Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Philippines: Episode 11 "No One Else is Getting a Hug"

We have reached the point in the game when people are really rallying for jury votes.  After Pete was sent to Ponderosa, Skupin took it upon himself to do some damage control with Abi.  All he did was offer sympathy by asking her how she is holding up.  In my opinion, he was doing this to try to build an emotional bond with her.  He knows that her days are numbered, and as far as he is concerned, he is in a final four position.  I do not think that he actually cares that much about her, but was simply demonstrating some crafty jury management skills.

I'm not sure why, but the food auction is one of my favorite parts of the game.  Maybe it's because we get to see how hungry the castaways actually are?  It could be because Probst always presents them with covered trays of suspense.  Who knows?  Regardless, each castaway was given $500 to bid on whatever they so wish.  Denise spent all of her money on the very first item, which just so happened to be pancakes.  Skupin spent all of his money on the second auction, which consisted of wine.  Skupin isn't even a drinker.  How does that even make sense?  Honestly, I would try to spread my dollars as much as possible.  There were a few people who were able to buy multiple items.  The thing I liked most about this challenge is Abi used her money to buy "an advantage in the game."  I had a feeling that something would save Abi tonight and that Carter would be the one sent packing.  Let's see how accurate I am through out the duration of this episode.

Abi clued the audience in that her advantage in the game is actually advancing to the final round of the next individual immunity challenge.  Abi made the very wise decision to make it seem like she received a clue to the hidden immunity idol.  Abi made the remark that people seem to think she has been playing the game too honestly, so now it is her time to lie. She lies to Malcolm about having the hidden immunity idol.  I think this is an extremely clever way to scramble.  She knows that the members of the six-person alliance will now have to figure out who is at the bottom of the alliance.  If Skupin, Lisa, Malcolm, and Denise remain strong, it would leave Carter and Penner in the bottom two.  Carter has been very consistent in indidivual immunity challenges.  If he does not win tonight then he should be the one to go home.

The members of the Dangrayne tribe meet Jeff Probst for the individual immunity challenge.  He asks Abi to read the note in front of everyone, and she tells yet another lie by saying that the note had two parts.  The first being that of the fake hidden immunity idol and the second being about how she has automatically advanced to the final round of the challenge.  Tonight's individual immunity challenge was the most exciting one thus far.  I am expecting them to continue to be nail-biters until the finals.  Carter and Penner joined Abi in the final round of the huge maze.  Carter and Abi were neck-and-neck the entire way, but Carter simply did not have enough gas in the tank to pull out the win.  It often feels like I have a woman's intuition.  I had a feeling that Abi would pull through, and the gang would realize how dangerous Carter is.  Carter will win individual immunity all the way until the final three if they do not decide to slit his throat tonight.

I have had my ups and downs with Lisa during this entire season.  One week I dislike her, and then the next I feel like she is making one of the best moves of the season.  Then the following week I think that she has no strategic gameplay whatsoever and is just an extremely lucky individual.  Lisa flipped on her alliance, yet again, and told Penner that they were planning on voting him out of the game tonight.  Lisa informs Penner that he needs to "do the magic" that he does.  Penner decides to target Denise in order to break up her powerful alliance with Malcolm.

This was yet another tribal council this season in which I had no idea who would be going home.  Carter's name was not even brought up, so I guess I should admit that even I have flaws.  Haha.  Penner tries to throw Malcolm and Denise under the bus in order to stay on the island for three more days.  Lisa, Skupin, Denise, and Malcolm held strong and voted out Penner in a 4 to 3 vote.  I was completely shocked when Penner was voted off.  I screamed at the television and clapped like a mad man.  I thought that Penner would make it to the final three.  Now, it is literally anyone's game.

I am not sure if I am giving Lisa too much credit, but it may have been strategy to tell Penner about the alliance.  She made it very clear that she previously approached him about an alliance, but he declined.  Lisa may be one of the biggest master manipulators to ever play this game if all of the things she has made thus far has been strategic.  (Much like "accidentally" finding Malcolm's hidden immunity idol a few weeks ago).

I know I say this every week, but I am ridiculously excited to see what happens next.  Will Malcolm have an opportunity to use his hidden immunity idol or will he be blindsided before he gets a chance?  Will Abi continue to act like she has an idol in order to extend her life on the island?  When will they finally get rid of Carter?!  Oh, and did anyone notice how ridiculously good-looking Pete looked tonight?  Just saying.  Until next time. . .

Eliminated:  Jonathan Penner, the 50-year-old Writer from Los Angeles, California

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