Sunday, March 25, 2012

One World: Episode 6

     In all honesty, there really isn't too much to talk about in this episode.  Colton was once again the center of attention  I just wanted to mention how disgusting Colton and Alicia's behavior was to Christina.  Colton has definitely been the villain and mastermind this season, and he was who I was rooting for to win the entire game.  However, his behavior was hard to watch.  His social game probably would have cost him the game if he made the final three. 

     Colton became really ill to the point of almost not being able to move.  Greg (Tarzan) had concerns of it being dehydration or possibly something worse.  Finally, the medical team came in, did some tests, and theorized about him having appendicitis.  Colton was medivaced out of the game.  He had the option on what he wanted to do with the immunity idol.  He wanted Alicia to tell Sabrina, "Thanks for the souvenir."  I absolutely know without a shadow of a doubt that if it was me, I would have given the immunity idol to someone no one would ever expect - - someone who was in danger of getting kicked out of the game.  I would have loved to continue to have an impact in such a way that it could possibly change the course of the game.  If you love the game of Survivor like you so claim, mix things up a little bit.  It would have been great to see Colton give the idol to Christina, but of course that did not happen.

     After Colton was taken out of the game, the two tribes were told to meet at tribal council.  The Salani tribe was informed of Colton's departure and the two tribes were told that they are now merged!  This is probably my favorite part of the game because it is typically when the back-stabbing and conniving begins.  What makes it even more exciting is that there are an equal number of men and women.  I don't think the new Salani and Manono members were really together long enough for new alliances to stick.  I think this game will play out men versus women unless someone decides to flip.  I definitely think that Sabrina, Kat, Kim, and Chelsea are going to stay strong.  It will be interesting to see if Alicia remains in the mix.  After throwing Monica and Christina under the bus, she clearly cannot be trusted and should be the first person to go out of the newly formed tribe.  I could also see Christina voting with the guys since she was not in the original all-woman alliance.  I definitely believe the men will turn on each other before the women do, thus the men might get kicked off one by one.  I can see three women in the final three.  I'm anxious to see what happens next week.  Will original alliances remain strong?  What about the alliances that were formed over the past two weeks?  Or will new bonds be created?

     At this point in the game, I am rooting for Christina.  I think that she is the underdog this season and would love to see her make it far.  The best that she could do with the women is final 6, but could definitely go further if she goes with the guys.  I know that I would still be thinking about the numbers.  I know that if I was in the finals, I would want more men on the jury than the women. . . and if a woman is in the final, she should want more women on the jury than men.   I cannot wait to see what happens next!  Goodbye Colton!

Eliminated:  Colton Cumbie - the 21 year-old from Monroeville, Alabama

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Saturday, March 17, 2012

One World: Episode 5

     I'm going to start out saying that I completely underestimated Colton.  I didn't think that he would last past the first episode.  It seemed as if he wouldn't be able to relate to the men on his tribe.  Fortunately for him, he was stuck with a bunch of guys, who I whole-heartedly believe, have no clue what they're doing.  They are just sitting back and listening to everything Colton has to say.  Why?  Make some big moves!  Get rid of him.  The mere fact that they're not going to is the reason why I want Colton to win this game.  He doesn't back down from a challenge.  He tells it like it is.  I truly believe that I didn't get picked this time around because people would have compared me to him.  I am not as flamboyant as he is.  And, I wouldn't be so open about my distaste for my other tribemates (I would have left that for the home-viewers).  I would have been the person that America hated by my tribemates loved (in an ideal situation).  Colton is definitely playing the villian role.  People are scared of him (in a weird way) and he gets what he wants.  I am impressed with him and would love to see him go all the way. 

     Finally!  It only took four episodes into the season before shit started to go down.  The previous episode showed us how manipulative Colton truly is.  He made the decision to give up immunity in order to get rid of someone he couldn't get along with.  This recap of episode 5 will basically give my insight on why I think Colton should win this game - - and the steps I believe he needs to make in order to get there!  But first, I just wanted to point out that in my preview of the season, I was dead on when I said that I could see Chelsea and Kim being allies in this game.  Well, not only did Kim find the hidden immunity idol on her island, but the only person she shared this information with was Chelsea.  I'm interested to see how far they get to go with each other.  I do like them alot and would like to see them be two of the last women standing. I also would like to see Christina go far simply because she has been handed the raw end of the stick through-out the entire season!

