Sunday, December 16, 2012

Philippines: Episode 14 "And Then There Were Three"

This is the night that Survivor fans have been waiting for.  We are down to the last individual immunity challenge, the last two tribal councils, as well as the final four of Denise, Lisa, Malcolm, and Skupin.  Who has outwitted, outplayed, and outlasted all of the rest to take home the million dollar prize as well as the title of “Sole Survivor?” 
Upon returning to camp, the final four is discussing how huge of a parasite Abi was.  She literally sucked the life out of everyone she surrounded herself with.  It was evident how disliked she was by the fact that everyone did a dance of joy after returning without her.
In what is arguably the most important reward challenge we have ever seen, Probst announces to the remaining castaways that the winner of the challenge will receive an advantage in the final individual immunity challenge.  He explains that each must race through a series of obstacles collecting bags along the way.  Once you have all three bags, you will use the enclosed pieces to construct a puzzle.  The challenge was entitled “The Dragon Slayer,” which may be a homage to fan favorite, Benjamin “Coach” Wade, who has the same nickname.
The challenge resulted in all four members of Dangrayne making it to the puzzle at almost the same time.  Skupin and Lisa fell out of the final leg of the challenge relatively early, leaving Denise and Malcolm to battle it out.  Despite the fact that I voted for Lisa to win the “Player of the Season,” and yes I did vote ten times, I found myself rooting for Denise to win the advantage.  However, she ended up losing to Malcolm by about three pieces. 
Denise knows that it is going to be her or Malcolm in the final three with Lisa and Skupin.  She convinced Lisa that she would be the wiser choice to take to the finals with them, which I definitely agree.  I’m not sure that Penner or Abi would give Denise their votes, while Malcolm really has not done anything to make people mad.  He had very polarizing physical and social games.  Despite the fact that Lisa is on board, Skupin truly believes that it might be a wiser decision to take Malcolm to the end.  I suppose it will really depend on who wins individual immunity.  It would not surprise me if Malcolm ends up winning immunity, anyway, making the final vote an easy one.
The “Fallen Comrades” portion of the show is one that I am generally not anxious about.   It just seems to drag the final episode out.  The only reason why I am interested in watching it this time is to see Angie.  I truly wish that she could have stayed in the game longer.  I couldn’t help but notice how Denise was the one who talked the most during this section of the episode.  She had a unique opportunity to get to know so many different people considering she went to every single tribal council.
We are down to the final individual immunity challenge of Survivor:  Philippines.  This final challenge is almost always a test of endurance.  The object of tonight’s challenge is to balance a metal ball on a wooden plank.  After a certain amount of time, each person must add additional length to their planks, making it much more difficult to keep the ball in balance.  The advantage that Malcolm has is that he has two chances at this challenge.  If his ball drops at any point, he gets a second try.  This advantage came into play early because Malcolm was the first one to drop his ball, thus restarting the challenge.  Not much longer after he dropped the ball the first time, Malcolm ended up dropping his ball a second time, becoming the first person out of the challenge.  I am going to make a bold prediction tonight that Lisa and Skupin will decide to send Malcolm home tonight.  Seemingly out of nowhere, Denise ended up dropping her ball and became the second person out of the challenge.  Skupin ended up outlasting Lisa in the challenge and became the winner of the final immunity challenge.
