Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Caramoan: Season Premiere

The night is finally upon us.  I have been waiting for this since December.  The Survivor: Caramoan premiere starts now!  The season opens up with a complete introduction of all of the season's castaways.  There is something about the show's theme song that gives me goose pimples every time I hear it.  It's indescribable.  I hope that the rumors are true that this season is even better than the last.  Let's sit back and find out together, shall we?
Probst introduces the two tribes as being divided into fans versus favorites.  More importantly, we get to see a reward challenge as soon as the castaways hit the beach.  Probst tells us that the challenge will be for fire and twenty pounds of beans.  I love the idea that they started with a physical challenge.  The show's executives wanted animosity to start early, huh?  You could tell that the favorites were out for blood.  I was really impressed with Andrea's performance in the challenge.  She was a beast!  There were a couple fans I had to root for, my Twitter buddies, Allie and Reynold, who both put on stellar performances, as well.  
The fans are definitely worker bees around camp.  They immediately decide to start working on the shelter.  Shamar decides to pick a fight with some of his other tribe mates about whether it is wise to conserve energy for the upcoming immunity challenge as opposed to working on the shelter.  Shamar, you have seen the show before, right?  Why on earth would you start fights immediately after arriving at camp?  I'd be surprised if you even knew Matt's name yet!  If I was fortunate to be on that tribe with them, I would have just sat back and let the two of them duke it out.  Hell, I probably would have talked about the situation to my other castaways just so I could get them thinking about getting rid of Shamar and/or Matt at the first tribal council.
Meanwhile, at the Bikal camp, Brenda immediately asks Phillip what he wanted to do about the shelter.  Phillip is automatically put into the leadership role.  I'm not sure if this was Brenda's intention at all, but I thought it was brilliant.  Speaking of Phillip, I love him more this time than I did the first time.  He still has animosity towards Francesca.  She was trying to talk to him about their past, and he just completely ignored her.  It was hysterical!
The favorites understand the importance of alliances.  Andrea, Dawn, and Francesca talk about bringing in Cochran, Phillip, and Brandon.  Say what?  Dawn, why would you want to work with Cochran again after he flipped on you last time?  It really doesn't make sense to me.  Phillip has his own strategy.  He wants to take the Boston Rob approach.  He wants to have a bunch of different alliances and control those who he is aligned with without it being completely obvious that he is the mastermind behind what is going on.  I mean, it has worked for people in the past.  Maybe Phillip has learned a few things since Redemption Island
Back at the Gota camp, Reynold immediately hits it off with Allie and Eddie.  Hope also makes an alliance with Eddie, so the two of them talk about working with Allie and Reynold.  Didn't I mention how Allie and Hope would probably be working together?  Anyway, Laura noticed that Reynold and Allie are doing a little more under the beautiful Caramoan skies than trying to stay warm.  Come on guys, you as fans of the show should know that you cannot get that close to each other at night!  I mean, you already talked about how you weren't going to talk to one another around other people.  I don't want to see you guys go, but I have a bad feeling.   
Poor Cochran reminds me of that little boy from the movie "The Little Giants."  You know, the nerdy kid who was always sick?  The one who had a huge snot bubble hanging from his nose?  Anyway, once again Cochran is basically allergic to all of his surroundings, more specifically, the sun.  The unlucky ginger ends up getting one of the worst sunburns anyone has ever seen on the show.  It's not life-threatening or anything, so the show must go on!
We arrive at the first immunity challenge of the season.  The competitors have to climb up three stories to retrieve large crates. They must throw and break each crate to release a sand bag.  After all sand bags are retrieved, one competitor gets to use them to play a game of cornhole.  Malcolm made it to the cornhole game (such a weird name, by the way) first, but Reynold ended up beating him, thus securing immunity and flint for the tribe of fans.
The favorites tribe is a hot damn mess; every possible alliance that could have been made has been made.  One minute, the vote is going to be split just in case someone has a hidden immunity idol, then the next thing we know everyone is talking about getting rid of Andrea (wise decision, by the way), and in between all of this confusing, mind-blowing, precarious decision-making, we keep seeing that damn marsupial jumping from tree to tree and eating grasshoppers.  Is this a camp pet?  Why do we keep seeing this cute little animal that looks like it has Graves' disease?  Anyway, I guess that really doesn't matter much.
The first tribal council of the season was great.  Everyone was scared shitless, and rightfully so.  No one should ever feel safe in this game unless individual/hidden immunity is being used.  In a 6-4 vote, Andrea just barely lived to see another three days on the island.  Francesca (or Francesqua as Phillip would call her) became the first person in Survivor history to be the first boot twice!
The season opener was a great start to the season.  The favorites are going to be nothing but paranoid the entire time.  This means that we will constantly watch them scramble, which makes for good television.  Furthermore, as Probst pointed out, the fans now know that they could potentially win this thing.  Frankly, I am looking forward to the fans losing immunity.  I can't wait for the "uncool" members of the fans tribe to banish Eddie from the island.  He is a huge tool, and I hate that he is aligned with three people who I predicted could potentially make it far in the game.
Eliminated:  Francesca Hogi, the 38-year-old Attorney from Brooklyn, New York.
Until next time. . . 
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