchange for additional rice.  Are you fucking retarded?  Your rations were almost completely depleted.  It's not like Probst gave Kalabaw a spear and a boat.  They already had those items.  They could have been catching fish any way. . . .at least take away some of their food source.  Besides, we all know that you can not assume anything in this game - - clearly.  Hahaha, good job Skupin.  Also, I am beginning to finally respect RC.  She took all of the negativity around camp and used it to save her own ass.  All she needs to do, like she said, is fly under the radar.  This is exactly what Lisa is doing, as well, and is what will save the two of them.  Abi, Pete, and Artis will hang themselves with their own ropes.  Idiots.

     I wonder if Probst just despises Katie.  He continually throws her under the bus and calls her out in challenges.  Yes, her performance is lackluster, but at least she actually performs, unlike Abi.  Abi is the type of person who bitches about everything but constantly does nothing to better the situation.  But anyway, that's a rant for another day - - I'll save that for the episode when she gets kicked off.  After Kalabaw's loss - - basically due to the hands of Malcolm (whom I am beginning to develop a little crush on by the way.  hahaha :) )- - I believe that Katie will be the one sent packing this week.

     At this point in the game, you have to start thinking about the end-game.  There are only twelve of you left which means that the merge will happen within the next few days - - guaranteed.  That is not an assumption - - it will happen.  Due to Kalabaw's loss, you have to look at your options.  Penner is a third-time player.  People suspect that he has an idol.  The Kalabaw tribe are already down two members and are getting ready to be down a third.  It doesn't matter which person leaves this week as far as strength goes because the Tandang tribe will have the numbers going into the merge regardless of who leaves.  It's simple math.  Tonight would have been the perfect time to get rid of Penner.  He would have never seen it coming - - hell, he didn't even play his idol.  At this point in the game, strength is out the window.  Penner will only become a larger physical threat for the individual immunity - - something that Katie would not have been.  This is what infuriates me about the show.  This is what makes me want to play it so badly - - watching these idiots play it.  You guys basically just signed Penner a million dollar check.  He has the hidden immunity idol, he's a returning player, and he will be a force to be reckoned with in individual challenges.  Katie has done nothing and would have continued to do nothing.  This is the first time this season that I disagree with who got voted out - - and this was a million dollar decision.  Speaking of the merge . .. I saw a preview for next week and it does hint that it will be happening next week.  Hmmm...what did I say?  I know how this game works.  Why have I not received a phone call yet?  Geez louise.  Lol.  Have a good week guys.

Eliminated:  Katie Hanson, the 22-year-old Former Miss Delaware from ....Delaware :)

Until next time . . .

Twitter:  @the_timgilmore

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Philippines: Episode 5 "School-Girl Swag"

     I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for continuing to show your support.  I have reached over 5200 pageviews since I started this blog during South Pacific!  Thanks a bunch!  - - Tim

     I do have to admit that I am ecstatic that the Matsing tribe has finally dissolved.  Now, we have an opportunity to actually meet the other contestants, and honestly, it almost feels like a different show now.  Bring it on!

     Kalabaw was originally the tribe to beat.  Up until this point, they were doing better in challenges than the other tribes.  However, due to the fact that they picked up Denise and Tandang received Malcolm, it is only a matter of time before these guys get picked off one by one.  However, I believe that we should be getting close to the merge, so as long as they just keep fighting, they may have at least an even number going in.  I suppose only time will tell.

     I cannot believe that Pete told Malcolm that he had an immunity idol.  This dude put way too much faith in someone he just met.  This is the same damn thing he did with Lisa.  He gave up way too much confidential information without first receiving some.  Malcolm is definitely sitting pretty at this point.  He was on the brink of disaster by being attached to one of the biggest failures by being on the Matsing tribe . . . and now he has an idol, as well as a second idol on his side.  I don't see Malcolm sticking with Pete and Abi very long, though.  Could there be a blindside that occurs when Pete and Abi believe they are safe?  I can definitely see this happening - - and I hope it does.  I would love to see Malcolm make it to the end of this game.