At this point, Skupin is still unsure how he wants to vote.  In his opinion, he would much rather take Malcolm to the finals because it is the more honorable thing to do, and he would prefer to beat someone that way.  On the other hand, Denise would probably be an easier win, and he does not want to go out that way.  I find it extremely ironic that he is playing the same kind of game that Colby played.  This is ironic because they participated on the same season together, the Australian Outback.  Colby chose Tina over Keith because it was the more honorable thing to do, and it cost him a million dollars.  I really hope Skupin does not make the same mistake.
The final-four tribal council was not as heated this time around, mostly because Abi was not allowed to express herself, at least not vocally, as she sat with the other jury members.  However, I could feel Malcolm’s pain when Probst asked Lisa if there was any reason why she should take Malcolm to the end.  Her response was “there’s no reason that I should take him to the end.”  You could see the utter shock, heartbreak, and defeat on his face, and it made me feel like I got punched in the stomach.  I cannot even begin to imagine how Malcolm was feeling after hearing that. Ultimately, Skupin made the right decision to not pull a Colby.  In a 3-1 vote, Malcolm became the fifteenth person voted out and became the eighth and final member of the jury.
Eliminated:  Malcolm Freberg, the 24-year-old Bartender from Hermosa Beach, California
It has been a long time since a final tribal council has given me knots like this.  It seemed to me that Denise had the most compelling opening statement.  The way she articulated her reasoning for why she believes she should be the sole survivor was simple, yet effective.  Lisa seemed to be a bit more scatter-brained, and the jury did not seem to buy it.  Skupin mentioned how he felt like he was the biggest target there because of the fact that he was a returning player. 
Overall, that will go down as one of the most memorable final tribal councils of all-time, all because of Jonathan Penner.  Of course they reserved the best for last.  Penner made a possible million dollar decision by revealing Lisa Whelchel’s past.  I am in complete shock right now that Penner exposed Lisa’s previous acting experience as a character on The Facts of Life.  Initially, even I did not want her to be in the game because of her colorful past.  However, she did deserve a final three spot.  She played a good game.  Despite her past, I would not mind seeing her win this game.
We were only able to see how three people voted.  RC voted for Lisa.  Penner voted for Denise.  Carter voted for the father-like figure of Skupin.  Live at the reunion show in Los Angeles, Probst reveals the same three votes that we already saw, followed by three consecutive votes for Denise.  Since it only takes four votes to win, Denise became the winner of Survivor:  Philippines.  I am perfectly content with Denise being the season’s winner.  She had to fight the entire way.  She is undoubtedly one of the strongest female competitors the show has ever seen.
Survivor:  Philippines is easily the best season since Heroes vs. Villains.  Due to its memorable characters, the underdog stories, and unpredictability, it will go down as one of the most intriguing seasons in recent years, and possibly of all-time.
I hope that all of you have enjoyed my episode recaps this season.  I look forward to coming back next season, so I can talk about the game that I love so very much.   I hear rumors that Caramoan is going to be an even more captivating season than this one was!  I will post my pre-season cast assessment when CBS officially releases the names of the new castaways. 
Winner:  Denise Stapley, the 41-year-old Sex Therapist from Cedar Rapids, Iowa
 Twitter:  @the_timgilmore

