Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Philippines: Episode 8 "Lisa's Law"

    The episode opens up with Penner asking the former Kalabaw members why they voted for him.  Honestly, it seemed like Jeff and Denise were just trying to cover their own asses by giving him bullshit excuses.  I thought it was clever of Penner to ask them what was up just so he could see where their heads are and hopefully have an idea of where to go from here.

     Jeff and Lisa's plan of action seems simple enough.  They intend on getting rid of the two veterans, then team up with Malcolm, Denise, and Carter to get rid of the villains of the tribe - - Artis, Pete, and Abi, which should not be hard to do considering no one can stand them.  I think it's a very solid plan, but those are only two votes.  In addition, you have to look at your end game and see who you are most likely to beat in the finals.  Russell Hantz is a perfect example of this.  It'll be interesting to see if anyone else goes along with them.
      In tonight's reward challenge, I thought that the blue tribe (Artis, Pete, Skupin, Abi, and Carter) were going to be the clear winners.  This was not the case whatsoever.  Denise continues to impress me with everything she does.  She completely annihilated Skupin in the water.  The yellow tribe ended up winning a nice little feast.

     From week to week, Peter either says something very moronic or he says something that actually makes sense.  Tonight, he actually said a few different things that made sense.  He thinks that the Tandang tribe should stick together in order to vote out the remaining members of Kalabaw.  I think this would be the best way for him to go.  The members of Kalabaw have been together since day one (with the exception of Denise) so they do have some sort of allegiance to one another (if you don't consider the fact that they tried to blindside Penner last week, haha).  He also mentioned that he would love to get rid of Abi's immature ass, but knows that if he's sitting next to her in the final three that she will not receive any votes.  I'm very glad that people are actually considering the end game this early on, much like Lisa is.  In so many of the recent seasons, people have been playing with the mindset of just making it to the finals or making it to the final four or five.  They haven't had the mindset of what needs to take place in order for them to receive more votes at the end of the game.  Lisa is a very intelligent woman and knows (much like Pete) that you have to consider all facets of this game.  You will not want to be sitting next to another worthy opponent - - a good guy - - when it's all said and done.

     Lisa and Pete have exactly the same idea on what needs to happen - - Tandang should stick together.  Lisa feels that she would fair better against either Pete, Abi, or Artis in the finals then almost anyone else in the tribe, which I completely agree.  She intends on targeting Malcolm due to the fact that he is a strong physical player and has a hidden immunity idol.  It would be the perfect time to blindside him and flush out the second idol.  I think it's a brilliant idea, and it'll be interesting to see if that is what happens at tonight's tribal council.  Penner is not a target this week due to him winning the individual immunity.  So, it'll be interesting to see what transpires.

     The scrambling that took place before tribal council was the biggest scramble I have ever seen in the history of this game.  Everyone thought it was a done deal that Malcolm was going home, then Pete decided to make me look like an idiot by asking Malcolm about the hidden immunity idol.  Then, things shift to Jeff, then to Pete.  It is interesting to see the dynamic of this team because everyone has such a strong mind (well, with the exception of Carter).  I cannot believe that Pete would even confront Malcolm about the idol.  If it's true that he had it then take the opportunity to blind side him.  If it's false, then a strong competitor will still go home.  It's a win-win situation.  He was never a part of the original Tandang tribe, anyway.

     Tribal was very intense.  Malcolm made the best decision he could possibly make.  He knew that his head was on the chopping block, so why not just go ahead and admit that you have the hidden immunity idol?  I thought this was amazing because at this point no one knows whether or not he's actually going to play it or not.  I knew that it was the right decision NOT to play it because he didn't need to.  Everyone else was too scared to try to cast a vote for him.  It's like rolling dice.  Malcolm escaped the vote, still has his idol, and now it's out in the open.  He could play it at any point, so blindsiding him is going to be that much more difficult.

     It was revealed that there was a second hidden immunity idol floating around, as well.  When Probst asked if anyone else had an idol, Abi revealed that she had one.  Honestly, I don't think this was the best decision she could have made.  I think she could have kept quiet about having an idol.  Her name wasn't on the block and probably will not be on the block for a very long time.  It will be interesting to see what happens next week.  I honestly think at some point people are going to split votes between Pete and Abi in order to flush the idol and get rid of the other person.  Hopefully I am right about this just to prove how bad of a decision Abi made tonight by revealing her secret.  Yeah, people will not vote for Artis, Pete, or Abi at the end of the game, but at some point you have to figure out which one or two you want to take to the end.  You will have to break up that threesome at some point or they will dominant the game all the way to the final three.

     I am very glad that Jeff got voted out tonight.  In his final interview he mentioned how he has made about 60 million dollars in MLB.  He said that he wanted this so badly despite the fact that you don't even actually get a million dollars.  He just has a really smug attitude, and I am glad that his ass is off my TV screen!

     P.S. - - what is up with Penner's lack of awareness.  Is he actually clueless as to what is going on?  Why in the world did he vote for Abi?  Haha.  Was he just throwing his vote away or was he that unaware of what was truly going on.  In closing, Lisa continues to impress me every week...and she is slowly pulling ahead of Malcolm and Denise as far as fan favorite is concerned.  Can't wait to see what she decides to pull next week.  Is it time to break up that three-person alliance?  I'm thinking yes!

Eliminated:  Jeff Kent, the 44-year-old retired Major League Baseball player, from Austin, Texas.

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  @the_timgilmore


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