     Anyway, the episode started out with the Salani and Manono tribes meeting up for the reward challenge.  Jeff informs the castaways that One World is no longer men versus women.  It is time to do a switch up.  This is what I've been waiting for all season long!  The new members of Salani are:    Sabrina, Kat, Chelsea, Kim (four of the original five-woman alliance), Michael, Jay, and Troyzan.  The new tribe of Manono consists of:  Colton, Leif, Jonas, Tarzan (four of the original five-man alliance), Monica, Alicia, and Christina.  Colton makes the comparison of Salani being "Greek Gods" while his tribe are just peasants.  While I believe this to be a fair assessment, I'm not sure I would have stated the obvious.  Manono's team morale was probably knocked down a few pegs.  Feel confident, Manono, and maybe you can actually win something!  However, the Manono tribe lost the reward challenge which means that they missed out on peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, but more importantly, they had to build an entirely new shelter somewhere else. 

     While the other Manono members were building the shelter, Alicia and Colton were making an alliance.  Colton decided that he would tell Alicia everything that she wanted to hear in order to get rid of one of the women - - Monica.  I do believe that Monica was the strongest person on the Manono tribe.  However, there should only be two more eliminations before the tribes merge.  They don't need a phyiscally strong competitor around post-merge.  The Manono tribe ended up losing yet another challenge and was sent to tribal council.  Colton and Alicia decided to blindside Monica, while making Monica and Christina believe that Tarzan was going home (due to the fact that he is clearly the weakest player on the team).  Monica was completely blindsided when she was voted off.

     In a perfect situation, this is how I think things should go down in the next couple episodes.  Even though I don't think Manono has a huge chance at winning immunity challenes, I think it would be wise to throw a couple challenges, and here is my reasoning behind that.  Hopefully it's not too confusing. . .
           I believe everyone feels as if it is still a men versus women game, and if you look at past seasons of the show, women are much more likely than men to bring their own gender to the end.  Colton had a very strong 5-man alliance in the beginning, but since there was a mix-up in the tribes, he lost Troyzan.  Right now he has 3 of his original allies with him on his new tribe.  He still has an advantage because there are only 3 Salani women (4 against 3).  It is the exact opposite on the other tribe.  The women of the Salani tribe have 4 of their original alliance members against 3 of the original Manono men (once again 4 against 3).  Colton has clearly been running the show on both of his tribes.  It has clearly been demonstrated that Colton calls the shots.  He got rid of the 'rooster,' Matt.  He talked his tribe into giving up immunity in order to get rid of Bill.  Whatever Colton wants, Colton gets.  We all know that the merge is coming up very soon.  I believe that it is going to happen after this next elimination.  In all honesty, Colton needs to throw the challenge and get rid of another woman.  This will give Salani another win, thus the 4 women will not have an opportunity to eliminate one of the men.  Thus, men still have the numbers.  If this happens, it should be Alicia.  She has already proven that she can't be trusted by flipping on Monica and Christina.  Also, Alicia warned Colton not to turn on her.  Hello?!  This is a game of Survivor.  You have to 'O, O, O' in order to win, and so far Colton has been outwitting everyone.  Get rid of Alicia first so she won't have an opportunity to make it to the merge.  She can't be trusted and won't have a chance to turn on Colton.  Furthermore, Alicia won't be on the jury so Colton wouldn't have to worry about not receiving a vote from her at the end of the game (if he makes it that far) if he stabs her in the back.  Colton needs to get rid of Alicia first, then Christina, keeping the numbers of the men, and not allow Salani an opportunity to kick off his allies.  He has already proven that he is in control of his alliance.  Go to the merge with an advantage over the women (a possible 7 to 5 advantage), kick them off one by one while getting rid of Michael and Jay and the final five men can duke it out.  Honestly, I don't see it happening this way, but I would love to see Colton throw one or two challenges to keep the numbers.  It's almost 2 o'clock in the morning here, so I am hoping I didn't repeat myself or rattle on.  Let me know what you guys think by commenting, sending me a message on Twitter or Facebook.

