Thursday, February 23, 2012

One World: Episode 2

     Okay, I really believe that something needs to change.  I am highly anticipating when the producers decide it is time to mix up the tribes.  This is only the second episode and IT IS TIME!  The men are obviously going to destroy the women and get rid of them one-by-one.  I see this lasting about one or two more episodes before producers switch things up a bit - - and I cannot wait!

     The Salani tribe also knows that whatever they are doing isn't working for them.  The tribe decides that it is necessary to elect a leader  - - in which Sabrina was chosen.  We all know that the leadership role rarely works out in the leader's favor.  However, I'm not so sure about that this time.  Sabrina is in a dominant alliance within her own tribe.  I'm not confident in the womens' logical reasoning; they absolutely should get rid of her if it gets down to a final-five scenario - - but I guess time will tell what will happen later on in the game. 

     I believe the most interesting guy to watch is Colton.  He is hysterical to listen to and to watch while performing in challenges.  I know that I would have wanted to be the first person to compete in the immunity challenge, as well.  Having the opportunity to rub up on Matt, Jay, and Michael?  Hell yeah!  I thought it was so hilarious when he kept telling the guys to hold him.  Hahaha, I know exactly what was going on in his head! :)  I don't think that I agree with the Salani tribe's decision to not let Colton go around them.  I understand that they may think he could be a spy - - but honestly, they don't HAVE to talk about the game when he's around.  They should have built that relationship with him and had him as an ally if they have the opportunity to work with him later on in the game.  I really hope that he sees it as men vs. women and actually starts acting like one of the boys.  At first I was pissed that he told some of the other members that he had the hidden immunity idol.  However, he chose the right people to align with.  Even though Colton is on the outs with his tribe, I'm not so sure he even realizes how much power he has at the moment.  I would love to see him blindside someone.  Play dirty - - this is Colton's World.  Haha.

     As aforementioned, the Manono tribe won their fourth challenge in a row, thus sending the women back to tribal.  There really isn't much to say about it.  These women were all over the board.  They tend to be playing with alot more emotion than what needs to be played with.  Kat was on the chopping block because of how enthusiastic she is around camp and at challenges, and due to the fact that she basically lost the immunity challenge for the women.  However, Nina was also in danger considering she is the oldest woman on the tribe and isn't in the main alliance.  It was predictable that the alliance stuck with their numbers and kicked out Nina.

     So far I've been dissatisfied with the season so far.  I believe that it has so much potential.  Maybe things will start getting down and dirty once the tribes switch up - - which I know happens considering in previews you can catch Jay wearing an orange buff, as well as Alicia wearing a blue buff.  Only time will tell what happens!

Until next time . . .

Twitter:  the_timgilmore

Thursday, February 16, 2012

One World: Premiere

     The new season of Survivor is finally upon us!  The premiere of One World honestly left me wanting more.  There were things that I liked about the episode, and then there were things that definitely disappointed me.  I will try to respond to the major events in as much detail as possible.

     We all knew what 'One World' meant prior to the season premiere.  The two tribes not only would be split between men and women, but they would also be living on the same beach.  The men's tribe is known as Manano, while the women's tribe is Salani

     The men's tribe showed its true colors from the very beginning.  The obstacle was to gather as many items from the truck (the one that dropped them off) as possible.  Items included an axe, coconuts and bananas, supplies for shelter, etc.  Michael decided that he would start stealing everything that the women were throwing off of the truck, leaving the women's tribe with virtually nothing.  I thought this was an amazing idea and reminded me of Rupert doing a similar thing back on Pearl Islands (his original season).  You would think that at least one of the women would have noticed what was going on, but they were completely oblivious.  I honestly believe that this set the tone for how the game is going to be played - - dirty, which is exactly what I love. 

     The first challenge was a complete letdown.  Kourtney ended up injuring her hand while jumping into a rope net.  This caused her to not be able to complete the challenge and was transported to medical.  Jeff announced that since the challenge required 9 people (which honestly doesn't make any sense to me), that the men won by default.  However, as a gesture of goodwill, he gave the men the option to continue the challenge with a 9 vs. 8 advantage.  The men decided to stick with the defaulted win and not allow the women an opportunity to compete.  Honestly, as a fan of the show, I would have much rather seen the rest of the challenge.  I do have mixed opinions on the men's decision.  As Jeff stated, there have been times in the past where people have made moves at the beginning of the game that people were not able to forgive them for. However, I do believe that this move sent a clear message to the women.  This is a competition between the two tribes, and the men are not just going to hand things over to the women.  The women are going to have to fight for everything they get.  Hell, the men wouldn't even help the women start a fire (not at first, anyway).  This is going to be a very competitive game between the two tribes, and I cannot wait to see what happens!

