Thursday, September 27, 2012

Philippines: Episode 2 "Cookies and Booty Blinded"

I just wanted to start out by saying that my blog has reached over 4000 hits.  I want to thank each and every one of you for showing your continued support.  I know that we can reach 5000 in no time.  Thanks so much!  Enjoy! - - Tim

     I realized the easiest way for me to break down each episode is by talking about each tribe individually.  So, allow me to start with the Tandang tribe.   If any of you read my blog last week, you may have noticed my comments about Abi and RC not seeming like a twosome who will make it to the end of the game together.  Abi has a fiery personality and RC is too analytical.  I would never expect the two of them to be friends outside of this game - - so the likelihood of the two of them being able to work together IN this game is non-existent.  When it comes to finding a clue to a hidden immunity idol  - - I think it is fairly obvious whether or not you should tell another person.  Some people may think that if they share the clue, it is a means to gain someone's trust.  I, however, do not agree with this philosophy.  The hidden immunity idol is truly meant for one person.  It's not meant to protect an entire tribe.  If one other person knows that you have it, this can present the perfect excuse for this person to blindside you - - this gets rid of a potential threat, as well as flushes out the idol.  However, RC finding the clue is not a black or white situation - - Abi walked up on her as it was discovered.  I think that RC played the best cards with the hand that she was dealt.  She was already in an alliance with Abi.  RC even admitted that Abi was her number two despite the fact that she couldn't fully trust her (you shouldn't trust anyone!).  Now, I know that these contestants are "edited" in order to be portrayed a particular way.  I'm not sure if RC was actually making sub-alliances - - but based on how she took control of creating the original four-person alliance, it would not surprise me if she was creating final two alliances with Michael and Pete.  Who knows.  However, the way Abi handled the situation was ridiculous.  She seems like the type of person who would do things just out of spite, and she may try to screw over RC before RC even gets the chance.  Abi is a ticking time-bomb and I cannot wait to watch her explode on the Tandang tribe.

     I've heard that the first few days are possibly the worst out there because your body is not adjusted to the conditions.  Well, this episode was not kind to Lisa.  However, if you remember back in Nicaragua, Holly had a breakdown early on in the game and ended up making it to the final four.  (Shout-out to Holly!  She's my Twitter buddy!)  There are so many variables that go into play, and since I mentioned that Abi is ready to do some damage within her own alliance, this would be the perfect opportunity for Lisa to get in with the other members of her tribe.  Skupin already mentioned in the first episode that he wants to work with Lisa. Maybe Lisa will make some keen observations and realize what exactly is going on within her own tribe.  Only time will tell if she will use Abi's meltdown against her.

     Every now and then I notice a sixth member of the Tandang tribe and am like "who the hell is that?"  Oh yeah, it's Artis!  I keep forgetting about him!  Much like some of the members of the Kalabaw tribe - - Katie and Carter. 

      Ok, so it was only a matter of time before Penner found the hidden immunity idol.  He was so hell-bent on finding it.  Really the only thing that I have to say about the situation was that I truly believe that he should have been more subtle when he stumbled upon it.  It probably wasn't the best idea to go running through camp screaming "I'm on fire!"  If I was Dana, I probably would have been like - - "yep, he found it!"  especially considering they knew that he had been frantically searching for it anyway.  It'll be interesting to see if they figure out that he has it.  I do have to say that I loved how believable he was when he said that his contact fell out and the reason why he was on the ground was because he was looking for his glasses.  Hey, they bought it - - so kudos to him.  Pretty funny scene. 