     Monica Culpepper - the 41-year-old from Tampa, Florida

Until next time......
     Twitter:  the_timgilmore

One World: Episode 4

     This episode recap is going to be short due to the fact that it is over a week late.  I was in Las Vegas when the episode aired, and didn't get to watch it on Wednesday.  I believe that the biggest thing that happened in this episode is that the men proved that they didn't need Matt to win a challenge.  Yes, the women won three challenges in a row, but it is the immunity challenges that matter.  The men won the immunity challenge, but due to Colton's friction with Bill, Colton proposed a plan to give up their immunity (which is the first time in Survivor history that this has been done) in order to get rid of him.  He made people believe that since Leif told Bill that Colton was gunning for him that Leif broke Colton's trust and he had to go.  This was not the case whatsoever.  I originally believed that giving up immunity was a moronic idea.  The competitor in me wouldn't want to throw a challenge or give up immunity.  HOWEVER, we all saw last season that even though you may have numbers going into the merge, if someone feels as if he or she is at the bottom of the totem pole, they can flip in an instant (ala, Cochran).  Bill was definitely the odd man out, and Colton knew that he shouldn't give Bill the opportunity to flip if/when there was an upcoming merge.  The tribe decided to get rid of Bill.  Stay tuned for my next recap because it's mostly going to be about Colton and why I believe he should be the Sole Survivor this season!

     Bill Poseley (28) Stand-Up Comedian from Venice, California

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Sunday, March 4, 2012

One World: Episode 3

     This week's update is going to be relatively short due to the fact the week's episode wasn't very action-packed, but there are a few things that I would like to address.

     First of all, the women on this season really annoy me.  It seems to me that they almost expect the men to bend over backwards for them.  These are two separate tribes.  It is men versus women.  The men should not keep allowing the women to use their resources.  For one, if the women are not able to eat or sleep, then obviously they are going to be useless in challenges.  This means good news for the men.  Also, anytime the men ask for anything from the women, the women neglect to share the wealth.  It's selfish.  I understand that the men feel the need to protect the women or have some sympathy or whatever, but this is a game, and helping the women in any shape or form could cost one of the men a million bucks.  Kick the women while they're down, don't help them back on their feet.  It's a million dollar mistake!

     I am really not liking the reward and immunity challenges.  I understand that they can't be as physical as they normally are because of the circumstances, but some of these challenges are just boring to watch - - and honestly are more catered toward the women.  I was not surprised that the women won the reward challenge - - although I'm not sure why none of the men were able to remember their items.  All they had to do was memorize the six items in a particular order.  How hard is that?  It's almost as if they threw the challenge.  As a man, it was embarrasing for me to watch.  I know Jeff Probst was disgusted by their lackluster performance.  Get it together, men!  Also, the blindfold immunity challenge should have been in the bag for the men.  They had such a huge lead.  Bill was over-confident, took way too much time on the final puzzle and single-handedly lost the challenge for the men. 

     The fact that Bill lost the challenge for the men, someone might assume that he was the one sent home.  However, the guys definitely made the right decision by getting rid of Matt.  Matt IS arrogant, but he is also a talker.  If the tribe didn't get rid of him, I honestly believe that he would have been able to do some damage within the tribe.  I also think that Jay made the best move of the week.  He saw right away that he was on a sinking ship, so he jumped to the main alliance.  This was the smartest thing that he could have done.  I do believe that he is at the bottom of his new alliance, but at least he bought himself a few more tribal councils.  He'll at least be able to make it to the merge now. 

     I do have to say that Colton said that he didn't want to "pull a James" and not play the hidden immunity idol.  However, he was so comfortable in his position that he didn't play it.  I thought that he could only use it at the first tribal council.  If this is the case, then the fact that he didn't play it shows arrogance.  If he can use it some other time, then I thought it was a huge mistake that he told everyone he had the idol.  It would be a perfect opportunity for the tribemates to blindside him, as well as flush out the idol.  Only time will tell what happens, with this though.

Matt, the 33 year old attorney, was the third person sent home on One World.  I honestly believe that he had so much potential, he just didn't quite understand how to play the game.  He had such an abrasive personality that no one could stand him.  He was nice to look at, but his snake-ish ways and arrogant attitude got him the boot. 

Until next time. . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore