Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Philippines: Episode 13 "Gouge My Eyes Out"


We are down to the final two episodes!  Abi, Denise, Lisa, Malcolm, and Skupin have found their ways to the final five.  There are several different conversations going on at camp after Carter is ousted.  Lisa has finally figured out that she would much rather be sitting in the final three with someone she can beat, as opposed to someone like Carter who is arguably more deserving and could have possibly won the game.  Malcolm assesses Lisa’s game-play and knows exactly what kind of game she has decided to play.  Let’s see if the final four alliance sticks or if Abi will be able to cause some damage.  I truly hope that either Malcolm or Denise wins immunity tonight so both will be guaranteed a final four spot. 
I made the argument last week that no one would believe that Abi truly has a hidden immunity idol simply because if she actually had one she would have not taken any chances last week; she would have played it.  Lisa thinks that taking Abi to the finals is an easy win.  We must remember that Artis and Pete would probably give Abi their votes, so it’s not wise to assume anything when a million dollars are at stake.
The reward challenge allows the winner to choose two other tribemates to tag along.  The three of them will be enjoying a boat ride, pizza, and soft drinks.   These kinds of challenges are tricky.  If you win and choose two of your closest friends, then people often harbor ill-feelings and resentment.  I don’t see myself ever trying too hard to win a challenge such as this.  If someone else won and decided to take me, then that would be great.  I would not want to have the responsibility of choosing two people to take with me because I would not want people to resent my decision.  I recall Kim winning this challenge last season in One World.  She chose Sabrina and Chelsea to go with her on the reward, and this ended up being the final three.  I wonder if the same commitment will be made tonight.
Amidst Skupin acting like the “king of the world,” getting drunk off soda, and swimming with the “largest fish in the world,” Malcolm proposes a final three deal with him and Lisa.  Everyone knows that Denise is unbeatable simply because of how honest she has been, how physically she has played the game, and considering how she has been to every single tribal council since the beginning of the season.  She has overcome the odds to get this far in the game.  Lisa and Skupin agree to the proposition, but it seems that Lisa may have a final three deal of her own.
On day 36, Denise wakes up with fang marks on her neck.  Apparently Abi paid Edward Cullen to use his shimmery ways to try to get Denise kicked out of the game.  Despite the fact that Denise is in pain, she decides that she will try to tough it out in order to finish out the remainder of the game.  I would hate to see someone get medevac’d out of the game when they are all so close to the final three.  I truly hope that Denise’s condition is not serious.
Probst was giving Malcolm a hard time throughout the individual immunity challenge.  Does Probst forget that Malcolm really does not need individual immunity?  Malcolm already has the hidden immunity idol, so maybe it would be more beneficial if Probst berated one of the other players.  Despite the fact that Malcolm almost fell out of the challenge, he came from behind and ended up winning individual immunity anyway.  I’m assuming this is why they showed Probst giving Malcolm a hard time - - for dramatic effect.   Considering the final three talk that Malcolm and Skupin had, I’m not sure he will give immunity or his idol to Denise, although it would be amazing to see Malcolm and Denise remain together until the bitter end.
Lisa and Skupin entertain a final three deal with Abi.  Malcolm, on the other hand, is being preposterously selfish, arrogant, and spoiled because he is not willing to give Denise his hidden immunity idol.  He feels so confident that Abi is going home tonight.  Why risk it?  If you truly wanted Denise to be there with you, you would not want the hidden immunity idol as a souvenir.  It was such illogical reasoning on Malcolm’s part. 
I am about 50% sure that I understand why Abi was saying the things she was saying during tribal council.  She insulted Skupin’s intelligence on multiple occasions.  She also mentioned that she would be easy to beat in the final three, and the only way that Lisa or Skupin had any chance at winning would be if they took her to the end with them.  Well, the final four of Denise, Lisa, Malcolm, and Skupin stood strong and voted out Abi in a 4-1 vote.  I completely agree with this decision.  I could almost guarantee that more people would have voted for Abi to win the game if she was sitting in the finals.  All she would have needed were two additional votes, anyway.  There is a more level playing field with the remaining players.  I cannot even begin to speculate who the jury members are going to vote for.
The two-hour season finale will air this Sunday night.  We are left with two original Tandang members and two Matsing members.  Who would have ever guessed that two of Swan’s tribe of misfits would have prevailed and would make it to the final four?  I am still rooting for Malcolm and Denise at this point.  Although, I don’t think I would be too upset to watch Lisa win the million dollar prize, either.  Until next time . . .

abi-maria_480x610Eliminated:  Abi-Maria Gomes, the 32-year-old Business Student from Los Angeles, California

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