Thursday, February 23, 2012

One World: Episode 2

     Okay, I really believe that something needs to change.  I am highly anticipating when the producers decide it is time to mix up the tribes.  This is only the second episode and IT IS TIME!  The men are obviously going to destroy the women and get rid of them one-by-one.  I see this lasting about one or two more episodes before producers switch things up a bit - - and I cannot wait!

     The Salani tribe also knows that whatever they are doing isn't working for them.  The tribe decides that it is necessary to elect a leader  - - in which Sabrina was chosen.  We all know that the leadership role rarely works out in the leader's favor.  However, I'm not so sure about that this time.  Sabrina is in a dominant alliance within her own tribe.  I'm not confident in the womens' logical reasoning; they absolutely should get rid of her if it gets down to a final-five scenario - - but I guess time will tell what will happen later on in the game. 

     I believe the most interesting guy to watch is Colton.  He is hysterical to listen to and to watch while performing in challenges.  I know that I would have wanted to be the first person to compete in the immunity challenge, as well.  Having the opportunity to rub up on Matt, Jay, and Michael?  Hell yeah!  I thought it was so hilarious when he kept telling the guys to hold him.  Hahaha, I know exactly what was going on in his head! :)  I don't think that I agree with the Salani tribe's decision to not let Colton go around them.  I understand that they may think he could be a spy - - but honestly, they don't HAVE to talk about the game when he's around.  They should have built that relationship with him and had him as an ally if they have the opportunity to work with him later on in the game.  I really hope that he sees it as men vs. women and actually starts acting like one of the boys.  At first I was pissed that he told some of the other members that he had the hidden immunity idol.  However, he chose the right people to align with.  Even though Colton is on the outs with his tribe, I'm not so sure he even realizes how much power he has at the moment.  I would love to see him blindside someone.  Play dirty - - this is Colton's World.  Haha.

     As aforementioned, the Manono tribe won their fourth challenge in a row, thus sending the women back to tribal.  There really isn't much to say about it.  These women were all over the board.  They tend to be playing with alot more emotion than what needs to be played with.  Kat was on the chopping block because of how enthusiastic she is around camp and at challenges, and due to the fact that she basically lost the immunity challenge for the women.  However, Nina was also in danger considering she is the oldest woman on the tribe and isn't in the main alliance.  It was predictable that the alliance stuck with their numbers and kicked out Nina.

     So far I've been dissatisfied with the season so far.  I believe that it has so much potential.  Maybe things will start getting down and dirty once the tribes switch up - - which I know happens considering in previews you can catch Jay wearing an orange buff, as well as Alicia wearing a blue buff.  Only time will tell what happens!

Until next time . . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

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