     Okay,  by now everyone should know my disdain for Russell Swan.  However, what you guys don't know (until now) is that I am actually rooting for the Matsing tribe.  They are the underdogs of this season and I would love to see Malcolm, Angie, and Denise go far in this game.  Swan, not so much, but I'll be rooting for his tribe until there is a switch-up (which I see happening soon, more about that in a few minutes).  Probably one of the biggest things I've learned from Boston Rob is that he once said that you can tell a lot about who is aligned with whom based on who sleeps next to each other at night time.  Apparently Roxy learned this from Boston Rob, as well, because she was so ready to break up the cuddle-buddy duo of Angie and Malcolm.  Was it wise for her to do so, absolutely!  However, her tactics for trying to do so were very very flawed.  Much like Abi, Roxy just went in there full-force making accusations.  Is it possible that Malcolm and Angie were actually JUST cold at night time?  Yes.  Is it likely that either one of them would snuggle with Swan or Denise?  Hell nah!  Honestly, I think it would have been a wiser decision to ask Swan and Denise their thoughts on the situation without trying to throw Angie and Malcolm under the bus.  The mere idea of Roxy calling them out put a target on her back.  Hell, it's pretty sad when a therapist (Denise) says that she can't trust you - - and Roxy is a Seminary Student.  How sad is that?!  I think the right call was made by giving Roxy the boot.  She is clearly a loose cannon and not as physically nor mentally strong as Angie.  It will be a good idea to break them up when the time comes (just as it will be a good idea to get rid of Russell, as well.  Speaking of, why the hell didn't he give that pep talk BEFORE the challenge, as opposed to after?  Hmm makes sense.)  I thought it was a clean-cut choice until Roxy ripped Angie a new one at tribal council.  Angie did not stand up for herself (at least not that we saw).  I truly felt bad for Angie and just wanted her to fight back but it never happened.  Roxy was the one who had her torch snuffed this week, and I believe that the Matsing tribe made the right decision.  Oh yeah, did anyone notice how Jeff Probst said that in this game anything can change instantly and told them to keep their heads up?  Something tells me that there will be a tribe switch, much sooner rather than later.  I guess we will have to stay tuned in to find out!  

     Eliminated this week:  Roxy, the 28-year-old Seminary Student from Brooklyn, New York.

Until next time. . . 

Twitter:  @the_timgilmore

Monday, September 24, 2012

Philippines: Season Premiere

     Before I get started, I just want to say that I was wrong about a few people in my pre-season cast assessment.  I underestimated a few castaways, but I also overestimated a few.  So, I do apologize if I was a little too harsh.  I will comment about each.  The only comments I do not take back are the ones directed toward Swan.  :)  Anyway, let's get started . . .

     Jeff Probst lets it be known that immunity idols will be in play this season.  I am ecstatic!  Hidden immunity idols allows for this game to be very unpredictable.  These idols put a different kind of twist on the game that has been seen in previous seasons, such as Heroes vs. Villains, Fans vs. Favorites, and even in Samoa.  I am excited to see if and how these idols change the course of this season.

     Jonathan Penner was actually on the Fans vs. Favorites season.  Even though he was ejected before the immunity idol game was in full-force, he knows how huge of an impact these things can be.  Penner immediately started looking for the hidden immunity idol.  Although he didn't find the idol, he found the clue hidden in the bag of rice.  In his frantic search, he completely blew off the rest of his tribe.  The five of them knew exactly what was going on.  They have seen how he has played the game before.  This tribe is the only tribe that absolutely wants to get rid of the veteran on their team.   Do I think it will happen?  Probably not.  I couldn't help but notice the thumbs up Penner gave the camera when Jeff Kent was working extremely hard at building the shelter.  Signs to come?  Who knows.  Dawson is someone who really impressed me.  She was the only one who knew who Jeff Kent actually was.  The thing that impressed me about her though was the fact that she said that she would use this information when she deems it to be valuable.  As soon as she said that, I was like "YESSS!!"  This girl knows how to play the game.  I'm very excited to see when and how this information is used.

      Speaking of Jeff Kent, I was not a fan of his prior to this episode, nor am I a fan now.  I believe that his knee will continue to give him problems through-out the game.  I am hoping that his tribe will see that he is a liability for their tribe and will eventually get rid of him.  In addition, I am not a fan of him outside of the game.  I am going to post a link below of an article that was emailed to me a few days ago.  It is actually about Jeff Kent and Lisa Whelchel and their anti-gay agenda.  Kent actually donated $15,000 in support of Proposition 8 in California a few years ago, while Lisa is a firm believer in reparative therapy (pray-away-the-gay) tactics.  I am not rooting for either one of these contestants this season.  Here is the link if you guys would like to read about it:  Survivor 25 Casts Anti-Gay Celebrities

     Considering Lisa was on an episode of "The Talk" the morning that the season premiered, I am not sure that she will be gone as quickly as we believe she will be.  Lisa almost seems too nice to be playing this game.  She wants to work hard around camp, and even commented that she knows that she wants to "develop a personal relationship" with each player (which is exactly how I would play the game, as well).  However, she was seen working alone throughout most of the episode.  Even at one point, the five others went off on their own and asked if she wanted to go with them, but she refused.  I couldn't help but think why would you want to just isolate yourself from the rest of the tribe?!  It's putting a target on your back from the very beginning. . . but like I mentioned, the fact that she was the only new castaway to be featured on "The Talk" says something - - as shitty as that is because after reading this article about her, I would love to see her out of the game.

