Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Philippines: Episode 9 "Learning Curve"

     - - I wanted to warn everyone. . YES, my blog does contain spoilers.  Someone said something to me last week about ruining the show for the west coast.  As a matter of fact, I don't say who is booted until the end of my blog, so maybe you should stop reading when you realize that I'm talking about shit that you haven't watched yet.  #Idiot.  PS:  I will continue to post pictures of Peter until he gets kicked off.  I did this two seasons ago with Keith (South Pacific) if you guys recall.  :)

     So, I decided that I'm going to go back to how I was when this season started.  I'm going to hold no reservations and speak my mind 100%.  You will find me much more entertaining...I promise!  Let's get this shit show started. . .

     I saw a tweet from RC earlier today that made me cringe.  I deemed it worthy enough to post in my blog. 

RC Saint-Amour @RC_Survivor
"Q. Were you bitter about being eliminated...A. RC: I was definitely okay with it all because I got to live my dream.."
     Okay, so, was your dream to be the first member of the jury?  You played a good game when you first got there, but you tried too damn hard.  You allowed Abi to play the game for you.  What a joke.  My dream is to play the best possible game anyone has ever seen, be the most dominant gay man who has ever played the game (physically and socially), and WIN.  If your dream is to end up how you left the show, then you are selling yourself a little short, sweetheart.  Just sayin'.
     I think that tonight is the night that Lisa decides to break up the posse of Artis, Pete, and Abi.  Honestly, I think her best bet is to give Artis the boot.  I'm at the point where I just want to refer to him as "the black guy."  He isn't even worthy of being called by his name.  He has done absolutely nothing this entire season.  The fact that he is still in this game is a disgrace.  Pete already knows that people are gunning for him, so why not mix things up a little bit and get rid of someone who may not be expecting it?  I am not a fan of someone who just sits in the shadows the entire game and suddenly makes the final three.  I'm hoping Artis goes tonight.  Although, I would not be upset to see Carter go, either.  He is cross-eyed and wears red pants for crying out loud!  Then again, splitting the vote between Abi and Pete would be great, as well.  Making her use her idol while getting rid of that terrible twosome?  Hmm, one of those three will go home tonight (Pete, Carter, or Artis). Anyway, let's get back to reality and focus on tonight's episode. . .
     The episode opens up with the Dangrayne (I don't even know what color to highlight their name.  Is it black or purple??) tribe coming back from tribal.  Abi is freaking out because Penner voted for him.  I'm glad Penner was honest about voting for her.  She is a lunatic, and the fact that he voted for her will probably throw her off whatever game she is playing.  Carter is talking non-sense about something. . . I'm not sure, he looked really high.  Why did you guys not tell Penner what was going on?  You could have at least tied it up!  Anyway, Jeff went home, no loss there. 
     The thing that pisses me off about Lisa is that she is playing a really good game....HOWEVER, she is trying to portray herself as a honest Christian woman.  There's a reason why you played Blaire perfectly.  Have you admitted to anyone that it was your gameplay to hang everyone's clothes up to dry in order to see if they were hiding anything?  You're not fooling me, lady!
     The next scene opens up with Lisa and Penner talking about how insecure Lisa is.  This entire scene proves my previous point about how Lisa has been acting.  She wants to play the best possible game she can play, but she wants to be portrayed a particular way.  We all know how you feel about gay people. . . we know that you are hateful.  Don't try to be someone you're not.  The fact that she even cried about this makes me want her to leave.  It's funny how quickly I can change my mind about this game, right?  Lol.
     The reward challenge was not that exciting.  Abi did not participate...AGAIN.  Did you do anything while you were there other than bitch about everyone and everything?  You even had the audacity to do your toenails while the challenge was going on.  Did anyone else notice that?  Haha.  Anyway, I really liked Penner's strategy about getting the bags out for the rest of his teammates.  The person following him was cross-eyed. . . of course it was a brilliant plan.  I'm pretty sure Probst told Malcolm to take his time getting the last ball into the basket in order to make things look more interesting.  Oh well.  Malcolm, Penner, Carter, and Denise won the reward challenge.  Side note:  Pete was looking pretty hot in the mud. . . just sayin'. :)
     I think the reason why America loves Malcolm is because he is just a genuine person.  During the reward, he made several comments about how he needed to reexamine his life.  Pouring drinks for girls in the bar was not fulfilling enough. . . blah blah blah.  Malcolm does have a heart of gold and if he would find a seashell or a rock to shave off that wretched mustache, maybe I'd have the hots for him like I do Pete.  :)  Speaking of. . . the ONLY thing I like about Abi is the fact that she refers to Pete as "Peter."  Love that!  Lol.
     So, these individual immunity challenges are very anti-climatic this year.  My downstairs neighbors probably thought I lost my mind when I was laughing my ass off when Probst said:  "Obviously there will be a learning curve to this."  Was he taking a jab at Pete's intelligence?  I'm thinking 'yes.'  Who cares, though?!  Pete has pretty amazing abs AND he has a college degree in..... something? So that's A-okay in my book.
       I think I realized why I dislike Penner so much.  He's one of those people who thinks he is smarter than everyone else.  I've met several people like this in my life.  They just talk and talk to you like you're an idiot who is believing every word.  Well, there is a reason why Penner is good for this game - - because he is surrounded by people who believe his bullshit.  (I'm that type of person in real life, because I find people to be easily influenced) Once again, Lisa soaked up his nonsense prior to the tribe walking into tribal.
     I'm not even sure what to say about tonight's tribal.  Lisa made herself out to be a victim, while Abi made herself out to be immature, arrogant, over-confident. . . must I go on?  Seriously, girl, you're in your 30's and you have no idea what is going on around you.  Get your shit together.
     I just wanted to say. . . once again . . .that I had no idea who was going home prior to my blog post.     Apparently the people playing the game this season actually know how to play the game.  The fact that Artis left tonight was amazing.  If my neighbors didn't think I was crazy for laughing at Probst's comment about Pete, then they sure as hell thought I was crazy when it was revealed who was leaving tonight!
Until next time. . .
Twitter:  @the_timgilmore
Eliminated:  Artis Silvester (he doesn't even spell his last name right), the 53-year-old Computer Engineer, from Terry Town, LA.

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