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Philippines: Episode 13 "Gouge My Eyes Out"


We are down to the final two episodes!  Abi, Denise, Lisa, Malcolm, and Skupin have found their ways to the final five.  There are several different conversations going on at camp after Carter is ousted.  Lisa has finally figured out that she would much rather be sitting in the final three with someone she can beat, as opposed to someone like Carter who is arguably more deserving and could have possibly won the game.  Malcolm assesses Lisa’s game-play and knows exactly what kind of game she has decided to play.  Let’s see if the final four alliance sticks or if Abi will be able to cause some damage.  I truly hope that either Malcolm or Denise wins immunity tonight so both will be guaranteed a final four spot. 
I made the argument last week that no one would believe that Abi truly has a hidden immunity idol simply because if she actually had one she would have not taken any chances last week; she would have played it.  Lisa thinks that taking Abi to the finals is an easy win.  We must remember that Artis and Pete would probably give Abi their votes, so it’s not wise to assume anything when a million dollars are at stake.
The reward challenge allows the winner to choose two other tribemates to tag along.  The three of them will be enjoying a boat ride, pizza, and soft drinks.   These kinds of challenges are tricky.  If you win and choose two of your closest friends, then people often harbor ill-feelings and resentment.  I don’t see myself ever trying too hard to win a challenge such as this.  If someone else won and decided to take me, then that would be great.  I would not want to have the responsibility of choosing two people to take with me because I would not want people to resent my decision.  I recall Kim winning this challenge last season in One World.  She chose Sabrina and Chelsea to go with her on the reward, and this ended up being the final three.  I wonder if the same commitment will be made tonight.
Amidst Skupin acting like the “king of the world,” getting drunk off soda, and swimming with the “largest fish in the world,” Malcolm proposes a final three deal with him and Lisa.  Everyone knows that Denise is unbeatable simply because of how honest she has been, how physically she has played the game, and considering how she has been to every single tribal council since the beginning of the season.  She has overcome the odds to get this far in the game.  Lisa and Skupin agree to the proposition, but it seems that Lisa may have a final three deal of her own.
On day 36, Denise wakes up with fang marks on her neck.  Apparently Abi paid Edward Cullen to use his shimmery ways to try to get Denise kicked out of the game.  Despite the fact that Denise is in pain, she decides that she will try to tough it out in order to finish out the remainder of the game.  I would hate to see someone get medevac’d out of the game when they are all so close to the final three.  I truly hope that Denise’s condition is not serious.
Probst was giving Malcolm a hard time throughout the individual immunity challenge.  Does Probst forget that Malcolm really does not need individual immunity?  Malcolm already has the hidden immunity idol, so maybe it would be more beneficial if Probst berated one of the other players.  Despite the fact that Malcolm almost fell out of the challenge, he came from behind and ended up winning individual immunity anyway.  I’m assuming this is why they showed Probst giving Malcolm a hard time - - for dramatic effect.   Considering the final three talk that Malcolm and Skupin had, I’m not sure he will give immunity or his idol to Denise, although it would be amazing to see Malcolm and Denise remain together until the bitter end.
Lisa and Skupin entertain a final three deal with Abi.  Malcolm, on the other hand, is being preposterously selfish, arrogant, and spoiled because he is not willing to give Denise his hidden immunity idol.  He feels so confident that Abi is going home tonight.  Why risk it?  If you truly wanted Denise to be there with you, you would not want the hidden immunity idol as a souvenir.  It was such illogical reasoning on Malcolm’s part. 
I am about 50% sure that I understand why Abi was saying the things she was saying during tribal council.  She insulted Skupin’s intelligence on multiple occasions.  She also mentioned that she would be easy to beat in the final three, and the only way that Lisa or Skupin had any chance at winning would be if they took her to the end with them.  Well, the final four of Denise, Lisa, Malcolm, and Skupin stood strong and voted out Abi in a 4-1 vote.  I completely agree with this decision.  I could almost guarantee that more people would have voted for Abi to win the game if she was sitting in the finals.  All she would have needed were two additional votes, anyway.  There is a more level playing field with the remaining players.  I cannot even begin to speculate who the jury members are going to vote for.
The two-hour season finale will air this Sunday night.  We are left with two original Tandang members and two Matsing members.  Who would have ever guessed that two of Swan’s tribe of misfits would have prevailed and would make it to the final four?  I am still rooting for Malcolm and Denise at this point.  Although, I don’t think I would be too upset to watch Lisa win the million dollar prize, either.  Until next time . . .

abi-maria_480x610Eliminated:  Abi-Maria Gomes, the 32-year-old Business Student from Los Angeles, California

Monday, December 10, 2012

Philippines: Episode 12 "Shot to Smithereens"

     I would like to reiterate that if Skupin is ever going to have an opportunity to make a big move, it will be during this week’s episode.  Malcolm has a hidden immunity idol that he must use before the final four, which means there are only two more tribal councils that he will be able to use his idol.  At this point, Malcolm is feeling extremely comfortable because he seemingly has a final four alliance with Denise, Lisa, and Skupin.  Any fan of Survivor will tell you that the best blindsides occur when people feel comfortable.  I would love to see the remaining members of Dangrayne blindside Malcolm tonight.  He is sitting comfortably.  He could potentially win the entire game if he makes it to the final three.  Skupin will finally be able to make the big move he has always dreamed of.  Simply put, blindsides are brutal and beautiful.  Let’s see if the remaining castaways have what it takes to make this game-changing move.

     The episode opens up with Lisa having an epiphany.  She has an understanding that going to the final three with Malcolm is a death sentence.  He is likable, strategic, very physical, and has battled against adversity.  I’m excited that these players are realizing why it would be brilliant to get rid of Malcolm at this point in the game.

     Tonight’s reward challenge allows us to see into the castaways’ souls, as poetic as that may sound.  It is the tear-jerking, always-emotional family visit.  Skupin is welcomed by his son, Michael.   Carter’s mom, Bianca, follows.  Then we get the meet Denise’s husband, Brad.  Lisa’s reaction to her brother, Justice, being on the island was priceless.  I have watched every season of this show, and I have never seen anything like this.  It truly was heart-wrenching to see Lisa react to her own flesh and blood in a way I have never seen before.  Abi is greeted by her mom.  There was a very interesting dynamic between the two of them considering Abi’s mom knows very little English.  Last, but certainly not least, the universe gets a glimpse at Malcolm’s home life by seeing is eccentric younger brother, Miles.  

