Sunday, March 4, 2012

One World: Episode 3

     This week's update is going to be relatively short due to the fact the week's episode wasn't very action-packed, but there are a few things that I would like to address.

     First of all, the women on this season really annoy me.  It seems to me that they almost expect the men to bend over backwards for them.  These are two separate tribes.  It is men versus women.  The men should not keep allowing the women to use their resources.  For one, if the women are not able to eat or sleep, then obviously they are going to be useless in challenges.  This means good news for the men.  Also, anytime the men ask for anything from the women, the women neglect to share the wealth.  It's selfish.  I understand that the men feel the need to protect the women or have some sympathy or whatever, but this is a game, and helping the women in any shape or form could cost one of the men a million bucks.  Kick the women while they're down, don't help them back on their feet.  It's a million dollar mistake!

     I am really not liking the reward and immunity challenges.  I understand that they can't be as physical as they normally are because of the circumstances, but some of these challenges are just boring to watch - - and honestly are more catered toward the women.  I was not surprised that the women won the reward challenge - - although I'm not sure why none of the men were able to remember their items.  All they had to do was memorize the six items in a particular order.  How hard is that?  It's almost as if they threw the challenge.  As a man, it was embarrasing for me to watch.  I know Jeff Probst was disgusted by their lackluster performance.  Get it together, men!  Also, the blindfold immunity challenge should have been in the bag for the men.  They had such a huge lead.  Bill was over-confident, took way too much time on the final puzzle and single-handedly lost the challenge for the men. 

     The fact that Bill lost the challenge for the men, someone might assume that he was the one sent home.  However, the guys definitely made the right decision by getting rid of Matt.  Matt IS arrogant, but he is also a talker.  If the tribe didn't get rid of him, I honestly believe that he would have been able to do some damage within the tribe.  I also think that Jay made the best move of the week.  He saw right away that he was on a sinking ship, so he jumped to the main alliance.  This was the smartest thing that he could have done.  I do believe that he is at the bottom of his new alliance, but at least he bought himself a few more tribal councils.  He'll at least be able to make it to the merge now. 

     I do have to say that Colton said that he didn't want to "pull a James" and not play the hidden immunity idol.  However, he was so comfortable in his position that he didn't play it.  I thought that he could only use it at the first tribal council.  If this is the case, then the fact that he didn't play it shows arrogance.  If he can use it some other time, then I thought it was a huge mistake that he told everyone he had the idol.  It would be a perfect opportunity for the tribemates to blindside him, as well as flush out the idol.  Only time will tell what happens, with this though.

Matt, the 33 year old attorney, was the third person sent home on One World.  I honestly believe that he had so much potential, he just didn't quite understand how to play the game.  He had such an abrasive personality that no one could stand him.  He was nice to look at, but his snake-ish ways and arrogant attitude got him the boot. 

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

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