     One of the people who I think I overestimated in this game is RC.  She immediately offered up that she is a "huge fan of the game."  She was the one who rounded up her alliance.  She talked to Abi, Skupin, and Pete individually to get their alliance together.  She even asked them if they wanted to have an alliance name.  I honestly do not see this thing lasting.  RC seems to be playing the game a little too hard at this point.  It would not surprise me if Abi actually notices that RC is the one calling the shots and eventually turns on her.  RC is undoubtedly the leader of this foursome, but let's see how far her leadership skills will take her.  I'm thinking not as far as I originally anticipated.   

     As soon as the Matsing tribe reached their camp, Swan took the leadership role despite the fact that he said that he wanted to pawn it off on some "young dummy" who doesn't know any different.  It is clear that some of his tribemates are annoyed by the fact that they don't really seem to be making decisions together.  Angie and Malcolm are very vocal about their disdain for their new "leader."  Malcolm and Swan work together to build a fire within the first 45 minutes of being at camp.  Malcolm made the right decision in allowing Swan to actually build the fire.  As Malcolm stated, he does not appear to be a target to Swan, since he's the one who didn't actually build the fire.  He isn't stepping on Swan's webbed feet.

       Swan rubbed his tribe the wrong way in the immunity challenge, as well.  The challenge consisted of three parts. First, two teammates would be tied together, would run through the jungle to retrieve two paddles.  As soon as the next two teammates received the paddles, they would have to paddle out into the ocean to retrieve a huge chest filled with puzzles pieces to give to the last two teammates would would construct a puzzle.  Swan did not allow for any kind of discussion concerning individual strengths and weaknesses.  As soon as Angie mentioned that she wanted to run instead of doing a puzzle, Swan interrupted her - - and stuck her with doing the puzzle anyway.  So far, Swan has not exhibited any of the characteristics that a good leader should possess.

      Swan has never been a very strategic player.  He did exactly what he said he did not want to do this time around  As aforementioned, Russell Swan's game-play in Samoa was a joke. as well.  After I posted my cast assessment a couple weeks ago, I actually received a hate message from Swan on Twitter. Our conversation is posted below:

15 Sep
Tim Gilmore Tim Gilmore@the_timgilmore
-- sorry if I hurt your feelings. I:m sure you're a nice enough guy. Good luck! :)

15 Sep
  Is not about my feelings. I'm losing patience with dudes like you talking shit. I'm done.

15 Sep
  -- so people who are right? Thanks for being a good representative for the show. :)

Needless to say, he never responded after my last Tweet.

     In my pre-season assessment, I really trashed Angie.  I didn't think she would be able to provide much to her tribe.  It seemed to me that she was only there to further her career.  I was absolutely wrong.  From the very beginning, she was campaigning to get rid of Swan.  She saw him as an immediate threat.   He was an easy target due to his lack of strategic game-play (as I already mentioned).  I honestly saw her being one of the first people out of this game, but now I can definitely see her going far.  I believe that I was right about Roxy on a few different levels, but the one thing that I did not really take into consideration is the fact that she does have military background.  She typically does have to follow a chain of command.  If some of the other people in her tribe use this to their advantage, I believe they will be able to use Roxy at pivotal points in this game.   I think Malcolm and Denise can be a very dangerous pair.  Malcolm knows how to play this game, and Denise is a therapist.  Because of this, Malcolm knew immediately that it would be a good idea to have Denise on his side.  If Angie, Malcolm, Roxy, and Denise stick together, they can do some damage in this game.  I think they are the smartest four-some of the season.  I would love to see the four of them stick together.  Only time will tell. . .