     In my exceedingly candid opinion, the most important aspect about this part of the game is not being able to see a loved one after being away from home for 31 days, but whether or not it is smart to even win the reward.  There are two options one can take.  First, don’t try in the challenge whatsoever.  It is as simple as that.  Whomever doesn’t win does not have the responsibility to make any decisions regarding what happens next, whether it is to bring someone else on the reward with you, be selfish and keep the reward for yourself, or to look like the hero and to give the reward away - - whichever the circumstance may be.  Secondly, if you do try to win, be strategic about what decision you do make.  Talk it over with your alliance members on who you would take, that way there is no resentment involved.  I think I would be the person who wouldn’t try in the challenge.  This is a million dollar game.  I wouldn’t want someone not rewarding me a million dollars at the end of the game just because they resented me for not allowing them to see their loved one.  I would tell my loved one that I would see him/her when I got home, and there is no doubt in my mind that they would understand.  At the very least, they got a free trip to an exotic island that they’ll probably never see again.  Right?!

     Malcolm and his brother, Miles, ended up pulling out a win.  Malcolm had the obligation of choosing two couples to join him on the reward.  He sided with Lisa, Skupin, and their loved ones.  Considering how much he and Denise have been through, I am very surprised that he didn’t choose her.  I am wondering if they planned this out.  Maybe this was Malcolm and Denise’s way of solidifying a final four deal with Skupin and Lisa.  I’m not sure we will ever find out the answer to this, but I’m banking on it.
The reward allowed the family members to join the castaways back at camp.  Almost upon immediate arrival, Justice and Lisa has a very insightful, intriguing, and potentially game-changing conversation.  Lisa explains why she has been playing the game the way she has.  She informs us that it is much easier for her to say that she would like to play the game dishonestly than it is to actually play the game like this.  Justice reminds Lisa why she signed up for this life-changing opportunity in the first place and seemingly lights a fire under her.  Lisa remembers why she does not want to go to the finals with Malcolm.  She continues the same conversation with Skupin and Skupin Jr, regarding blindsiding Malcolm. 

     Immunity challenge time!  I was surprised by Denise’s performance tonight.  She did not perform as well as she normally does.  Abi’s performance was lackluster to the point that CBS was playing background music that even made the Three Stooges seem intelligent.  The final seconds left me hoping that Carter was going to pull out yet another win.  How drastically different is this from past few weeks?  I am actually rooting for Carter?! Malcolm ends up winning his first individual immunity which automatically sends him into the final four.  I am expecting Carter to get his far overdue walk to Ponderosa.  Despite the fact that Abi is one of the most obnoxious people to ever play this game, I don’t think they are going to vote against her tonight.  If she actually had an idol, then she would single-handedly decide who would be going home.  Why risk that?  The smart thing to do is to get rid of Carter tonight.

     The past few tribal councils have been incredibly unpredictable, interesting, old-school-esque, and have caused me to scream at the TV thus resulting in my neighbors thinking I am a raving lunatic, evident by the looks they give me when I pass them in the hallway (that was a mouthful).  However, the past few tribals have made the castaways sound like broken records.  There is constant talk about remaining loyal and taking the best people to the end of the game with you.  Well, Abi did not play an idol, shocker, so in a vote of 5 to 1, Carter was booted from the Dangrayne tribe.  Carter was the thirteenth person voted out and became the sixth member of the jury.  Who in their right mind would have ever predicted that the Kalabaw tribe would have become extinct before the Matsing tribe?

     I received a text message from my dad after the episode aired.  He was upset that Carter was ejected from the game because my dad viewed Carter as “nice and loyal.”  Well, in Carter’s exit interview he stated that the others started playing with their heads instead of their hearts.  I agree with this one hundred percent.  Playing with your head and not with your heart is how you win this game.  I guess it is interesting to see how radically different my dad and I would play this game.  Until next time. . .  

Eliminated:  Carter Williams, the 24-year-old Track Coach from Shawnee, Kansas.

Twitter:  @the_timgilmore