Thursday, May 10, 2012

One World: Episode 13

     As much as I adore Kim and believe that she is one of the best players of all time (Yeah, I just said that) I am actually glad that we saw alot of strategizing from other people this week.  And I can suspect that we will see so much more in a few days when we're all watching the 3 hour One World finale!  Who's stoked?  I know I am! :)  Let's get to it. . .

     I definitely have to give Chelsea mad props.  She knows that she is in a tight alliance with Sabrina and Kim, so at this point in the game it is basically three versus three.  Chelsea finds the perfect opportunity to try to reel Christina into her alliance.  She is completely aware that Alicia controls everything that Christina does.  Chelsea promised Christina that if she wins the reward challenge she would take her.  She tries to empathize with her.  Neither one of them had eaten much since they started the game 30+ days ago.  After the girls discuss this, Christina runs to Alicia and Kim and has diarrhea of the mouth concerning the conversation she just had.  Okay, first of all, this just reiterates why I DESPISE Christina.  If you knew from day one that Kim and Chelsea were in a tight 5-woman alliance, why would you say this to Kim?  Are you that oblivious to what is going on around you?  Christina should have just pulled Alicia aside and explained to her what was going on.  This did not need to be something that was said to Kim.  Idiot!  Kim immediately told Chelsea what Christina had told her . . . . and game on! 

     The reward challenge involved a puzzle, and Chelsea came out on top yet again.  Is this the Kim vs. Chelsea Hour?  What's going on?  These two women are beasts in challenges!  Anyway, Chelsea had the chance to choose two people to take with her on the reward.  The line in the sand was clearly drawn when Chelsea chose Sabrina and Kim to go with her.  Of course Christina was pissed off, but she had no right to be.  She went behind Chelsea's back and started talking shit.  Get over it.  You reap what you sow!  The reward consisted of:  a beautiful yacht ride with clean clothes, a fully stocked bathroom, and a clean bed.  I think I remember seeing food and champagne, as well.  Hell yeah! 

     Back at camp, Christina and Alicia were so upset that Chelsea did not pick them that they told Tarzan that the plan was to force a tie at tribal - - forcing someone to either switch his/her vote or to pull rocks.  Tarzan stressed to Alicia how important it is that they go to the final three together.  He even went as far as to say that he would tell the jury members to vote for her to win the game.  Little did Alicia know at the time that he was also telling Kim the same exact thing.  Alicia did not solidify this plan with Tarzan.  She wanted to talk to Kim about what had been said.  Why would you do this?  You are supposed to be in a tight alliance.  Even though it's three versus three at the moment, if Tarzan gets kicked off, what makes you think you or Christina will not be the next to go?  Is it because you know that Chelsea and Sabrina are bigger threats for Kim's end-game?  Correct!  Which also means that your game throughout the entire season has been completely worthless.  Anyway, I digress. . . Once Alicia and Kim start conversing, they discover that Tarzan had been telling all of the women the exact same thing.  So, the plan is to actually get rid of Tarzan.  I believe that the Kim, Chelsea, Sabrina alliance knew that Tarzan was the bigger threat anyway.  All they needed to do was get one of the more feeble-minded women in on the plan, and it was set in stone. 

     The individual immunity challenge was one that we saw during the first Redemption Island.  I was actually surprised to see Alicia win considering it had to do with putting a puzzle together.  Wow, congrats, you just bought yourself your final three days in this game!  You better celebrate them as much as you possibly can.  I think her winning this challenge was a fluke.  If she doesn't win the next one, she will be out of this game. 

     The most interesting thing I noticed about council was how Christina had the nerve to tell Chelsea how pissed off she was for not keeping her word.  Um, are you serious?  That ranks right up there with Alicia stating how she was the "Queen" of this game...or of the island, or whatever stupid thing she said.  Ugh.  Anyway, I loved that Chelsea did not back down and told her that Christina broke her trust by revealing details about their private conversation.  Jeff prompted them to vote and in a 5-to-1 vote, Tarzan was the newest member of the jury and the last male to leave the game. 

     I made the final three prediction weeks ago!  The production crew tried to play mind games with us over the past couple weeks by making us think that one of them -- if not two - - would be getting the boot soon (Chelsea and Sabrina).  Haha, yeah, right.  I know what I'm talking about guys.  After Kat got voted off last week, we were left with five women:  Kim, Chelsea, Sabrina, Christina, and Alicia and then one man:  Tarzan.  I'm pretty sure I have stated on numerous occasions why the latter three are still around.  Christina is just a floater.  She has no chance at winning a million dollars.  She will do whatever anyone tells her to do, does not speak well at tribal, and has no mind of her own, thus she has been used as a swing vote.  Alicia is a mouthy, arrogant bitch who has done nothing in the game but piss people off.  She has no chance in hell at winning this game.  Tarzan is the only one of these three who was any kind of threat, whatsoever.  He tried to play the girls against each other, despite the fact that he failed horribly.  And even though he did side with the women to vote out the other men, if Tarzan made it to the final three, there would be five men on the jury and four women.  If the guys were bitter and decided that they did not want a female to win, they could easily hand him the game.  From a strategic standpoint, it makes absolute perfect sense to get rid of Tarzan.  He is and always has been expendable.  The women used and abused him to take out his original tribe.  They carried him until they didn't need him any longer.  There was a slight risk that he could get the majority vote at the final tribal council.  Sorry, Tarzan, but you've been an absolutely worthless person to watch on this show, and I'm glad your torch got snuffed.  It'll be interesting to see what happens in the finale.  I'm thinking that Alicia will be the next to go, just because she is a better talker than Christina.  Also, she puts up more of a fight in the individual immunity challenges.  So, as long as Alicia doesn't win immunity, she will be the first one to go....followed by Christina.  My final three prediction from back in the day will be accurate, and I will come out looking like a superstar!  See you guys at the finale!

Eliminated:  Greg (Tarzan) Smith, the 64-year-old Plastic Surgeon from Houston, Texas

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

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