     Zane is a very interesting individual.  He was definitely the most interesting on this episode.  However, I truly believe that he thinks that he is smarter than what he actually is.  As soon as the tribe got to camp, Zane made an alliance with Denise, then Roxy, then Angie, and then Malcolm and Swan.  He even went as far to tell Malcolm and Swan that he had already made alliances with everyone else on the tribe.  His logic was that he would be able to get everyone to be his pawns.  This would have been able to work if he had not mentioned to Swan and Malcolm that he had previous alliances.  Huge mistake!  But honestly, logic was completely out the window with this guy.  After the Matsing tribe lost the immunity challenge, Zane was basically campaigning to be sent him.  He said that he was the weakest one in the challenge - - when in actuality, Denise and Malcolm were the ones who caused everyone to fall behind.  He also said that things will probably just get worse for him in this game.  As much as I cannot stand Swan, I know that his tribe made the right decision in voting Zane out.  He was the weakest link.  At this point in the game, the most important thing is to keep a strong tribe so you can have the numbers further on down the line.  However, unless Swan is able to find the hidden immunity idol, I think he will be the next to go on the tribe....especially if Angie has anything to do with it.  At least, I can hope that Swan goes home fairly soon. :)

Eliminated:  Zane Knight, the 28-year-old, Tire Repairman from Danville, Virgiina

Until next time. . .
     Let's see how many hate messages I can get on Twitter :).  Follow me @the_timgilmore

Friday, September 14, 2012

Philippines: Season Preview

     Survivor Philippines is the 25th season of Survivor.  Of course it wouldn't be Survivor without some sort of twist.  This season's twist is that CBS will be bringing back three people who were ejected from the game, unexpectedly, due to injury.  There will be three tribes led by each of these men.

      First, we have Michael Skupin.  Mike was on the very second season of the show - - Australia.  His season was the first season I had ever watched, and I have been hooked ever since.  Alot has changed in this game since he played the first time.  On his original season, he was the leader.  He helped his tribe get food and win challenges, and I truly believe that if he had not fallen into the fire that he would have made it to the end and won the million dollar prize.  One of the things that have changed the most about the game is that the leader is often one of the first people to go.  However, in the past, there have only been two times in which returning players did not end up winning the game.  I definitely can see Michael winning this game.  I seriously doubt any of the newbies will be smart enough to get rid of him at the right time, but we shall see!  Mr. Skupin will be in charge of the Tandang tribe, and their color is yellow.  My assessment of the rest of the crew is followed. 

Abi-Maria Gomes:
     Abi is a 32-year-old business student from Los Angeles, California.  I honestly think the thing that will hurt Abi the most is her ethnicity.  My guess is that there will be a language barrier between her and the rest of the Tandang tribe.  I honestly don't think she will bring much to the tribe.  I see her being the weakest female on the tribe.  The only way that she doesn't go first or second is if she somehow charms her way through the game.  I don't see this happening, though.  My guess is that she will be the first or second person to go on her tribe.

Artis Sylvester:
     Artis is a 53-year-old Computer Engineer from Terry Town, Louisiana.  Artis already has a survivor's tale.  He is a cancer survivor.  If Artis is wise, he would not share this information with anyone else in this game.  People look for reasons to get rid of others, and no one would want to give him an opportunity to receive the sympathy vote at the end of the game.  In addition, Artis is a loner in life.  In general, his job prohibits him from socializing with others.  I don't see him being able to mesh well with the other members of his tribe.  I see him going second, after Abi in his tribe. 
Lisa Whelchel:
     Lisa is a 49-year-old former child star who currently resides in Dallas, Texas.  When I first heard that Blair from "The Facts of Life," was going to be on this season, I literally rolled my eyes.  I am not a fan of celebrities being on this show.  You had your fifteen minutes of fame, so make some guest appearances somewhere else.  However, after watching her video, I think I'm actually going to like her.  Lisa seems to be a super fan of the show, claiming to have never missed an episode in 24 seasons.  Even though she currently does "the Lord's work," I have a feeling that she may have a devilish side to her.  If she makes a good alliance at the beginning of the game and isn't afraid to lie or manipulate, then I can definitely see her going far in this game.  I'm very interested to see how well she does.  Even though I do not want her to win the game, I would like to see her at least make it to the merge.

Pete Yurkowski:
     Pete is a 24-year-old model and Engineering Graduate from Holmdel, New Jersey.  Pete is definitely the eye candy of the season.  I would love to watch him (literally) go far in the game, but I don't see it happening.  Even though he has a degree in engineering, he just does not seem to have a whole lot going on upstairs.  I believe that Pete will basically do things that other people tell him until the other tribemates don't need him anymore.  I would be very surprised if Pete made it to the merge, but I have been wrong before.  Let's hope that my eye-candy stays longer than I predict.