     I was originally disappointed with the fact that Dana quit. . . however, after some research, I found out that she had been sick the entire time she was out there.  Due to this, she was not able to display the type of bubbly person she considers herself to be.  This is a disappointment.  I know that it must be difficult to not be able to play the game that you love to the full extent when it is raining the entire time and you are stricken with illness.  Despite the fact, she did go out on her own.  I really wish she would have tried to sucked and tried to go deeper into the game.  At least she is better now. :)
     I really thought Katie was going this week.  Jeff repeatedly threw her under the bus during the challenge.  He called her out on numerous occasions when she was costing the Kalabaw tribe to fall behind.  I was surprised that Dawson was the one who got the boot.  This should not have happened.  Dawson should have fought for it.  She knew that either she or Katie were on the chopping block that night.  She should have threatened Jeff that if it was her, that his secret would get exposed.  The fact that she wasn't willing to spice up the game a little bit with some blackmail makes me glad that she got the boot.  If you're not going to play the game, then get the hell off of the island!

     P.S. - - is it just me or does Carter look cross-eyed every time the camera shows him?!  Hmmmm, pay attention next time he is shown (which is only like two seconds of every episode).

Eliminated:  Sarah Dawson, the 28-year-old, Insurance Salesperson from Silver Spring, Maryland.

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  @the_timgilmore

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Philippines: Episode 4 "A Flash of Chaos"

     I am really impressed with Pete's actions this week.  Initially, I did not believe that he would know how to play this game, but he does, surprisingly.  Pete knew that Abi and RC were at odds.  He also knew that RC did not know that Abi told him about the clue to the hidden immunity idol.  I thought his plot to cause some chaos in the tribe by putting the clue in plain sight was pretty genius.  If you can get two people to fight within the tribe, then clearly you will be safe for a little while - - right?!  Hopefully it works out in his favor.  Not only is he nice to look at, but he is turning out to be a villain worth watching.  He does not to seem to be as big of a dumbass as I thought he was going to be.  Good job, sir!

     I mentioned last week how I thought that Lisa was finally in good standing within the Tandang tribe because of Abi and RC's drama.  As things progress, this seems to be more and more likely.  Lisa just sits back and listens to each of her tribemates throw each other under the bus.  I know that Lisa will use this in her favor.  It is only a matter of time before they head to tribal council, and I'm anxious to see how this entire situation unfolds.  I see Artis being the first one to go, but after that, it's anyone's game.  :)

     I am ecstatic that there was foreshadowing taking place within the Kalabaw tribe.  The Matsing tribe is near extinction, so it is time to start focusing on a different group of people.  We saw a division between the men and women.  Personally, I would love to be in an all-guy alliance.  I have watched enough of this amazing game to know that the women would vote your ass out as soon as the opportunity arose.  Carter's decision to side with Jonathan and Kent was the best decision that he could make for himself.  Until something changes, it'll be three on three, and at least the men have the idol on their side.  I know that they showed us these newly developed relationships for a reason, so let's just stay tuned so we can find out why.

     Okay, so my heart broke for the Matsing tribe last week.  We all know that Denise, Malcolm, and Angie were my three favorite players (so far).  This week, it just got to the point of embarrassment - - especially for Russell.  First of all, he mentioned how he knows that he has probably passed the idol at least a hundred times, and as soon as it happens, it'll probably 'flash' on the screen (which actually happens).  Nice job, CBS.  I thought it was wise that Malcolm and Denise looked through Russell's things in search of the idol.  It's better safe than sorry.  In addition, Malcolm and Denise's loyalty to each other really showed true when they decided that they needed to do whatever necessary to make Russell feel secure, so even if he did have the idol that he wouldn't feel the need to use it.  Honestly, I understand Russell's frustration.  I love competition, but hate losing.  I think I would have freaked the fuck out a long time ago.  I don't really understand why Probst was busting his balls so much over being pissed that they lost again.  How would you expect someone to act?  Just take it on the chin and keep going?  Deep down Russell probably knew that his time was up.  His second time back was heartbreaking, embarrassing, frustrating, and mentally exhausting - - which I'm sure he never expected.  I do feel bad for him but Denise and Malcolm made the right decision.  At this point, Malcolm and Denise are supposed to be divided up.  I would love to see them make the merge, so they could have an opportunity to work with each other again.  Considering all of the bullshit they've been through, they deserve an actual chance at this game.  #TeamMatsing for the win. . . haha, yeah right.  :)

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  @the_timgilmore

Eliminated:  Russell Swan, the 45-year-old Environmental Attorney from Glenside, PA

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Philippines: Episode 3 "Face First Into Heartbreak"