     Before I jump to the Salani tribal council, I am going to give a run-down of some of the characters on the show.  One thing that I do like about the cast is that there are so many strong personalities.  I love that there is an early alliance in the women's tribe.  Kim, Chelsea, Kat, Alicia, and Sabrina made a pact at the very beginning of the episode that they would stick together.  This is awesome for me because I originally predicted that Kim and Chelsea had potential to take this game to the end.  Chelsea is probably my favorite woman so far.  She is beautiful, outgoing, and can definitely carry her own when it comes to working around camp.  Hell, she even caught two of the chickens on her own.  Speaking of, I thought it was amazing that even though the two tribes agreed that they would share the chickens, that the women's tribe decided not to give up one of the chickens right away.  The men are snakes, and there's no way in hell that they would have given the women a chicken.  Anyway, I definitely see Chelsea making it to the end of the game unless some of the other people find her to be too huge of a threat post-merge.  I believe that Alicia is going to be her own worst enemy.  She was already picking a fight with Christina (who was simply trying to negotiate with the men so they could get fire).  I am not sure that the other four women are going to want to have Alicia around for very long.  It would not surprise me if they decided to blind-side Alicia at some point in the game, because if they don't, she could be a virus for the 5-woman alliance.  I also have a lot of respect for Sabrina.  I honestly thought that she would be the angry black woman, but that is absolutely not the role she is playing at all.  She had the intelligence to actually find a hidden immunity idol.  Anyone who does that without having a clue gains my respect!  She did find the Manono hidden immunity idol, which means that she would have to give it to one of the men before the men's first tribal council.

     It almost seemed like the women had more face-time than the men.  Most of the men seem kind of boring right now.  However, I do have to say that I believe that I gave Matt more credit than he deserved.  He just seems like he comes off way too arrogant.  He said that he is in the dominant alliance within his tribe.  It consists of Matt, Bill, Jay, and Michael.  How can an alliance of four be a dominant alliance in a tribe of nine?  I'm not sure how that works hahaha.  The one person who probably bothers me the most in the game right now is Colton.  I knew that if he had any chance at all in surviving in his tribe, he would have to try to build relationships with the other men.  He did not even try!  He just ran straight to the women expecting them to somehow save him.  I think his social game is ridiculously terrible.  He should have tried to make some sort of alliance within his own tribe, while maintaining a low-key presence around the women.  Everyone on the men's tribe - - especially Matt - - knew exactly what Colton's game plan was from the very beginning.  This is a classic case of showing all of your cards too early in the game.  However, Sabrina did give the hidden immunity idol to Colton.  This will be a perfect opportunity for Colton to decide how he wants this game to go.  If I was in a similar situation, I would basically make it seem like I was just rolling over and allowing everyone to kick me out.  I would take the opportunity to play the idol and get rid of whomever I wanted - - which would probably be Matt.  I am dying to see if Colton capitalizes on this amazing opportunity to make a big move early on in the game.  I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens next week!

     The women's tribal council was actually pretty heated.  Alicia called Christina out for talking to the guys.  Christina did not back down.  There is definitely bad blood between these two women.  Honestly, I would love to see the other four women in Alicia's alliance get rid of her and adopt Christina, instead.  Alicia is a hot-head, and as aforementioned, a virus for her women's alliance.  Tribal council ended with Jeff telling the Salani tribe that Kourtney did indeed break her hand and was ejected from the game.  Unfortunately, they did not have to vote anyone off.  Clearly, it will be interesting to see how Alicia and Christina act around each other from here on out.  Will they be able to get along or is it just a matter of time before one of them gets rid of the other?

     I'm anxious to see what happens next week.  Will Colton be able to use the hidden immunity idol the TRUE way that it's meant to be played - - with a blindside?  I hope so.  I want a game that is full of drama, backstabbing, and dirt! 

Until next time. . . follow me on Twitter:  the_timgilmore