RC Saint-Amour:
     RC is a 27-year-old Investment Banker from New York City.  I get a good vibe from RC.  A vibe like she could make it to the end of this game?  Possibly!  As the song goes, "if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere."  I strongly believe that RC will be a physical asset to the team.  I also think that working in her current profession, that she has the mental capabilities to deal with the social aspect of this game.  Something tells me that she will instantly gravitate toward Mike Skupin.  My prediction is that he will appreciate everything that she has to offer, thus extending her life in the game.  I would not be surprised to see her in the finals.  She also mentioned Ozzy in her interview, which tells me that she is a fan of the show.  That will definitely not hurt her, either.  :)
     The second returning player we have is Jonathan Penner.  We first saw him on Cook Islands, then he made his return when he was on the "Favorites" tribe in Micronesia.  Penner has always been a loud mouth.  Due to this, he was almost selected as a Villain during season 20 of the show.  It has been about five years since he has played the game last.  It will be interesting to see how far he makes it in the game.  I don't think that he is destined to win.  However, if he plays his cards right, he can definitely make it far in the game.  I would not be surprised to see him in the finals.  The tribe that he will be representing is known as Kalabaw, and their tribe color is red.  The main difference about Penner's tribe is that most of the people on the tribe have very reserved personalities.  If Penner plays his cards right, he will have a great opportunity to have a solid alliance with several of the members of this tribe - - because they look like a bunch of followers.  None of them look like they are ready to play the social aspect of this game.  Below is the rest of his tribemates, and my assessment of each.

Sarah Dawson:
     Dawson is a 28-year-old Insurance Salesperson from Silver Spring, Maryland.  The only word that I can find to describe Dawson is "weird."  The only way I see her going far in this game is if she just takes it down a notch, doesn't let her full personality show, and rides someone's coattail.  In addition, she IS a saleswoman, so she may be able to schmooze other people.  The personality is has been displaying may just be a facade.  Otherwise, I believe that people will find her extremely annoying, thus getting rid of her early on.  I see her being one of the first people gone from the Kalabaw tribe.

Katie Hanson:
     Katie is a 22-year-old aspiring State Trooper from Newark, Delaware.  I'm not completely sure how to read Katie.  Physically, I think she will do alright...but I think her age will be her biggest downfall.  In all honesty, I don't think she has a lot of life experience to get far in the game of Survivor.  If she sticks with the males of the tribe, she has the potential to at least make it to the merge.  Out of everyone this entire season, I am most unsure about her.  She just seems fairly boring to me.  I can see her being a sleeper.

Jeff Kent:
     Jeff is a 44-year-old former Major League Baseball player from Austin, Texas.  Much like Jimmy Johnson, I am not looking forward to seeing Jeff play this game.  Clearly he doesn't need the money, so move on.  If you are looking for an adventure then go sky-diving, mountain-climbing, or go deep sea diving with sharks.  Don't take this opportunity away from someone else.  Anyway, if Jeff's past is any indication, I see him being a hot-head.  However, if he actually knows how this game goes, he will have to watch his temper in order to survive.  He will probably be looked at as one of the leaders of this tribe.  If he is able to get along with Penner, then I see the two of them making it far in the game.   Jeff may try to get rid of Penner early on, thus being his ultimate downfall.

Dana Lambert:
     Dana is the 32-year-old Cosmetologist from Winston-Salem, North Carolina.  Much like Artis, Dana actually has a unique story to tell.  She came out as a lesbian at a young age, and is a recovering drug addict.  She is also similar to Artis in the sense that she seems to be a little more reserved.  The only way that I see her going far in this game is if she just sits back and observes everyone else.  If she is able to use everyone else's mistakes to her advantage, she can go far.  However, I honestly believe that she may be too "different" to fair well in this game. 

Carter Williams:
     Carter is a 24-year-old Track Coach from Shawnee, Kansas.  Carter is also very quiet.  I don't see him being able to play the social game needed in order to get far in this game.  Physically, he should be able to fair well in the challenges, but that is only 1/3rd of what this game is about.  I can see Carter make it to the merge, but being one of the first out.  I honestly do not believe that he will open himself up in time to connect with the other people around him.