     I knew that the location of the hidden immunity idol was too conspicuous.  How could someone not notice that the emblem from the rice box was missing?  In the Kalabaw tribe, Dana was the first one who made this observation and was very verbal about her concerns.  Penner kept his cool and acted completely oblivious to what really happened to the emblem.  Honestly, I think Penner played the best card that he could possibly play at this point.  The other members of the tribe are not morons, and Penner knew this.  Why not try to pull someone over to his side?  Penner knew that Jeff Kent was the one leading the charge against him.  Jeff was the one most wary about Penner, so Penner's reaction was to try to get Jeff to trust him as much as possible so he's not the first (or second if the idol is used) person to go from the tribe.  Once again, very wise decision on Penner's part.  Honestly, it would be great to see Jeff blindside Penner just as a level of trust is gained - - that way you get rid of your biggest threat and the idol gets flushed out.  I seriously doubt this will happen, though.  Penner is in this for the long haul.  Oh, by the way, what the hell is a four-fingered handshake?  Must be a sleazy baseball thing.  Whatevs.

     Speaking of hidden immunity idols, I am so pleased that Abi was the one from the Tandang tribe who found the idol.  Why her?  It's not because I like her (because I honestly don't like anyone from the Tandang tribe), but it's because I want the drama! It is only a matter of time before this tribe implodes upon itself - - especially with all of the bullshit that keeps going on.  In addition, considering how little Abi can trust RC, I thought it was in her best interest to tell Pete what was going on with the idol.  Abi knew that Pete would no longer trust RC, and if things get rough, Abi can count on Pete to choose her over RC.  Abi will have two safety nets in her repertoire, even though I can almost count on Pete being the least effective of the two.  Pete claims that he hears and sees everything going on, but I thought he made a grave mistake by telling Lisa who he wanted gone.  I understand that Skupin is a huge threat because he's been out there before - - and no one wants the vet to win.  However, Pete should have had a different conversation with Lisa.  Pete should have asked Lisa who she would consider getting rid of as opposed to TELLING her who to vote for.  Something tells me that Lisa is not going to vote for Skupin.  However, Pete could have easily gotten Lisa on his side in regards to blindsiding the other untrustworthly tribemate - RC.  The self-proclaimed "surveillance" expert is going to regret not listening to suggestions - - I can almost promise you that!  Lisa will see this as the perfect opportunity to catapult herself further into the game.

     I guess the main topic this week is the hidden immuniy idol.  Are none of the Matsing members concerned about their fate?  If I was going to tribal council every damn time, you better believe that I would be searching for that thing every chance that I had!  Maybe someone did try to find it - - but those scenes were edited out due to lack of success. . . who knows, but if not then look for that damn idol!  Swan's performance in the challenge was piss poor.  First of all, he couldn't even climb up the damn ladder.  Then he had to quit because he couldn't dive deep enough to retrieve the puzzle piece.  Who the hell are you?!  Why are you even there, Swan?  Completely worthless!  As much as I love Angie, I was disappointed in her performance, as well.  Furthermore, she said on multiple occasions that she would never quit.  However, she did say that she would not be able to go back in.  Denise and Malcolm destroyed that challenge.  I can honestly say that they would not have gone back to tribal council if Swan would not have quit.  I cannot wait to see his ass go home!  It's only a matter of time. 

     I love Denise so much.  She made the best possible  decision for giving Angie the boot.  She broke up the alliance that Malcolm and Angie had.  This solidified her own alliance with Malcolm.  Why not just get rid of Angie now to eliminate the chance that Malcolm would choose Angie over her later?!  Besides, Swan has been fucking up so much this season - - it's only a matter of time before they slit his throat.  I believe that this is the first time EVER that I have agreed with the boot order.  Let's see if things change later on. 

Side notes:  What the hell is up with Skupin?  He just keeps injuring himself.  Man, you are making yourself look like an idiot.  And why the hell would you do a belly-flop with goggles on?  Artis actually spoke a couple full sentences this week, but it's not like anything that was said was relevant.  The tribal council was pretty heart-breaking.  I felt so bad for Angie, Malcolm, and Denise.  They are all troopers and got the raw end of the deal.  I wish they would have been on different tribes. 

Anyway, until next time. . .

Twitter:  @the_timgilmore

Eliminated this week:  Angie Layton, the 20-year-old Student/Model, from Provo, Utah.