     I am really surprised that Russell Swan is being awarded the opportunity to play this game again.  In my opinion, he was one of the most boring people from his season.  However, if he would have stayed in Samoa, things might have been drastically different than Russell Hantz and the Foa Foa 4 taking over the game.  It is definitely one of those "what if" situations, much like Michael Skupin.  I don't believe that his strategy will be much different than it was before.  I seriously doubt he will make the merge.  If he does, he will get extremely lucky.  Eussell is the team leader of the blue, Matsing, tribe.  My pre-season thoughts of the remaining contestants are below.

Zane Knight:
     Zane is a 28-year-old Tire Repairman from Danville, Virginia.  When I initially saw a picture of Zane, I imagined him being the villain of the season.  Boy, was I completely wrong.  Zane just seems to be a good ol' country boy.  Much like Dana, I think he may be too "different" in order to make it far in this game...especially considering what his tribemates are like.  I do not believe that Zane has the killer instinct to make it past the first or second tribal council that he goes to. 

Angie Layton:
     Angie is a 20-year-old Model/Student from Provo, Utah.  Honestly, I believe that Angie will be one of the first people to go, and I hope I am right about this one.  I truly get the vibe that she has never watched an episode of the game that I love.  The thing that annoys me the most is when people like Angie get picked for this show - - not because they love it like I do, but because she is beautiful.  I know that she is going to exploit the show in order to further her career.  I see her as being one of the weakest of the Matsing tribe.  I expect her to go first or second from her tribe.  Adios!

Roxy Morris:
     Roxy is a 28-year-old Semiary Student from Brooklyn, New York.  I think Roxy may be the person who surprises us the most.  If you take her at face value, she does not really seem to have that X-factor.  However, she does have military experience and a strong faith, so mentally, she may end up being one of the strongest female competitors of the season.  On the other hand, in a previous interview, she said that she can relate most to Brandon Hantz.  If this is the case, she does not have that killer instinct it takes to make it to the end of this game.  I don't see her being one of the first to go from her tribe, but I don't see her making it to the end.

Denise Stapley:
     Denise is the 41-years-old Sex Therapist from Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  There is something about Denise that I really like.  Denise is really good at reading people...because it is her job.  Physically, I believe that she will be far better than any other woman this season.  The fact that she compared herself to Stephenie LaGrossa is another reason why I like her.  Stephenie is one of my all time favorite players.  I know that I will love Denise if she is anything like Stephenie.  I think Denise has the ability to make it very close to the finals as long as she uses her psycho-babble techniques on the rest of the cast.  In addition, she is the oldest woman on her tribe.  I am hoping this does not put her on the outs.  Her best bet will be to side with Russell until it is time for her to start mingling with the people of the other tribes.  I'm excited to watch Denise this season!

Malcolm Freberg:
     Malcolm is a 25-year-old bartender from Hermosa Beach, California.  Malcolm comes off very arrogant.  My first impression of him is that I'm not going to like him.  However, I get the gut feeling that I will be secretly rooting for him this season - - because I can tell that he has a devious side to him.  Will he be one of the strongest strategiists this sesason?  I'm thinking so!  I definitely see him going far.  I believe that he will be a physical asset from the very beginning.  As a fellow bartender, I am expecting him to have the ability to read other people without a second thought.  Malcolm compares himself to Russell Hantz.  Will he have the capability to rule the show and piss everyone off at the same time?  He thinks he is going to rule from day one.  With that smile - - I see him being more like a male version of Parvati.  I guess we only have until the 19th to find out what he is capable of.  Something tells me that this season will not be the last time we see Mr. Freberg.  :)

     Honestly, I'm not exactly sure what to think about this season.  I have heard rumors that Jeff Probst strongly believes that the fans will love it.  There are a few characters who I am interesting in seeing.  However, I have no interest in watching several of them.  Even though last season was a snooze fest due to Kim's total domination - - I do believe that many of the cast had very strong personalities.  Anyway, I hope the rumors are correct because I have not seen a good season since Heroes vs. Villains.  I am ready for something to change!

     On a side note, I just wanted to let everyone know that I recently went to a live audition for the show.  I had the opportunity to talk to Chelsea and Kim (from One World) on multiple occasions.  Kim was an absolute sweetheart, and I definitely see how she won the game.  I feel very strongly that my audition went well.  I acted like the audition process started as soon as I got out of my truck.  I was undoubtedly the most outgoing person there.  I know that this is going to happen for me.  Hopefully sooner than later!  Wish me luck guys!  #TeamTim

Feel free to follow me on Twitter @the_timgilmore

I'll see you at the season premiere on September 19th!